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Everything posted by Rainmagnet

  1. OK, so now Im looking for a pc101. Can anyone tell me what is the actual difference between digital cameras in different countries. I know UK = PAL, USA = NTSC, France = SECAM, etc etc, but I have seen French guys use the camers in the UK and vice-versa, so at what point does the encoding method become a problem? I am asking because I see a lot more cameras for sale in the USA (and mostly cheaper than in UK), but dont know what kind of problems I may be buying myself into. Thanks
  2. "so far" huh..? You know something we dont? The 120 has higher res ccd, but also has stills capture etc which adds to the weight, so it looks to me like the 105 is best option..?
  3. I was going to ask the same question, so would like to follow this thread. Are any of those models current? I am in the UK, so maybe the model numbers differ(?) but none of them are n the current Sony handycam catalog. Also, I am a Mac user, so does anyone know if ay camera manufacturers are particularly suitable for use with Macs? Some of them seem to come supplied with PC only s/w. Thanks Mike
  4. Was visiting a friend yesterday and he received call that 2 jumpers had colided on finals and were dead at Texel? Story goes they hook-turned into each other and were two members of a team. Dont want to spread rumours (and this one is friend-of-a-friend) but I'm looking for better info as I know people who jump there?