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Everything posted by BobKnoss
"The night clerks response to the prison photo of 1966! May 31, 2013 Hello Jo - By sending me those photos , you have reconnected me to my memory of the person that I met so many years ago at the Rodeway Inn on airport way PDX . I truly believe now that the authorities involved in this 'missing person ' case must be covering up a more important incident of national security or corruption by not wanting to acknowledge all the facts presented to them over the years. I am able to testify under oath my firm belief and resolve that "John Collins"-, "D B Cooper"-, and Duane Weber are all one and the same person. " John Collins " signed the guest register I personally handed him at the front check in desk! The FBI and other authorities questioned me for at least 45 min showing me descriptions of "DB" taken by witnesses. You have shown me many photos of Duane Weber as your husband . In all of that and more, the overriding fact is that absolutely no trace whatsoever of "DB" other than some money has ever been found !! I have given my sworn /notarized statement to the Portland FBI office and been told simply 'thank you'. I do not understand the incompetance of our supposed # 1 police agency in regards to this case. To this date , I also have not been contacted by any of the so-called self proclaimed money/fame seeking experts on Cooper . I believe the real truth needs to be told to the public about this case and the sooner the better. The legend will live on for eternity,but the truth dies with the people involved. Jo , you may tell everyone / anyone what I have said here that has an invested interest in the real story of the infamous D B Cooper , hijacker. Do it while your still able !!" Finally a glimpse of truth comes shining through the smoke and mirrors. Strike up the band. Here is an innocent bystander, like 'Janet', who stands up and tells it like it really is. Just like what I am doing. Put that in you pipe and smoke it you incompetent cover-up screw-ups! Eventually your house of cards will become 52 pick-up. OOPs! You are playing with a loaded deck, so..... 62 pick-up. McCoy says, "Bite me, I'm an infamous movie star!"'.
"I only LOOK stupid, LOL." Don't bet the house on it. Anyone who can publish a book by a known hoaxer and bite hook line and sinker... Even after one primary story teller admits the falsehood, has to be related to a frickin' rock. I can't believe you still push that heap of rotting garbage. You actually were on the right path at one point in your Cooper quest. To be sidetracked by that tale is the height of obsurdity. At least I KNOW what I claim is true. All the history is available in documentation to verify, unlike your witches' brew. 'Fess up, paperback dude. It was an attempt at misdirection. Actually, in my opinion it is not necessary, the truth be known.
"Knoss plays NO part in any of this nor does anything he ever posted or sent me. My contacts with that man cost me lots of time and energy and he was deterent to the FBI." I hope you get results, but the odds are goo-goo-plex to one of anything accurate if you discount what we discussed and you know it. We don't agree, and I think I know why. Bruce may be right. He and I think alike there. Best wishes, Jo.
If these files are so confidential, and 100% non-eligible under FOIA...then why did they open them up for Geoff Gray? He's not a LEO. He was a guy writing a book, yet he was allowed access. The ice has been broken. You can make the request for free. They can only say no. It's still different from opening them up to the public. I don't think they will release anything, but go ahead a try, can't hurt..... Yes. My suggestion for public release was probably too much to expect. But I think Citizen Sleuths might have a shot at seeing them, if the request was written up properly. I think the only way would be a Political backing to put pressure on them. I doubt they would listen anyone else. that or, do like they did with the Alcatraz escape and hand it over to the US Marshal..... McCoy's point of view was that you will get NO cooperation from either Washington State or Minnesota FBI offices due to their agent involvement in Norjak. His suggestion was, if you want any cooperation, go to the Utah office and work it through there with his family, or the CIA office. The FBI and FAA have living asses to cover. Nuttall has the smartest opinion. If you want any answers the best approach will be to go through a State Attorney General's office from one of the states 305 flew over. Giving it to the "Cover-up Crew" as Blevins suggests is dumber than a frickin' rock. But that is typical Blevins, right, MeyerLouie?
"did you send the information to the FBI yet? Blevins is right, nobody is going to listen to you unless you put everything in order. I'll bet you I can get every file you are looking for with little problem. I don't believe Weber is Cooper, but I will help you if needed." Trust me on this one!! Nobody needs MRShutter's help. That's like putting grease on the railroad tracks at Pike's Peak. Weber was Cooper. Game over. Ask someone who knows. You have the list.
