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Everything posted by BobKnoss

  1. You can't even make a good argument. Your comments above are all misstated or totally in error. You twist everything to your liking, but it is then incorrect. Typical of a dirty cop. You can't even spell. You can't even read facts when presented. You don't upset me with stupid funny comments. I know I bother you with the real facts. I know what really happened. I love watching you twist in the wind, trying to discredit me, but you only show how ineffective you are in your arguments. You are painted clowns when trying to discredit the facts I present. Since you have no facts and you have no valid information you are in no position to present anything but a worthless biased opinion. Blevins writes crap in my name, then tries to blame me. Sorry, very poor attempt at framing me with what you do for a living, writing falsehoods. So obvious, it wreaks of your continual signature dirty tricks. Jo just rides the waves, changing facts by the minute. A consortium of fabricators and TOG supporters fighting to bend the truth into totally unbelievable garbage like Christensen, or some other obvious strawman designed to draw attention away from any further effort on packaging up the truth. Don't worry, the case is a dead case. It was shot in the foot a long time ago. Nobody has time to waste trying to paste 10,000 lies together and sort out the chips from the chaff. I'll make it simple and cut through the BS, lay out what really happened, because you can't prove a damned thing. It is the moral thing to do. At least give the truth an equal airing. It is what Lincoln would suggest, I think. If I were not telling the real truth you wouldn't even comment on what I have to say. Instead, I get IMMEDIATE return volley, torrents of displeasure, but absolutely NO real discussion of fact because everyone knows that what I describe is precisely correct, true and contrary to what these cover-up artists and fiction writers want to hear. Well, if you want cooperation from a citizen, the you shouldn't aught to blackmail them with an illegal interrogation under hypnosis and offer threats of a prison sentence to obtain silence. I was under McCoy''s supervision and he DIRECTED me to disclose this information. If you are unhappy with this directive, I suggest you discuss it with McCoy. If he tells me to cease and desist, I will, no problem. Until then, The Truth will continue to be released. It is the patriotic duty of an American citizen to expose illegal activities. it is almost Natzi type stuff. Cooper was a character in Canadian comics, an identy provided to Duane Weber upon his release from Jefferson in the custody of U.S. Marshal Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr. He and his wife were provided a job as caretakers and accountant of an apartment complex at 9110 Lyndale Ave. So., in Bloomington, MN. During his stay there in the summer of 1968 he was trained in parachute jumping for the purpose of hijacking a NW 727 for a safety demonstration, by parachute experts McCoy and this other guy who asks to be anonymous. He identified himself to me as going by the name Dan Cooper, but that his real name was Duane Weber, no w and no y, just plain Duane. I listened to their plans and discussions and even called Nick O'Hara at the Mpls. FBI to report the activities. He advised to remember everything and take notes, which I did. My information is a result of those conversations and the ongoing communications over the years with CIA operative, Richard McCoy. I swear this to be totally true.
  2. I would not be a concern to anyone unless I actually had real information on Norjak. Having truthful history on the planning and reports back from McCoy seems to leave everyone shaking in their boots. I have a Badger shadow that follows my every post like clockwork. Blevins posts bad information in my name to smear me, and the old bat tries to bad mouth me to make her story the only true facts, when in fact it is a whitewashed version of what she wants recorded for posterity. Well, the truth is not a sugar-coated love story about a good-hearted Robin Hood. He could pour on the charm and his smile would melt any iceberg. When you are trying to fabricate a fictitious story of misdirection or one of a whitewash, the last thing you want is someone who really knows what happened. Especially one who is as convincing as I am. It really ruins any half-assed attempt at altering history. Especially when ignorant statements like no X on the dummy chute, and a hundred other lame arguments keep spewing forward. 377, the only civil mind on this forum, a cabiener (sp) would do the same thing as several loops of parachute cord and a bunch of knots. If you want to run an Instron test on a mock-up, you will find the chord to be far more than adequate. TOG said you'd NEVER believe it. He was totally right. It worked fine. It was mandatory that Duane use the chute that TOG packed, for security purposes. Duane wanted it in back so it did not interfere with the money tied in front. That is the way it was, and you will just have to deal with it if you want to understand what really happened. Sorry, I'm just the messenger. Argue with the guys that did it, not me. Everything they did was intended to confuse, baffle, mislead. Left is right and visa-versa. Dyslexia, you know. Yes, McCoy got Weber released from Jefferson, and HE signed the release. He used a US Marshal's badge to do it. Anderson was in charge of the University of MN ROTC for a while. His uniform was all tan in color, including his hat. What would that be? Navy? Army? Commander can refer to a position as well as rank, right? Shouldn't be too hard to look him up. He looked like John B Anderson, but obviously was not him. Jerry knows a lot, but he was fed a lot of lies about what really happened. It seems everybody wants to create their own little private version of what really happened. I don't give a shit one way or the other. I can only relate what I was privy to, what I was given as fact for the record by McCoy, and what I can remember. Thankfully, I wrote everything down a long time ago when it was fresh. Trying to wade through the remaining muck to find anything even closely resembling a truthful fact is ROTFLMAO stupid. McShutter works off that list. Certainly does not ever use any factual data. You can bet your life on that postulate. Right Badger?
