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Everything posted by BobKnoss

  1. Ever thought about an FOIA request on Duane? I'll bet you could get a local media outlet to put up an attorney and the fees to get everything FOIA-possible on him. I'll bet it's a big-ass file, redacted or not. Just agree to let the media outlet have a complete copy of all the files they receive. One for the media outlet, one for you. And make sure they request every single Social Security contribution for working that Duane ever had. Every single one. And every tax return he filed for his entire life. The FOIA request must be comprehensive and complete. ______________________________________________ Try McCoy Drywall in the Minnesota Twin Cities area the first half of 1968. Duane worked there, but Mac most certainly payed in cash. They had at least two trucks, both red. A pickup and a small dump truck. Mac's relative's business? Both very well used. Duane and Marilyn (whatever) also got free rent for caretaker/accountant services at his apartment complex at 9100-9210-9120 Lyndale Ave. So., in Bloomington, MN. during that same period. But that probably was not reported as income either, as it should have been. Net gain ZERO. There was a lot of planning by professionals in this stunt. All of it was intended to hide the truth and the smallest of details was carefully attended to. The thin spots in the armor are incidents beyond their controlled plan, like "Janet" and BK. Like the RFMjr BYU medallion and George Tenent. You have to KNOW where to look for the clues. The tax records of a criminal is a poor suggestion to solve the crime. Might shed some more light on the insignificant. Typical Blevens. How to waste time working your ass off doing nothing.
  2. Simon says: This is all nonsense by trolls. They are in the wrong website. Home Depot Answer Man must be unavailable. I KNOW that whole subject is total distraction released intentionally to draw attention away from the discussion of truth. Say anything truthful, like my comment about the tie, and you get ten paragraphs about Hansel and Grettel blaming Jack and Jill for eating the Three Bears pourage. That becomes obvious to these two wonder-sleuths because they believe the Three Little Pigs are actually what is left of the Five Little Piggies. They were hiding from the Big Bad Wolf in the attic (loose boards) and video recorded the whole episode. Unfortunately, that tape got sent to some unscrupulous paperback detective who is keeping it under wraps. Word has it the Big Bad Wolf was captured in the tape molesting Jack and Hansel when the Bears walked in on them. They identified the Wolf immediately as Dan Cooper by his big ears and nose to tail length of 6 foot even. About 45 and dark complexion, and a Raleigh chain smoker. And Geeseman and Humpelsbach verified it. And MrShutter agreed to buy the WHOLE thing, crying, "Wee-Wee-Wee" all the way home! Case over.
  3. I've made a decision to cease responding seriously to any smart-ass comments on the Cooper case, unless I determine the poster is simply making a harmless joke. Otherwise, they are bypassed. I don't have time for this stuff. Good philosophy. Everyone should adopt a similar resolution: Bypass all Bleeper posts as simple smart-ass comments on the Cooper case since they ALL either are intended to redirect attention in another direction (his), or to build a higher pile of poop. AKA, cover-up volunteer. Acknowledged by "Cap". Smile, Bobby, you've been caught on Candid Camera! Official crew member exposed! It does not get any more crystal clear in this ever darkening pool of Cooperdom. My tidbit of the week: The tie may have come from a jeweler who sold pearl tie clasps in Utah. Mac's brother-in-law got one as a present, but it disappeared, strangely....... Check it out. Strange but true. Reappeared in the FBI's Cooper evidence box in place of a BYU Brigham Young gold medallion with Mac's initials on the back that was found as a plant by Weber on the plane. Now the medallion is missing. But I know where it is......... Can you guess??