Wong Whey, you are committed to finding nothing in the first place. I did not contribute to anything, right. I am contributing now. You don't want to hear my input because it is in conflict with what you want people to think. I believe it is better to know what really happened. The people should know what our Government does for us and HOW they do it. Illegal, underhanded, and taking advantage of our best citizens to trick play legislation. And YOU apparently approve of this technique. Bob, you couldn't sell your story at the Flea market at 50% off......nobody's buying it Bobby.....game over... Quote ... from Cookie Monster to pro wrestler to DB Cooper. I think I see a pattern in Bob's plan ... Georger, Sorry man, but you are more out of it than Little Pablum Kid. You assimilate half-facts to draw half-fast conclusions. No Cookie Monsurs, that was my daughters thing. No Pro wrestler (Bart Gunn, that was a sidekick kid, Mike Barton, a mutual friend.) Tommy Gunn was an undercover agent, not a fighter. Richard Floyd McCoy, Sr., was a fighter. And DB Cooper was a misnomer, Dan Cooper was Duane Weber. Mission House was 65c wine which fits more with your comment than any pattern I can see. That shit will blind ya. Stick with "Sky Blue", Dude.
Wong Whey, you are committed to finding nothing in the first place. I did not contribute to anything, right. I am contributing now. You don't want to hear my input because it is in conflict with what you want people to think. I believe it is better to know what really happened. The people should know what our Government does for us and HOW they do it. Illegal, underhanded, and taking advantage of our best citizens to trick play legislation. And YOU apparently approve of this technique.
"ONE THING WE wont FIND - NO AFFILIATIONS WITH bk AND THE COVERT EFFORTS (tHEN WE CAN KICK THAT NUT TO THE SIDE AND CLEAN THIS sTORY UP TO WHERE IT MAKES SENSE." If you actually find any real facts, this covert stuff is the information you will find and you damned well know it. Trying to change facts to suit your own version of things as you have ALWAYS tried to do will not fly in the face of reality. The truth is going to be released eventually. It was never intended to "make sense." It was intended to show and convince the airlines in the beginning and Congress in the end. The true facts make the most sense of all. Losing the money, the parachute, the hijacker, etc. makes no sense at all. There is too much "Tricky Dicky" crap not to be obvious. Study the REAL points of interest in FAA history, The Montreal Convention on Air Piracy, the minutia of the politics from 1968 to 1974 and the History of Richard F McCoy, Jr. and Richard McCoy, CIA. This is the REAL COOPER story. Weber was just a bit player. You people are truly FUNNY in the face of the real facts. It was as I have said, and worse.
Claims to be blown east, countered by corrective action in flight path is how the flight attained the 20 miles to the west location Himmelbach was told about in his study. Parallel and west of five. 20 miles west of the recorded plotting at the time of the hijacking. Per the only one who would know. Just like I said before.
That post is absolutely stupid. Who wrote that for you? You have more sense than that, don't you? Kidnapping charges have not been filed. The pilot and co-pilot fly the plane. I am repeating the instructions given during training. If you have a debate, take it up with the trainer. Not my plan. I'm just stating FACTS. Cooper is dead. Co-conspirators are mostly dead now, three left excluding me. Many other 'in-the-know', still kickin'. "Bob says: It can NEVER be prosecuted...." I was quoting Larry Carr.
"Reminds me of a man who has been calling me for about 3 months. At first he made sense and then after awhile he gets caught up in his own damn story - deliberately or out of stupidity. ME thinks there are individuals in this thread who are actually up to NO GOOD! They are here only to disrupt anything positive that comes along. Why the REAL investigators left the building! AND I do not mean Ckret!" For anyone who really gives a rat's rectum, these are the truest words written today in this forum. It does not take any literacy to comprehend or to accept this position. It is a basic statement of fact. Any cross-eyed sixth grader can see the Mad Hatter, the Wong Whey, the Nay Sayer, and "The Indians Went That-a-way..." storyteller. Established hoaxers, professional liars club members, and self-centered 'story owners'. What a por porie of misfits. No worthwhile developments, no information advancements, just ravenous dogs snarling at each other's shadows. Blevins over in the corner quietly reading his book to himself over and over, Georger shooting Blevins lookalikes jumping over a fence, MrShutter reading Dr. Suess for ideas, and Robert99 reviewing Scientific Weekly for new clues. 377 rides the clouds and snickers at the malay below, not wanting to jump in. And Bruce, with pen in hand, ready to burn the truth into the paper at anyone's expense but his. Ckret has removed the Cooper files from under the bed and has adopted the "Official Position" now that he knows the real facts. A dead case. Nick is keeping his promise to not tell. Mac is moving on to helping others. Jo just stubbornly keeps typing notes to herself and Matt...? Maybe he got bored with the dumbness of it all. Jerry hopefully is in drug recovery or spooning out the gold mine. Maybe even painting more beautiful art. Amazon is consulting with my pharmacist on Tylenol overdoses. And Farf is the only smart one. He's gone.