  3. My John Anderson was in charge of ROTC at the University of Minnesota in the early 60's. They look alike, but my guy didn't have black frame glasses in 1968. Was your John Anderson the Commander of the Minnesota Reserves in circa 1961-68? Then he would be the guy. Maybe I assumed the two looked alike so they were the same guy with the same name? I have searched for records on John Anderson but no real success. Didn't try real hard as it was not important for me to document an important guy like that. That should be a gimme. It was JOHN ANDERSON in a fancy military outfit. And he was a Commander. And it was 1968. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. said several times "the guy who ran for president" you have been busted once again......period. end of more assume too much Bobby.... case closed....... Lot of similarities, but not the same guy if he was not in the Minnesota National Guard or Reserves or ROTC. No glasses, otherwise an easy error. I stand corrected and am surprised at the lack of information on my John Anderson for as big a man as he was at that time. I apologize for an incorrect assumption and not doing a more complete investigation before jumping to a conclusion on Anderson's identity. That picture popped up on my search and sure looked like the guy, but apparently that can not be. My Anderson had a pointier nose and no glasses. White hair, though. Put a guy in a uniform and they all look alike. That's one bad mark. Not important enough to me to dig him up. He is still Commander John Anderson. Wish I could remember his middle initial as that would make it easier. A day's detective work at the Military Museum would solve it. Not my cup of tea. You want input, I try to explain what happened. It was 44 years ago. The basic story is still the same, just more accurate than an hour ago. Thank you.
  4. My John Anderson was in charge of ROTC at the University of Minnesota in the early 60's. They look alike, but my guy didn't have black frame glasses in 1968. Was your John Anderson the Commander of the Minnesota Reserves in circa 1961-68? Then he would be the guy. Maybe I assumed the two looked alike so they were the same guy with the same name? I have searched for records on John Anderson but no real success. Didn't try real hard as it was not important for me to document an important guy like that. That should be a gimme. It was JOHN ANDERSON in a fancy military outfit. And he was a Commander. And it was 1968. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
  5. Bob, You weren't in the military correct? This wasnt a court martial, correct? So how does a "commander" sentence you to four years in prison? Law and parachuting are subjects I know something about. Ive been a jumper since 68 and a lawyer since 75. Still active in both. Your story about Duane making the jump with a chest mount reserve affixed to the back of a main bailout rig is not credible. Every jumper and rigger on this forum shares my opinion. It makes zero sense and wouldn't work. I'll let you explain the legal process that allegedly resulted in your four year sentence but it sure looks improbable at first glance. I await further details about this matter. 377 note a Commander sentenced him? if I ever buy a hot air balloon, I know exactly where to get my "green" hot air from I call it coursion, but I can't even spell it. He was a real big muckety-muck in ROTC and Reserves or whatever. Top dog in this area. Make fun all you want. That was the guy who ran the hearing or whatever you want to call it. I call it totally illegal based on a Judge's opinion of what they did to me. It was what I said happened. So chew on it. I have explained the circumstances adequately before. I was questioned under hypnosis, found guilty of threatening my draft board ( a real stretch of their imagination to me) and sentenced all in a matter of a couple hours. Sgt. McCoy gave all the instructions and Cmdr Anderson exercised them. Both in full dress uniform. Fancy barbers chair-like rig, all outfitted with gizmos and a spinning disc. A metronome, flashing light and complete black-out curtains. Black had a beautiful bobble. A smooth ruby red crystal heart incased in an ornate gold latticework heart shaped cage, made by Bacarat. Very expensive and the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen. Have never seen another