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I believe it is unfair to call an upcharge for additional altitude a scam. In a saturated market where competetors are advertising deeply discounted tandem jumps a DZ has to offer similar discounts or lose business. To offer a base price tandem at 10.5 gives an opportunity to up-charge For 13.5 to make a profit. The same goes for hand cam or outside video. It isn’t included in the base price jump. Is it then a “scam” to offer it for an additional fee? There are some markets where tandem is no longer the cash cow it once was. Those DZs have to adjust. I personally see nothing wrong with an additional charge for a better jump. Junior
Lake Wales has had a difficult time. They brought up a cadre of real nice locals along the way who seem to travel to other DZs in order to get more jumps. I would expect to see these jumpers go back to their "home" DZ. Lake Wales has a great CRW reputation so I would expect to see a lot more CRW activity. Whether the "Bully Businessman" starts up with divisive tactics in order to "bury" his former business associates is to be seen. Judging from his past efforts one might assume he is not finished being vindictive. Let's see just how long the current staff can stand working with BB. JR
What am I supposed to find on your link?
What is happening in Lake Wales? JR
A very important consideration that is being fought out right now is that a passenger would be considered merely a rider as in an amusement park ride. The tax ramifications of this are very big for DZs in states like Florida where there is a "head tax" on amusement park rides. We are talking millions of dollars in retro-active taxes being called for if the tandem student weren't exactly that, a student. JR
Twin Otter -100 -vs- -200 door size
jrsample replied to jrsample's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
I see that the Twin Otter -100 has a shorter nose and the -200 is said to have better baggage handling per Wikipedia. Is there any difference in the size of the doors for jumping? Is the -200 door larger or the same as the -100? JR -
New Operator at Lake Wales, FL ?
jrsample replied to kkeenan's topic in General Skydiving Discussions
It would be good news if that rumor took the heat off the cities of Deland and Z-Hills and their respective DZ's struggles against a Yankee interloper. JR -
Fact is that FFE did once already EXACTLY what they are trying to do now. Make no mistake, I think it is a vindictive move now.... But it was no nicer back then. I should have added that there is no need or desire for a new DZ in either of the two cities where FFX is mounting their current efforts. The comparison to 1990 and SDC opening to the present onslaught was the desire of the city of Z-Hills to have a more friendly DZO than Kabeller. Both Skydive City and Skydive Deland enjoy very high levels of approval in their towns. Neither city is looking for a new DZO as was the case in 1990 Z-Hills. The only motivation now is Billy's ego and the only product of either new DZ would be unsafe skies, bitterness, aggravation, legal battles, etc. JR
Do we know it's FFX that owns the airport because as far as I know, FFX doesn't own the Ranch or Kobelt. For the record, Kobelt basically faces north-south and our prevailing winds are generally east-west so that may have presented a problem but also makes for a great alternate landing area. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=45+sandhill+rd+gardiner+ny&aq=&sll=40.773294,-73.928634&sspn=0.080664,0.083857&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=45+Sand+Hill+Rd,+Gardiner,+Ulster,+New+York+12525&ll=41.657331,-74.143553&spn=0.079582,0.083857&t=h&z=14 jrsample, if you know this for a fact, I'm not sure why you're asking us to find proof if you already have it. You're the one who characterized the purchase that way and then wouldn't back it up except to allude to some inside knowledge. It's totally beside the point in any case, and as a couple of people have said, not unusual or really an issue anyway. You're coloring your comments to suggest it's a bad thing and in fact, that argument would support Skydive City and Deland more than it'd support what Billy's doing in that area - stopping competitors when there are viable alternatives. Personally I hope that the two DZ don't go ahead and, if they're not economically viable, I'd expect that Billy/Joe won't proceed because I hope this is about money. Yes, I know I'm being naive and overly optimistic, no need to state the obvious. This is not about whether FFX owns Kobelt. It's about the fact that FFX can and did protect themselves from encroachment by competitors whereas Skydive Deland and Skydive City cannot. FFX is the wolf at the door. FFX is not there asking to play. They are there to disrupt both communities where existing markets are satisfied and happy. Both cities are happy with the drop zones and the patrons of both are happy with their DZ. Leading up to 1990 the City of Z-Hills was pretty fed up with George Kabeller. There were enough customers fed up too. FFX and friends went in and started another DZ under the auspices of the city and after huge hassles and many unsafe incidents Skydive City prevailed. There is no such need at Z-Hills now. FFX is going in as a spoiler. It's going to cost them far more than developing a new market but Billy doesn't care. It's about being a vindictive megalomaniac. JR
But you are just guessing, right? You don't actually know this as a fact that can be supported - even anecdotally - do you? I'm just asking because you speak (type) without hesitation or reserve, sounding every bit like someone who does know. So I'm just wondering how you know. Could you tell us that much? Because my guess is that the airport was never bought with that specific intention as the sole and main thrust behind the purchase. It might well serve as an additional security but I don't believe that keeping any other DZ from operating nearby was what prompted the sale. And if that were the case, Billy would have to busy himself and go through his money a bit more aggressively than that because Kobelt isn't the only airport within shouting distance of the Ranch. So, I would just like to hear or see something a bit more tangible than your guessing as long as you are going to comment with an air of authority and certainty. Let's keep this on topic. Why would a "savvy real estate investor" spend the time and effort in such a predatory way as to start a DZ at either Deland or Z-Hills? JR btw: I know for a fact that Kobelt was bought as a preemptive strike against any competition there. I will not tell you how.
Let's keep on topic. My intent was to put forth that FFX bought the nearby airport to protect themselves from any competitor should one arise. It's not an indictment. Neither Skydive Deland nor Skydive City have similar abilities. They are subject to Billy's "predatory business practices". FFX could far more easily open up a new DZ at a number of other airports in Florida with healthy markets in towns where they would be welcomed. Instead they go after existing markets on public airports where the operation of another dropzone WILL be difficult if not unsafe and cause strife and unrest. These efforts appear to be malicious. WHY? Ask Billy, Joe, Kay... and let us know. JR
Freefall Express in Gardiner, NY bought the nearby Kobelt Airport in Wallkill, NY for just that purpose. It was bought to keep a competing DZ from opening nearby. This "invader" is after one thing by trying to open a DZ in either Deland or Z-Hills. Revenge. Have you seen the You Tube video where the mean kid/bully gets a well deserved whipping by the fat kid? JR