  4. So you just get a free pass to expose this sordid conspiracy Bob? That's a sweet deal. How did you negotiate it? And if you think the FBI essentially runs the Bureau of Prisons you haven't spent any serious time with either agency. 377 Free pass? I told the truth and have had no official notice to be silent. Private threats, yes. FBI said to "keep doing what you are doing." Complex sides to this charade. New FBI, and the Conspirators (FAA, pilots, Executive Branch, Pentagon, old now retired FBI, et al) Unbelievable settling of contaminates dumped pile after pile on this case, ie., Blevenitus: the flesh eating virus. Kill facts with BS. Just repeating a statement from McCoy. I am no FBI expert on prison control. Considering what they did with McCoy's change of identity and the bamboozle they pulled on Walker, I'd say he has a good point. It was an FBI agent that allowed McCoy to get out of the transport vehicle and walk. Sounds to me like FBI was in control from McCoy's dental assistant position, free reign, phone access, etc. He'd call me from the office phone. You don't normally do that stuff, right? I stand by the statement.
  5. kBennett wrote: In case any of you met Karen Truitt at the DB Cooper symposium in 2011, I'm sad to report she passed away on Monday. My sincerest sympathies to all involved. She had a better understanding of the real situation than most. A very considerate person. She will be missed.
  6. You see, in order for your liar theory to work on Rataczak, he would have to be a LIFETIME liar I would not call Bill a liar. He is not telling the truth on certain matters concerning Norjak for a couple reasons. First, technically a crime was committed and a punishment can be handed down, as exemplified by McCoy's arrest and sentence. The Executive branch couldn't get him loose, so they did it the old-fashioned way. Nice that the FBI basically runs the Federal Prison System. If he told the truth, there would be those Dudley-Do-Rights that would jump on him. Second, he was under the direction of a Presidential Project, "Norjak", and thereby sworn to secrecy, like Nick O'Hara stated and like I repeatedly tell you. Bill Rataczak and Richard McCoy are really Nation Heros of the first magnitude as stated by Sylvester Stalone on the Tonight Show, and Mr. T on his Bouncer Contest where McCoy came in second. Run the tapes. Bill is TOTALLY paranoid of the FBI, as is the whole family. He thinks his phones are bugged and truthful communications are next to impossible, but they have happened. I respect this man for the way he has lived his whole life, save the Tina situation and I support his position. Mine is quite a bit different because McCoy said to release the story back in 1995. He did not care because he was "dead", but "the other guy" might not be happy about it. He is not, but it is OK. NOBODY is going to be arrested, per Ralph H., as long as he is still alive. And that is the way it stands. Should explain a whole bunch.
  7. Let's be clear about one thing: a number of people say the reason Blev's promised interview never happned is because Rzk refused to talk to him. Period. Rzk stil has a life in spite of his personal problems. He's a very rational guy by all accounts (from rational people). Who are my sources in this? People who have talked to Rzk dozens of times who could call him tomorrow. Rataczak has aready given interviows on all of thse points! I doubt his information is going to change. The FBI has talked to Rataczak countless times. ROTFLMAO You wanna ask the Fox who ate the chickens? What you will get is the official baloney that whitewashes the truth exposed by "Janet". There is only one person in the attached photo who has released anything truthful. That is me in the lower left. The others could, but will not, at least not at this time. One book is scheduled post-mortum, but that is not entirely true in content. People alter their stories to make their perspective look better. Right, Jo? Especially this group of double-talkers. Don't waste your time getting the same old hogwash thrown at you. The truth lies outside this circle. Cossey would have been a good source for tidbits. Ralph let a few slide, too. Nick gave a hint with his "keeping a secret" comment. Duane opened his mouth and blabbed to his wife. Mac loves to tell trinkets and even made training films and historic documents of his exploits. INCLUDING Cooper!!! It is almost a game with these people (mostly ALL pilots). They laugh like crazy when reliving their stories. Sick. Really sick.
  8. I keep wanting to figure out a way to down load the thread to a disk - but there aint now I just go with the Flow! Whatever will be will be! Copy and paste, Jo. Copy and paste. Takes time, but it works. I keep all my records that way. You can too, or you can order someone to do it for you, like Georger. He hasn't been given any orders lately. I'm sure he'd love something to do for you. (;J)
  9. Nope. I would bet that it never happened. Norjack wasn't about spying, espionage etc. It was just a clever money crime. Not CIA stuff. 377 It was about FAA stuff as directed by Nixon on down, including orders through Hoover putting an FBI Agent in charge of the Project. Originally conceived by pilots for a different purpose, it was authorized to give credibility to a congressional vote on airline regulations. Failing that, it became justification for an Executive Order that bypassed an unpopular pending bill. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is what Project Norjak really was all about. Your National Government throwing spit-balls, sliders and curves in a game of hardball.