That is simply your opinion. Since your track record can not establish you as credible, your opinion is of no consequence. What I claim as facts are what was reported by Mr. McCoy as a matter of record and are verifiable my him at his option. There are still some aggressive Agents who have enough moxy to try to follow the real case. It can NEVER be prosecuted do to evidence tampering by old Agents. You can't expect this big an operation not to have a leak or two after this many years. It is time to spill the beans.
"That's why I asked earlier if your request for names on the creation of the flight path/flight map was a trick question...because I couldn't believe you didn't hear of Soderlind's work. He also helped established a possible jump point for Cooper. Rataczak has testified this previously." On an unrelated point: "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky...." Who ya gunna believe? The chicken or the fox?
Best damned post you ever made, Wong Whey. We need a lot more of these. Shows when you're beat.
Attempts were made by a Northwest pilot to confirm any such information, but it was unobtainable at that time. There were rumors of using the stairs in flight, but no technical response was available. This was done in 1968. That was VERY early in the life of the 727. The rear stairs were the primary initiating factor in planning Norjak, the Cooper Vane, the size of the plane, fuel capacity, air piracy, Cuba and PILOT/AIRLINE SAFETY REGULATIONS.
Jo and I are the only ones offering information that is actually correct. It is Wong Whey dudes like you who constantly try to alter facts by trying to discredit our information, be it in conflict as it may. YOU know NOTHING of the facts, or if you do you attempt to cover up the information. Since you are ALWAYS WRONG it would fit the laws of probability that you actually know something because you always oppose the truth. Too bad you have no talent with words. You could actually be valuable. As it is, you are so obviously fucused on misinformation, you should be arrested for indecent exposure. You can't even tell a BYU pin with RFM Jr on the back from a pearl tie clasp. Probably because they both came from the same people in a pissing contest. Which you, of course, would know absolutely NOTHING about. A few do. Those that hold the real proof. Try to find that pin.... Mac has it. How could that have happened??????? Damn! A critter in the woodpile, huh? Sticky FBI fingers? World Class Joke? Yah, laugh it up, guys! Real funny. Anyway, it is what it is. Just like I say.
***Blevins: You say "I don't understand why people poke fun at the idea that Cooper may have backed down the stairs and just pulled the ripcord at the end. Carrying the load DB was packing, and the stairs only dropping 24-36 inches on release. What would YOU do? Bend over REAL low and hope the stairs don't drop suddenly? Hmm. I'm not a skydiver, but if you weren't expecting the stairs to open so little, and it happened, (*surprise, Cooper!*) I'm turning AROUND and taking a good hold before trying those stairs. Smile Maybe this is the reason he sounded a little upset in his last com with the cockpit, after the stairs were opened. ('NO!')" I say that I agree with you on backing down the airstairs and also that he pulled the ripcord so that the chute pulled him away from the last stair as it slowly opened. Like we have seen cargo chutes open in some of the video's here in the DropZone. He would have been exposed to about 3 to 4 minutes of the storm he jumped into. Not long enough to freeze to death as the FBI story goes. So, did he make it to the ground alive? yes. Did he survive the shock of the military chute and harness? (Cossey believed it would have been tremendous but he was wrong on many of the things he should have known), yes. Did DB live? Yes and probably walked to his car that was within 15 miles of his landing spot. That is why nothing has been found except at Tina's Bar and that could have been the three bundles of 20's he offered the crew and they refused. He could have stuffed the three bundles into the sack he carried onboard and into his shirt. The bag of 20's could have been blasted out of his shirt and on its way to Tina's Bar. Bob Sailshaw sailshaw@aol.com Then you are BOTH wrong like Wong Whey. Richard McCoy stated that Duane went down face first to the second from the last stair. When he jumped the stairs came up and hit his right leg. Mac backed down the stairs all the way to the bottom to avoid problems. Weber's leg injuries have been discussed at length. McCoy's only injuries were a small bone broken in his foot which didn't bother him too much, as he walked out of the desert. Duane walked down the clear cut and dug a hole deep enough to bury a milk can. And them's the real facts.