like it, although I keep looking. Dr. Black in a white schmok entered the area only for the purpose of hypnosis and post hypnotic suggestion programming ordered by MCCoy after Mac and Anderson took leave. Side door, north side of the building, Anderson first, followed by McCoy. Brown marbled cheap tile floor in 12" squares, metal folding chairs and folding leg 3x8' tables. A small black plastic engraved sign in the window ledge read "Dr. XXX Black", in white letters, nothing else except the street number over the door. Curtains covered both picture windows in the front of the one story building. I assume it was the Bloomington Armory. I took Gray there to see the building. Empty now, other buildings torn down, lots of changes in 44 years. Same damned old sneaky Government I suspect. Huh, Badger?
  6. If you are calling me treasonous then you are admitting what I say is factual. Since it is all true, it can not be a lie. I do not lie. I may be misinformed once in a while, but I lay no claim to sole proprietorship in that department. Blevins holds that record. Lies, on the other hand seem to fall on your doorstep. Your perfume conversation was documented. Chanel No. 5. Facts are facts. I don't forget too much either. Much as I probably should.
  7. In every case above except Maria you are 100% wrong. You have to be fabricating more of your own information, because all of it can be verified, and it is contrary to your position. You just want to argue about facts. You only show your ignorance. You are the badger man, always attacking any truth. You are funny like a dog chasing it's tail. I love putting turpentine on your tail and watching you howl!!!! You forgot the following: McCoy is alive and well living in retirement. Jerry with the gold mine is related to Bill. Nick O'Hara was the Agent in charge. George Tenent confirmed McCoy as CIA. McCoy says you are an A hole. McCoy went by the name Tommy Gunn. McCoy was Stallone's body guard. McCoy was Burt Reynolds' body guard. McCoy was security fr "A Team" with Peppard. McCoy's best friend is Mr. T. Mike Barton was Mac's protoge' wrestler. Dan Cooper was Duane Weber. Dr. Black is the Blue Bird of record. Induction was in the Federal Building in Mpls. Loraine K. Long was my draft board contact. Draft registration was initiated at age 15 with an interview in MN. Denny Nichols was originally scheduled to train Weber, then opted out. McCoy was his Sgt. Training occurred in 1968 and they waited for the system to work. Norjak is a military designation assigned in 1968. Commander John Anderson sentenced me to 4 years in prison. Suspended providing participation in Norjak. TOG is dyslexic. Does not use the computer. I can go on for 50 pages. Got responses for everything Badger????? Bite me.
  8. You defend yourself against your own guilt. Like Shakespeare said, I think you protest too much. Everyone knows KC wanted to be Cooper in post mortum. His brother admittedly facilitated his request as an addendum to his will. Why do you persist in perpetrating this hoax?? Excuses after excuses to shed yourself of responsibilty for aiding in the cover-up of a crime after the fact. Who do you think you are fooling?? Georger? Jo? The jury base? Your mommy? Stop jerking off the cash cow. The bull is watching you. Go back to your McCoy theory. At least there was an sliver of truth to that pursuit. Here is the Tena Bar as it really happened. Duane buried the cash in a milk can under a tree near the river. Some work was done in the waterway, and some flooding occurred. The river's path was altered. Duane could not find the spot he buried the milk can. Probably during the big flood in the area, the milk can became a bobber and popped to the surface, the lid fell off and the money floated to it's resting spot on Tena's Bar. The burial spot couldn't have been too far away from the bar. Money doesn't float long. That is the story Duane reported to McCoy. Did he lie to McCoy? A little Blue Bird would say that didn't happen. The Insurance Company bought off on the loss and contributed $200,000 to NW, happy to do so for the effectiveness of Norjak. And THAT is the origin of Tena's Bar's Money. Duane went to work for that insurance company. Go figure. The records of his employment have been dealt with, as so many other evidence trails. The biggest little cover-up in US history I think.