  10. Sorry, that is not Mac, That is Henry. Mac is attached along with the key players assigned to Project Norjak. You only tease as you have no valid facts at all. If you were skilled a little bit, you'd call Mac. But he'd just laugh at you, too. Maybe even point and laugh. Knowing what really happened gives one a totally different perspective. Kind of like it was a big fat joke. Unfortunately, some people suffered a lot of pain and anguish over what was done to them to execute this illegal authorized act of Government persuasion. Hush, hush. Don't tell how underhanded we really are! Incidently, all of your so called, BBBBZZZZ wrong! stuff is incorrect, as per your typical reporting. You just show your inability to grasp and hold on to the real world. I have proof on everything, you have only more and more false opinions. Give it up. You can not win the Cooper discussion when you know nothing about it and choose only to support wild allegations with blind obedience.
  11. #1 you need to show scientific reports concluding what the money would look like after 7 years. was the container sealed, did it leak over the years. you have no proof. the paper bag would not last long in the water. even a good thick one would break up in a short period of time. evidence has shown the money sinks. why would someone risk there life only to bury it all over the place? doesn't make sense. why bury it in multiple places. that would be worse. what bridge did you guys stop on? I don't think it's legal to stop on bridges, unless a emergency occurs. why risk once again holding evidence in hand. Duane buried the money, Duane dug up the money, Duane threw the money away, Duane laundered the money? Duane was on Tena Bar, Duane was no where near Tena Bar. I would hope the FBI is not looking at this Jo. basically Duane went to Tena Bar and dug up money or buried it. then it back fires because he threw money off the pier ( 8 miles away) and it landed on Tena Bar???? if he was working with the CIA. why glue the ears? they would have erased everything about his background. Duane is not a ghost. patterns and records everywhere. showing him as a con man. that is a person who fools people Jo. I just can't buy into all of this Jo......sorry. Quite frankly MrShutter, you have not earned ANY credibility on the Cooper Case that would make any difference to anyone whether you buy into anything at all. Your only input seems to be counter-productive to anyone who knows anything factual about the case. That should be an Ahho-ooggaa warning horn to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. I picture a little Palace Guard toy soldier running back and forth across the page filled with DieHard batteries and a big bag of you-know-what. Counter-productive. Very good description. Why not tell the truth? We all know anyway. Think you can alter Jo's memory? My memory? ROFLOL.
  12. "It is a given the money was NOT in the Columbia for 8 yrs - science has proven that - but where was it? In order for the money to have been so compacted - it had to have been in place in a damp area without motion - NOT in the river. A damp leaking storage shed fits the bill on this, but were the hell was it! I am sure the storage shed was solid and dry in 1971 when Cooper put it there - but SHIT happens!" Here we go again. In a 5 gallon milk can, buried under a tree by the river, where it flooded and the milk can floated away. Per Duane Weber to Richard F. McCoy, Jr. to me. This is the truth, so help me, God. I do not lie or tell fake stories to cover-up the fact of this Project. From Webster's Dictionary Where it has not been ALTERED: 1proj·ect noun \ˈprä-ˌjekt, -jikt also ˈprō-\ : a planned piece of work that has a specific purpose (such as to find information or to make something new) and that usually requires a lot of time : a task or problem in school that requires careful work over a long period of time Full Definition of PROJECT 1 : a specific plan or design : scheme 2 obsolete : idea 3 : a planned undertaking: as a : a definitely formulated piece of research b : a large usually government-supported undertaking c : a task or problem engaged in usually by a group of students to supplement and apply classroom studies 4 : a usually public housing development consisting of houses or apartments built and arranged according to a single plan Project Norjak That's what they called it, back in 1968. Government term. Had to change the cover on the book to remove the word, "Project!" ROTFLOL
  13. Robert M. - Even if you had grounds to complain, I don't think Bruce's statement that KC's relationship to teenage boys was "troubling" is an issue. It is totally irrelevant in the first place, since KC was only a Cooper fan wannabe looking for notoriety. In the second place, it is only fair pay-back for perpetrating a hoax as a would-be Cooper. The REAL fact of the matter is that Duane Weber was Dan Cooper. That can still be verified by a long list of people which I have provided in the past. IF you could get the people on the list to divulge the basic question of this "National Secret" we could end this stupid farce. Ain't a gunna happen, huh, Blevins?? MrShutter?? Jerry-Jim?? The rest of you cover-up artists?? What ever happened to "Truth and the American Way?" F'n liars that our Government has become. Makes me sick to my stomach.