Had. That's why I wrote everything down. I don't review my notes anymore, since you automatically react anyway. Doesn't change facts, just gives you more wiggle woom, Wong Whey. I don't deal with you as you have an agenda, not an open mind. I know a number of very well known cops. None want to be famous for exposing Project Norjak. Ask O'Hara. Ya, I'm shakin' in my boots. Make some more threats why don't you. We'll get you off the Forum.
That is consistent with Cooper. Is that below a book 727 stall speed of 175? Fuzzy now, but I was told the actual jump speed was around 150 and that it was slower than they had planned. A surprise, so to speak. Right?
Quote One more Straw Man construction job, by the troll. If trolling is better than rat poison - trolling is good! BK is "hurting people" therefore "Blevins is a good Samaritan and helping people"! Blevins' made up crap is better than BK's made up crap which is hurting people ... or Marla's or Jo's made up crap which is hurting people. Therefore Blevins' made up crap is TRUTH and good for you! Blevins offer is "made up crap" or "made up crap"! Which is Truth? A VERY good man, Georger. A hero in my opinion. Just not in a position to tell the truth, or having the desire to be known for his risky contribution to his Country's call. You'd have done the same thing were you asked. Criminals or heroes? It's a legal question that can never be fought out due to evidence tampering on a super giant scale. Not excluding fictional KC type paperbacks. If you REALLY did your history, you'd find everything I claim to be documented, sequentially, verified, and fitting the actions right down the line. It can all be pulled right off the internet, however, trolls have started changing the facts with cover-up lies. If you know the truth, the lies stick out like flashing red lights and point right at the cover-up institutors. I recognize some by their terminology.
Nixon did not start the program as I clearly stated. It was started by two pilots, a NW pilot and a chopper pilot. It grew to include a MN FAA Administrator and an FBI Chief. It was planned to demonstrate the utter lack of security and pilot defense. It was not until much later the Nixon heard about it from his new FFA Designate and adopted the Project for something it was not originally intended for. Shutter, you don't want the facts, you only want the cover-up. What I tell is absolutely true and could be verified by those who you mention. But they won't, because they have been intimidated. Not me anymore. Cossey? Possible, but low odds. I have been threatened, so the possibility is real.
At least WE know. And Jo DOES know, she's just not sayin'. You DO NOT know and tell everyone what you wish them to think. Wrong Way Harrigan! West, not East. Pin, not clasp. Janet and Mac. X on the back. Milk can and shovel. The Hague, Japan, and The Montreal Convention on Air Piracy. Northwest Pilots threaten strike. Worldwide Pilots Want Safety. Airlines baulk at cost of safety measures. Nixon proposes new FAA Regulations, Congress does not react. World Approves Airline Safety Program, Congress stalls! Nixon issues Executive orders right after Weber and McCoy hijackings. LOOK IT UP. IT IS ALL DOCUMENTED. They waited for thing to happen through the system, then dropped 'the bomb' because Congress did not have the balls to enact the requested legislation. Called an "End Around Play". Project Norjak. The official name given the plan in 1968 by the Penagon. And them's the facts, folks.
"A few yrs ago the solution was so simple and now you have complicated it. Hell, I can't prove it can I? Is that what has you in such a quandary - how damn much does she really know? Where is her proof! What was known and what was necessary to tell the story about Cooper was all that was needed. Now with the loss of time and my health - I will go for the WHOLE enchilada." More BULLSHIT, Jo. You have said this before and NEVER followed through. You're CHICKEN!! Go ahead. Do it. Tell the WHOLE truth. I'll back you up. Just say, "Knoss is telling the truth!" You don't have to prove anything beyond verifying what really happened and what the players told both of us. It is NOT YOUR STORY or my story, it is just history of an underhanded Government executing another squeeze play. "White Flag Operation"? More like, "Covert Nixon Power Push."
"You know, I don't begrudge Geoffrey Gray at all -- He seems like a nice guy and I enjoyed his book. I actually wish he'd gone into even more detail in his book on the case files, and I'd buy a follow-up." Absolutely. But if he wrote what he believes he would get sued. Anybody who comes close to speaking the truth will find trouble. Only fabricators are allowed to act as truthsayers. Truthsayers are declared fabricators. Everything is upside down and backwards. It was planned to be that way.
If Blevins bought the KC story at face value like he says he is dumber than an F'n rock. His storyteller is an admitted hoaxer. Ever been to The Garden of the Gods? It's a whole string of big F'n rocks all lined up in a row on display. They are all there. Blevens, Georger. Shutter, Amazon, Jo, etc. It's like Heaven because there is complete silence in .025s.