  9. BUT, maybe he was a relative of a man named Bill who may have had something to do with Cooper! You think? Ooops just dropped a little clue or was that one a tease? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I'll be Damned. A little truth slippin' out? I'm really impressed. Didn't think you'd figure it out! How much else you holdin' back, you sneaky old bat? (:q) Seems you are coming around to BK's story. Sooner or later, Jo. Sooner or later.
  10. I do not lie. I only say what I know to have happened and you ALWAYS have a counter comment to anything I say. That is more than a coincidence, it is your JOB. Must be a real challenge to sit in church and think of the lies you tell for your country. But, then, you are probably not a follower anyway. You probably wrote your own Bible. Here is a hint: That is probably all lies too. You are not worth the effort.
  11. I am absolutely correct. You are wrong again. How can you be so obtuse? Kidnaping charges have not been filed, I know that. There is no statute of limitations on kidnapping. You are supposed to be so bright. You are running on micro-milli amps.
  12. More mis-information to attempt confusion. It was sewn shut and marked with a "X" so it was easy to see if the FBI tampered with the chute that TOG packed for Cooper. Duane was to memorize the stitching to verify it had not been messed with. So, BITE ME, you cover-up artist. Your lies don't hold water. My truth will always come shining through your mud slinging. You are so always wrong you are to be anticipated. I post, you try to counter. That's dumb. Like Rover looking for a cookie handout. Sorry, Badger, no cookies. You are just always WRONG. Get it???
  13. GEORGER you are a REAL ASS! It was NOT JO Who suggested Cooper accosted Tina. _____________________________________________ He did not have to accost her. She was a willing accostee. As the co-pilot worded it, "She saved our lives!" Then bought her a large bottle of $75 French perfume, like the whores wore. Chanel #5 to be exact. Right Jo? _____________________________________________ Lesson: Don't sign up for high-security government jobs unless you are prepared to obey the rules, whether you like them or not. Blevens _____________________________________________ Unless you are illegally hoodwinked into signing such a document, then you have an obligation to be a whistle blower on poor oversight of improper Presidential horseplay like Norjak.
  14. I do NOT know why I stated that - but Duane was living with his mother in 1957 after he had been released and before he was arrested in Treasure Isle. He was with her before she died, but may have been back in prison before she died. I have family records according to John (the brother) and her obituary. nobody understands half of what you say now, you claim Duane possibly had access to drawings his brother had......but.... Oct 29, 2009 I knew the last time they saw each other was after his mother died in 1958 and they never saw each other again. I arranged a contact while Duane was in the Hospital dying through the sister. The brother and his wife sent pictures and a nice letter and the two brothers spoke on the phone from the hospital for the first time in 38 yrs, It was not a long conversation. how did Duane get access to the Boeing files that got thru security and out of the building? the 727 couldn't be in the 50's by much. anyone have any idea when the idea of the 727 came about or when drawings would be produced? To clear this matter up, let me tell you exactly what happened. Duane was NEVER involved in any Boeing conversations or drawings from Boeing. All of that was done by TOG. The only connection Duane had with a 727 was to take a trip to the airport, walk onto the tarmac and board a plane while the clean up crew and maintence people were readying the plane foe the next flight. He talked to a helpful mechanic-maintenance guy who explained all of the questions he had. Back then this was an unrestricted area, and the purpose was to illustrate the ease with which one could get information. All of the technical data about the plane was gathered by TOG in phone calls to Boeing Engineering. The first call he was brushed off, but a second call got him to a talkative engineer. TOG made all of the plans and programmed Duane, like me, who had been subjected to Blue Bird mind control. THAT SHIT WORKS!!! That is the way it happened and that is the REAL story. Maria, you can use that as part of your story. Might as well tell the truth as much as possible.