  14. Well, ONE does NOT fit the pattern of the others. Weber: I knew Duane Weber for 18 yrs and he actually told me he was Dan Cooper and I actually held the damn ticketin my own hands. He took me to locations in WA that ended up being involved in the money find. Duane had a 17 yr past involving crime. Cook: None of US know who Cook is touting as Cooper anymore - but his subject is very unlikely...and was on an information expedition when he contacted me yrs before "his subject" was brought to the forefront - a son claiming his father was Cooper. Programs like that - cause claims to crawl out of the wood work. At that time he had another suspect and another one before that. I guess he had to try out his suspects to see which one would fit his story best! Marla: She was 8 yrs old and she has made only 2 photos public and never stated the height of her uncle. Sure the FBI would love to get this thing OFF their back - so who knows how they will end it. She claimed the Pic was identified by a subject as being close, BUT that is a BIG BUTT. OH my JO just be nice! (talking to myself). Paul G. I know nothing other than what has been posted on this thread and that AIN't much. The passengers did NOT sign their tickets - THAT is a fact! There is NO handwriting to compare a subject's handwriting specimen to. If there is an active FBI agent making that claim - well then we need to RE-write history. Himmelsbach and Tosaw both indicated Cooper retrieve his note. There WAS no handwriting specimen for Cooper. If the FBI actually has one of Cooper's notes, they have kept it TOP SECRET!
  15. Word has just reached me that a witness on board 305 has been interviewed and shown photos and turned thumbs down on both KC and Duane Weber. Eg. "ears stick out way too far" etc - Weber ... "nothing about him matches, nothing..." - KC There is other news but Im going to let others pass it along .. someone sent me a PM asking about the pictures shown to the witness on 305. also was wondering who else is coming forward with this info? And I'm getting married to this Zeda Jones chick, yah, that's the ticket! And Santa Claus is coming to the wedding, with all the little Elves. Yah, that's it. And all the would-be stand-ins for Duane Weber who want to be Dan Cooper will be there. It will be like an Elvis Convention with Master of Ceremonies, Badgerman and the 40 Thieves. We'll tell stories about how all these wannabes each contrived their stories to match with Duane's tracks and then pick and choose who is going to be elected DB Cooper for life. MrShutter can sign the document and stamp it with the Seal of National Security and place it in the National Archives under lock and key for 100 years. Right next to all the other classified underhanded deeds. Then I'm going out to enjoy my Honeymoon with Zeda-Jones and you can study AKA Coopers. (:o)
  16. Gray never mentions the FBI or Bank people binding the bundles with rubberbands. McCoy loot appears to not have rubberbands on them.... Picture Attached.... I still say McCoy looks a lot older than his actual age. At least in newspapers. Pictures are not of McCoy. They are of an actor stand-in to protect Mac's identity. That actor became very well known Picture verified by McCoy, attached, nose and ear job but easily identifiable. The money was copied on a fax machine and rebundled by Northwest. They did not have bill wrappers so they used rubber bands and did it all in a very huge hurry. That is why the bundles are not accurate count and that is where the money bag came from. It was a case (bag) from the guy who counted de money. A brand new case he just bought for his camera or whatever. Per Dave Haapala.
