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Everything posted by sailshaw

  1. Robert99: You say: "Do you still support your original claims? If you don't write your own posts, then you need to at least have someone read them to you and explain the big words." Yes, I still believe that DB landed within walking distance of PDX Portland and use the flight path that Sluggo has put together for us. His information with times on it helps support my belief that it was a "cake walk of a jump" and a walk to his car he left at PDX.. I think I can understand what Janet saw was the second plane and that explains her conviction about her story. DB was very clever in knowing what was going to happen on a Holliday, at night, asking to go to Mexico, four parachutes, and selecting the round chute to get him down quickly without being seen. However, what happened with the money? The Tina money could have been what he took out of the bag and offered to the aircrew. When refused he could have stuffed the three packs of 20's in the paper bag he brought onboard. The rolled-up paper bag stuffed inside his rain coat could have blown out over the Columbia or close to it and made its way to the Tina Bar with time. That could explain why the three packs of 20's were all together when found. Now, the big question is what happened to the remaining money. Possibly, we will find out when the real DB Cooper book gets published (when DB passes away as he is in his 80's at this time). Robert, this is a lot for you to understand at one time, so better you don't try to read it (too many big words for you). Bob
  2. Robert99: You say: "Sailshaw, Read YOUR own post above. YOU state that the airplane Janet saw was an airplane five minutes behind Cooper's plane. Do you understand that you are saying that the airplane Janet saw, if she saw one at all, was NOT Cooper's plane? " Now, you got part of what I said. She probably did not see the DB plane but mistook the one 5 min. behind it as his plane and that could explain her story. She did not make up a story but did see a plane at the right place but slightly later. She then added to her observation (by power of suggestion from her radio) that she could possibly see a platform under the airplane and something on it. Her story of the person at her house was probably one of H's buddies but not a Portland FBI office agent. I am just trying to understand Janet's story and how she could be trying to tell what she saw. Unfortunately, it was the wrong plane. So Robert, get over it and read more slowly so you can overcome your reading problem. Bob
  3. Robert: Again, your reading skills need improvement. You still don't get what I said. The plane 5 minutes behind DB Cooper's plane was under the clouds at 5,000 ft and making their landing at PDX Portland. That is not a statement that the plane she saw was at 5,000 ft but below that. Also, I state that the power of suggestion could have made her think she saw a "platform" with possibly something on it. It is simple words but you must read slowly so as to not get it screwed-up. About the man at her house after she sent the letter to the Portland FBI, He did not identify himself or show a badge but just told her to shut the fXXX up. That does not sound like an FBI agent, but could have been one of the Portland FBI office friends that took it on his own to shut her up. That part of her story is still believable. Bob
  4. Blevins: You say: "My cat looks more like the sketch, no kidding. When I showed a comparison picture to the audience at the Auburn Avenue Theatre last August (shows sketch and Gossett's retirement picture in the same scale)...they laughed." I bet your cat is 5 feet 8 inches tall, just like your Kenney Christiansen! Both too short to be DB Cooper. Bob
  5. Robert: You said: "Sailshaw, Do you realize that you are saying that Janet may have seen another airliner flying at 5,000 feet this time that had the rear stairs down and someone standing on those stairs and throwing flares out? Janet's story is nonsense!" That is not what I said. You obvou8sly don't read very well and are in a hurry to comment in the negative. Try reading slowly what I said. You might learn something from it. Bob
  6. Robert99: You say: "Sailshaw, The story put out by "Jannet" is not a "fairytail" (your words). It is pure bullshit! And any number of people on this thread have already explained to you the reasons why that is so. " So, Robert you might be right that we can not believe Jannet's story. However, we might be able to understand her story from what we now know. The part of her story that is hard to believe is seeing a plane at 10,000 feet and through a cloud layer down to 5,000 ft. I don't think she was trying to lie but did see a plane. It could have been the one that was 5 minutes behind the Cooper plane and it was lower and under the clouds ready to land at PDX Portland. Her seeing a platform under the plane could have been the power of suggestion from hearing the radio reports in her car. So, I don't think she was trying to lie but she did see a plane. Bullshit - No, but Mistaken - yes! Fairytail is what Blevins calls her story. I call her story an honest mistake. She was only trying to tell what she observed. Bob
  7. Mr Blevins: You state: "As far as Cooper's height, two things. First, it might be difficult to estimate someone's true height when you mostly saw them sitting in an aircraft seat, or inside the confines of an aircraft cabin. Second, eyewitness descriptions are often notoriously unreliable." However, you think Jannet's story is a fairytail. Everyone must have eye problems except for Blevins. If Kenney is too short, he does not fit. IF HE DOES NOT FIT, YOU MUST ACQUIT!!! Withdraw the book from publication. Bob
