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Everything posted by MrPurple

  1. "Fortunately the Nacmac occupies the dominant side of the brain......" No he doesn't!
  2. Well I for one am gonna miss the Chrome, over the last year or so, he has made me smile. When the NWS01 cuts away, will Chromie resume the post whoring? Or can we expect another character to assume the mantle.....
  3. "I need a translator for that" A Mannie with a blue face once said.... " Aye, fight and you may die, run and you'll live, at least for a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to take all the days from this day till then, to come back here and tell our enemies, they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"
  4. Och, ah widnae curse a wee laddie wie such a nasty collection oh names such as yon......His name is predetermined in ancient highland tradition, wee Calum it will be, as per age old highland custom. Bye ra way, ah'm ma Clan Chieftain's trusty steward. Ah've been tasked wie lookin' after that bonnie lassie TequialGirl. He's awa tae dae some bizness wie another usurper and winnae be back till later oan. Ah'm no as sophisticated as ma chieftain, so nae mair cheeky lip fae yiz....Or ye'll see the sharp side oh ma sgian dubh between yet shoulder blades, ya great big yuppie nonce ye......
  5. Pop:-"Shall we have a drinking duel" Be careful, the Nacmac drinking team has a skydiving problem, you know not what you are saying......... Justin "Last I heard, we were only a few hundred bucks from Skybytch's boobie-baring goal" Tell me more, the Nacmacfeegle dug deep for the cause.......
  6. "That is why I am back to my original screen name and I am not a guy named Chromeboy from ChromeDome. He might come back.." This multiple personality thing of yours is very worrying....
  7. MrPurple


    That Nacmacfeegle is weird....funny, but weird....
  8. I like to explain it like this... Skydiving may not everyone's bag, but at least try it so you can understand why I gibber about it all the time. Its important to do what works for you, whether that stamp collecting, skydiving, or avalanche surfing, it doesn't matter, find what works for your own tastes and do that. But try and do it well......and for heavens sake do something, don't veg around wasting your life.
  9. Hey man, that's my old canopy.....hope you are treating my baby well..
  10. You never know, new personalities appear all the time