  17. We are not talking about just any eyewitnesses. We are talking about two young, intelligent women who spent 5 hours on a plane with him, sitting next to him and talking to him directly, trying to gather as much info about his as possible for the authorities. It wasn't a fleeting glance. That is why you cannot dismiss Coop's description out of hand. It is one of the best clues there is. If the FBI was certain of Cooper's eye color they wouldnt have even bothered interviewing Sheridan Peterson much less perform multiple interviews and finally insist on a DNA sample. I've often wondered why Cooper made little effort to disguise himself. If his eye color on the plane wasnt his real eye color then that might explain it. Can I prove Peterson was Cooper? No, not even close. Just a bunch of very provocative coincidences. Even if Sheridan wont talk about Norjack I'd love to talk to him about early skydiving. I started jumping in 1968 and am fascinated by the sport's early history. Sheridan was one of its more colorful and unique participants. There is so much I'd like to ask him about including sport jumping in Saigion using RVNAF military helos. I'd love to know if he and other jumpers in Nam knew about the SAT 727 airdrops in Thailand. Sheridan is pretty active on the Internet (but not so much lately). he may still be reading this forum. If so PM me Sherdian. Let's bury the hatchet and talk about old school skydiving if nothing else. I assure you I am not FBI or CIA and in fact am far on the other side of that spectrum. I don't think anyone is more anti-authoritarian than Sheridan, but I definitely share the trait. 377 If you knew that "Cooper" was recognized by the copilot when the note came to the cockpit, and a long convincing discussion pursued with Captain Scott to convince him to go along with the program, would you have a different opinion? If the copilot had trained Cooper and knew the exact jump point immediately, would it make more sense? If the delays to get the chutes by the FBI were a delaying tactic to get McCoy in a follow chopper, if the course was intentionally shifted west without detection by a 'seat of the pants' copilot to hide the dropzone, would things seem to fall in place? I'm not going to say these things are absolutely true, because it would get me in more hot water. But I can tell you absolutely that Peterson is no Cooper, because I knew Cooper and all of the Norjak boys. sorry Bobby, nothing you say is truthful...end of story. Everything I say is as truthful as I can make it. I have no reason to make these things up. I only have reason to explain what I know to be the real facts. Some believe the FBI really wants to solve this case. There may be a few agents that fall into that category, but I think there is a divide at about age 65. Those retired agents from Hoover's era seem to have a different take on how things should be done. Ref: Ruby Ridge, Norjak, Waco, The A Team, etc. Not everyone is contaminated. A few agents are straight arrows, like the two that arrested McCoy. They would not buy into the program and chose the stardom instead. If the FBI really wants to know what happened you could sure fool me. Jo too. There is nobody in the FBI that has the time or interest to spend ANY time on this case. Way too much time is spent fielding questions back to the retired agents and volunteers taking the job of cover-up. The reasons are multifaceted. One, there is so much contamination by FBI Agents the case could NEVER be tried. Two, Home Security takes priority and is overwhelming man hours. Three, the FBI has their own reason not to pursue this case which they refuse to tell me, understandably. I've asked repeatedly. Anyway, what I present is what they want to keep quiet, but I'm apparently allowed to present it as a theory. If I claim it is fact, I get jumped on by everybody except the ones involved. Not one call. Strange.