  15. Hogwash. Cooper (Weber) wasn't bright enough to do all the thinking. It was done for him by a very experienced pilot who worked for Northwest Airlines at the time, and fed to him one line at a time. You are off the mark, Bob, and seem to speak with unearned authority. You are simply wrong on your assumptions and deductions. Ask the 'boys' who ran the show. With all your connections, you should be able to pull those teeth, right? No biggie, the facts are all laying there for you to staple together. What keeps you from just doing it??? A paycheck?? A moral obligation? To whom? I think the public is supposed to be determining what is right here. Seems we have the table turned upside down. A few cover up the truth and lie like troopers to the public. Not my concept of apple pie and the American way. Bastards. Norjak is only the tip of the iceberg.
  16. All good points Mr. Shutter. Sheridan Peterson who worked in technical documentation at Boeing arguably could have gained access to the flight test reports. He was a smoke jumper, expert skydiver, had made night jumps and had a huge grudge against the US Govt which he holds to this day. He just doesn't seem like a guy who would threaten to kill people just for money. He witnessed atrocities in Nam and abhors violence. His main screen name is Peacenik Pete. You'd be hard pressed to find a more qualified DBC as far as skills go AND he had at least some inside access to Boeing tech docs. The FBI interviewed him twice and only quit when his DNA didn't match the same they believe is Cooper's. 377 If they actually had Cooper's DNA it would have matched Duane Weber. Who was it said they couldn't direct traffic at a Red Sox game? Mrs.Hutter? Ask Nick O'Hara to 'fess up. Be honest. Tell the truth. Be a man.
  17. I did not do anything then, except take notes for McCoy's defense. I doing something now, I'm telling Mac's story. Get a life. FBI has already blown her out of the water. The truth is the truth. Half truth is still a falsehood. I'm not available to reporters except Gray, Pasternak, and Hume as they have a correct perspective.
  18. I was an avid skydiver and airplane nut in 1971. I also owned a huge 727 flight manual then. I couldn't see any way to jump from a 727. The flight manual gave no hints that the rear stairs could be safely deployed in flight. I assumed that they couldn't. I figured there must be a locking system that prevented the stairs from deploying after takeoff. Most airliners have "squat switches" that are triggered by landing gear strut compression and can be used to disable or enable systems. I had no idea that a stock airline 727 could be jumped in 1971. Jo had insisted to me that 727s were jumped in SE Asia. I was sceptical but did some searching and made contact with Dr. Joe Leeker at Univ of TX who had tons of info on CIA and Air America ops in that area. He confirmed the use of 727s for test airdrops over Thailand. Leeker had fantastically detailed records of CIA aircraft and ops during the Viet Nam war. He was very gracious about sharing info. Jo was right about 727s. I still think Cooper must have known that a 727 could be jumped. Without that knowledge he was very possibly entering an aluminum jail cell that would prevent his escape until landing. With my 727 knowledge and skydiving experience in 71 I never wound have tried what Cooper did because I could not be sure I could get out of the plane in flight. Not any of the cockpit crew nor anyone at NWA ops could could determine whether the plane could be safely flown stairs down. They had to call Boeing. Turns out Boeing knew because they had done extensive flight tests probably for the CIA. 377 I have the conversation about the calls to Boeing in the summer of 1968. It took several calls to get an engineer who would talk. At that time there were rumors of jumps, but nothing confirmed. Stairs down was stable. Jumping was an unknown and McCoy would not risk it until Weber made his jump. Because Duane went down head first and got hurt, Mac backed down and went off like a scuba diver would. THAT is first hand information and not speculation. Ask the sources yourself. They might even snicker. Not.
  19. "Dan Cooper comics were in Canada......" McCoy had a major comic book collection and spent a lot of time in Canada. It was McCoy who chose the name Dan Cooper. He showed me the comic book that gave him the idea. There was an identity set up for Duane as Dan Cooper, and another complete set of papers for him as Duane Weber after the jump. The Weber papers were placed in his locker with the 'dummy' parachute that he actually jumped with. Those are the real facts. That's what happened. Not your Wild Goose story. You guys are funny. Just dumber than a sedimentary rock. That's where all the sludge settles to the bottom and solidifies. Or "Petrified Dinosaur Poop". That might be a close analogy. Minerals replace plant and animal matter and morph the poop to stone. If you dump enough misdirection on Cooper you hope to morph Weber into someone else, cast in stone. Won't happen! I have the real story to tell, and I'm going to keep telling it. Because we are supposed to be above board and honest, not liars. (Not pointing fingers today)
  20. I think you know a lot about lies Knoss. stop feeding, your stomach is going to burst......who was TOG Matt asked you once....your reply...Bill Rataczak of course... what kind of business does Dave Haapala have. BK says , in communication.....wrong again.. shall I go on truth seeker?????? lmao Twist all you want. The facts are as I have stated and YOU can't deal with the truth. Mr. Cleaner man. Shutter-upper.TOG could be Bill, I didn't say that, Matt did. Dave was a NW pilot, friend of Bill's. I worked for his dad as part of my "protective custody" in the barren wastelands of N.D. after my session with John Anderson. Bite me. If you knew anything at all you would know not to push it.
  21. "Anyone trying to reconstruct Weber's life from 1968 to mid 1972 is treading in water. I am the only person left to tell that story." Not a fair assessment. I know a lot of people who know a lot more than you do about the associations with 305, and one person who watched him like a hawk. They always assign a watcher. I had one for a number of years. Mac's daughter lived a couple miles away. Look it up.
  22. "WHY did and why DOES JT lie?" That is a dumb question, Jo. Do you think maybe JT is chief of the Cooper Crew? I know JT personally. Gold mine and all. You would never believe it. NEVER in a million years. We'll just keep that a secret.
  23. "Bob Knoss does NOT count, LOL." I may be the only one here who CAN count. PA: "Anything we can do for you?" (Signal) Cooper: "No, everything's fine back here." (jump) "One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four, one thousand five, one thousand six, one thousand seven, one thousand eight, one thousand nine, one thousand ten, PULL!" Just like Dan Cooper (Duane Weber) did exiting 305.
  24. "I am retracing the FBI flight path, I take off from SEA and fly to Toledo just like they did, turn eastward to Merwin lake area, just as they did. following the path, speed, altitude, time and weather condition just as they did. if thie time frames add up, I can say, hey. the path seems to be correct. if not, this can be a good start in finding any answers in the future. nobody is trying to discredit the 40+ year old map made by a bunch of smart guys." My understanding of what was done should balance to the map trace, but apparently does not match up to radar. The numbers quoted to me were 15 to 20 miles west of the reports given via wind corrections that were actually not there. Mental calculations and seat of the pants. As described to me. I'm just repeating information. Who knows.
  25. I know Rataczak's wife is ill. I know also he was hit by a truck while riding his bicycle. He still goes to NWA events, he still answers sensible calls about the hijacking. His contact info is in the White Pages. I'm saying his opinion on this 'east or west of Portland' question is important, since unlike either you, me, or Robert99, he was actually behind the controls that night. So ask him. Otherwise, you have only Robert99's opinion on this. As I said earlier, this is a no-brainer. Both of you are dodging here. Rataczak CAN be approached for questions, just not from folks like BK, for example. I think Robert99 is a good example of someone who Rataczak would speak with regarding this question. (DELETED PORTION) This is no big deal. He's in the book, guys. And before you start rewriting history and changing the flight path, maybe you should (you think?) check with one of the pilots on that flight. And I have swampland in Florida where you could build an entire community of retirement homes for blind Blevinites. That dog and pony show is rival to any Shakespearian Farce. Not true. You all bought a can of worms. TWO different stories have been told. I'll buy the one given to Ralph and me, supported by 'Janet' and McCoy, not Bleep and Jo. And that's the TROOT! Misdirection in the purest form, guys. The flight was 20 miles WEST of the reported path per the man hisself. Verified by Janet's report and confirmed to me by Richard McCoy. If this isn't proof of the Blevins frontman activities, nothing is. Write a paperback of deception and talk it up, one thing after another. Nice try, but you have overdone your role Bleep. Your skivies is showin'. Jig's up. You been identified. You get a tatoo on the forehead. Did you shoot Cossey????