  18. We are not talking about just any eyewitnesses. We are talking about two young, intelligent women who spent 5 hours on a plane with him, sitting next to him and talking to him directly, trying to gather as much info about his as possible for the authorities. It wasn't a fleeting glance. That is why you cannot dismiss Coop's description out of hand. It is one of the best clues there is. If the FBI was certain of Cooper's eye color they wouldnt have even bothered interviewing Sheridan Peterson much less perform multiple interviews and finally insist on a DNA sample. I've often wondered why Cooper made little effort to disguise himself. If his eye color on the plane wasnt his real eye color then that might explain it. Can I prove Peterson was Cooper? No, not even close. Just a bunch of very provocative coincidences. Even if Sheridan wont talk about Norjack I'd love to talk to him about early skydiving. I started jumping in 1968 and am fascinated by the sport's early history. Sheridan was one of its more colorful and unique participants. There is so much I'd like to ask him about including sport jumping in Saigion using RVNAF military helos. I'd love to know if he and other jumpers in Nam knew about the SAT 727 airdrops in Thailand. Sheridan is pretty active on the Internet (but not so much lately). he may still be reading this forum. If so PM me Sherdian. Let's bury the hatchet and talk about old school skydiving if nothing else. I assure you I am not FBI or CIA and in fact am far on the other side of that spectrum. I don't think anyone is more anti-authoritarian than Sheridan, but I definitely share the trait. 377 If you knew that "Cooper" was recognized by the copilot when the note came to the cockpit, and a long convincing discussion pursued with Captain Scott to convince him to go along with the program, would you have a different opinion? If the copilot had trained Cooper and knew the exact jump point immediately, would it make more sense? If the delays to get the chutes by the FBI were a delaying tactic to get McCoy in a follow chopper, if the course was intentionally shifted west without detection by a 'seat of the pants' copilot to hide the dropzone, would things seem to fall in place? I'm not going to say these things are absolutely true, because it would get me in more hot water. But I can tell you absolutely that Peterson is no Cooper, because I knew Cooper and all of the Norjak boys. Chew on that MrShutter, Badgerman.
  19. ********* Visibility at Portland was about 10 miles and there were light rain showers in the area..... Himmelsbach's book states that the airliner was at 10,000 feet and in heavy rain at the time Cooper jumped. Recently, Rataczak (the co-pilot and only living member of the cockpit crew) said that they were in freezing rain at 10,000 feet. Since the ambient temperature at 10,000 feet was well below freezing, Rataczak's statement begs the question of why it was "rain" rather than "snow", which would seem more likely under the circumstances. But there is nothing in the weather records of any clouds above 5000 feet..... McCoy made these comments: The light rain was heavy enough to make visibilty akin to a snow storm when they fired off the flares, thinking it would aide in seeing Cooper's chute or help Duane see below. In fact, all it did was to blind them. They saw nothing, not even the 727 and they were close, but not able to keep up. The jets couldn't go slow enough, so there was no way to monitor by flight. "Janet" did see the flares and the location of the airplane and reported it to the FBI who contacted McCoy, who made a trip to see Janet and made a vulgar warning for her to say nothing. So, Janet is a key witness and a keeper of the truth. Find Janet and you have the real flightpath.
  20. "Bob, as usual, you have zero proof of anything you say. you have been torn apart proving deception in your statements. nothing you say can be taken's laughable at the least. have a nice deceptive day Bob" You have torn nothing apart. You have only whitewashed the truth, adding your own perspective to the story. Rewriting history in your words does not change facts, it only distracts from the real facts which remain forever. I tell what actually happened, you merely guess. I can tell you with certainty that you are almost always guessing wrong. To me, that indicates a pied piper with a directive. It is amazing how much a little knowledge can help in knowing truth from fiction. You should be ashamed of yourself. Not only a fabricator but also what Mac says.
  21. Duane WEber (Dan Cooper) was not a heavy smoker in those days. He couldn't afford the 30 cents a pack. When he could he smoked those tasteless light menthol rags. Given any other smoker he would always bum TWO cigarettes, one for now and one for later. He'd stick the second one behind his left ear and comment on he could smoke anything as long as it was free. He always bummed two. Why just ask for one? No yellow stains from smoking. He was directed to chain smoke Raleigh cigarettes, the type with the cupons, associated with hardened characters. He was NOT a Raleigh chain smoker. He was NOT a big drinker, perhaps a glass of sweet brandy, but not whiskey at that time. Not even Bourbon. Everything was made to look like something else. Nothing was for real. Anything found on that tie is another wild goose chase as the tie came from McCoy. Ask him. If you're so smart you should be able to make that call. I did it. He talked to me, so he'll probably talk to you. Just allow him the courtesy of being dead. (:o)
  22. "Robert99: I'd appreciate it if you'd stop referring to me as 'Jo and Blevins'. She's not my sister, I've never spoken to her, and I've never tried to prove that Duane Weber was the hijacker. You, on the other hand, keep trying to move the flight path to the other side of the Interstate 5 freeway without proof. What makes you think you are smarter than Paul Soderlind and his NWA team, the Seattle and Portland FBI offices, and those ATC guys? All of whom had HOURS to prepare during 305's initial circling, landing, FBI stalling on the ground, and then (finally) a takeoff from SeaTac? This is laughable. You keep saying you have presented evidence here previously. Yeah? What evidence? A flight sim on a computer done by Shutter? The two of you will have to do better than that before you move the flight six miles to the west side of the freeway. Hey...I wonder why the Army and the FBI went looking up in Ariel, which by the way is some distance from Tina Bar? I appreciate your efforts, I really do...but without hard evidence that disproves the official results, I will wait and see." Mr. Crew Spokesperson: Robert99 may be wrong about a lot of things, but he is correct on this subject. I know where you get your marching orders, Jim explained the program. Dig up Janet and interview her. You want to find the truth but you never seem to uncover anything but phoney misdirection. On second thought, Robert99 should interview "Janet" so we get to hear the real facts. We could try to call Mac (the dead guy) and verify what she says. Gaien could give contact info to Bruce, and Bruce could do an interview, if he could stay on subject long enough to actually prove something. WHERE did this woman see the plane with the stairs deployed? Describe the FBI Agent (McCoy) that warned her to not speak. Discount the "man on the stairs" comment as inconsequential. That argument is immaterial. All this hoop-la over a few miles to the west to distract the search zone and cover up a beautiful drop zone that should be more than obvious, given the Tina Bar money find, dairy farm, flood, milk can, drop zone, Janet, plain as the knose on Jimmy Durante's face. That's the real truth as told by Sgt. Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr. in his debriefing of the execution of Project Norjak. And the tie thing... The tie clasp came from McCoy, so I'd wager the tie came with the costume. Look-alike for an FBI student from BYU on semester break. That was the scene. With the FBI involvement, it is even possible the corkscrew titanium was another planted misdirection. What a crooked bunch of warped priority type A pilot personalities! And we thought the Russians were underhanded. Dos 'Divonia America!
  23. Because you were all ASKED to do that. That's why. COMPLICITY AFTER THE FACT. Aught to be good for 8-10 in Federal lock-up. No time off for good behavior from the feds. You does the crime, you pays the time. They don't fool around like they used to. The guys would like to see a new fish like you stroll in. (Drool) Jim told me the whole thing. Gunna call him a liar?????? Guess not, huh.
  24. Who is it that is trashing this forum? How do you come up with BK??? The trasher is ROBERT BLEVINS. Time for another disappearing act. Tell us again how you can't afford to waste time here when you should be out ripping off old ladies by sorting their garbage. You offer NO valuable input to any subject here, only MISINFORMATION, LIES, MISDIRECTION, and CONCENTRATED BOREDOM to drive readers away. GOTCHA!
  25. "Those who wish to discuss Bob Knoss and his posts raise your hands?" _______________________________________________ I did not raise my hand. I am not pounding sand. I wish not to be banned, or sliced and diced and canned. My words are Jo's BS cutter. Always followed up by Shutter, who twists and churns like butter his comments flow into the gutter. I did not raise my hand to see my comments panned or visit Blevin's Never-Neverland. I did not raise my hand. I only wish the truth be known if I have to soapbox it all alone. I'll get no help, just thrown stones and over the top poorly-acted moans. Like preaching to the Sunday choir, I'm called a dirty rotten frickin' liar, tarred and feathered, then set afire. My morals could not be much higher. I did not raise my hand.