  8. Blevins: You continue to support Kenny Christansen without addressing the huge question of his height. He is way too short to be considered. The FBI will not believe that KC was DB when KC was not tall enough and only 5 ft 8 inches ??? This is from your own data. Time to pull your book from publication !!! Bob
  9. To Mr. Blevins Georger says: "This is actually a smart question on your part. If the FBI told me this, I would ask for verifiable proof that shows KC absolutely could NOT have been the hijacker. Should they provide that, I would pull the book from publication and write off KC as a suspect." However, Mr Blevins how are you going to convince the FBI that KC was DB when KC was not tall enough and only 5 ft 8 inches ??? This is from your own data. Pull your book from publication !!! Bob
  10. Jo: You state: " 377 - So the Amboy Chute was NOT the downed chute of 1945 - are you supporting Blevins theory? NONE of us know what was used as stuffing for the Dummy Chute - wonder if Cossey even remembers. It sound logical that an old damaged canvas could have been used in side the X package." Jo I think you are right on and the Amboy chute was actually what was stuffed in the Dummy carrier. They would not have stuffed a valuable chute in the Dummy and no one would have remembered what was stuffed in the Dummy, As I said before, Sheridan would have laughed at the Dummy chute which he would have seen when he was getting his Instructor Rating at Issaquah Sky Sports. He would have pulled the silk chute out of the Dummy and tossed it over at Amboy and then packed the money bag into the dummy container. Then tied it to his rig front straps or around his waist Anyway Jo, I think you are on the right track on this one. Bob
  11. Blevins: Get over it. Kenny does not measure up! You would loose any debate without a candidate that matches the height description. That is one of the physical descriptions that people can get right and agree on. Your guy is two to four inches too short. Enough said, closed issue! Bob
  12. Blevins: Your own statement disqualifies Kenny as DB Cooper. You state: 25) The Description - One of the big knocks on Kenny as a Cooper suspect has been the eyewitness descriptions. Although they varied a bit, most people thought he was five-ten to six feet, and weighed about 180. Kenny was five-eight and weighed about 170 pounds. Blevin, the five foot eight inch Kenny is exempt as a suspect because of his height. So, open your mind to someone that is six feet tall and quit trying to push Kenny. He just dose not measure up!!! Bob
  13. Jo: You bring up an interesting point in what you said: "Manufactured Stories? YOUR story is manufactured. You knew Sheridan Peterson for 1 month and the man is still alive to defend himself (I hope) since the other poster seemed to be a Sheridan imposter. " Snowman, ask Bulldog what the first 15 words of the script that were spoken by the Elevator Operator each time the elevator took a load of people up in the Bubbleator at the Worlds Fair in Seattle. Also ask Bullbog who wrote the script. The real Sheridan Peterson will know the answers to those two questions and a Sheridan imposter will not. Bob
  14. Jo: You stated: "Manufactured Stories? YOUR story is manufactured. You knew Sheridan Peterson for 1 month and the man is still alive to defend himself (I hope) since the other poster seemed to be a Sheridan imposter. " I do not have to manufacture a story to prove that Duane was DB as you continue to do. What makes you think Sheridan is not DB? What are your facts that make you think otherwise? The only thing so far to dispute Sheridan as DB was his alibi that he was in Nepal at the time of the DB caper. Otherwise he fits the facts known about DB. From Nepal he was only one or two days away from the scene of the crime. The Sheridan imposter (Bulldog) seems to be by way of Snowman. Could Snowman be messing with our thoughts? Bob
  15. Robert99 What makes you think that I believe the Cooper 727 flew to the East of Portland? You stated: Perhaps Sailshaw, the pilot, will get out his flight calculator and do some serious number crunching. If he does, then he might change his own mind about an eastern route around Portland. I have stated in these threads that I buy into the Sluggo Air Chart with the times at several arrow marks. That chart shows the flight path to the West of PDX Portland airport. NOT TO THE EAST. Jo, for some reason favors the East story. Janet's story agrees with the West flight path. Can't we all agree with the Sluggo Air Chart? Bob
  16. Jo: You stated: "Where were you when they handed out brains. Don't you know she no longer lives in WA?Did I say I had interviewed her? I don't like maps!" I say: We all know that Blonds were not there for the handing out of brains! And yes I know Janet no longer lives at her house in Vancouver. Why did you think otherwise? I thought you had mentioned in one of your ramblings that you interviewed her in her home and therefore knew where she lived. I guess you really don't have her address at the time of the skyjacking! I don't know why I read what you post as it always goes no where and only brings more manufactured stories of your husband who was certainly not DB Cooper. Bob
  17. Jo: My statement was "Sorry Jo, but she lived very close to Mill Plain Rd. and highway 205. Almost directly north of PDX Portland airport." Your statement was "The PDX was NOT just North of her home. I have all of the sitings marked on a very very good map....maybe Galen doesn't know what the address was?" Jo, I did not say PDX was North of Janet's house but I did say her house was almost directly north of PDX Portland airport. Is this another one of your Blonde moments? North is located about 180 deg. from South and you don't seem to know her exact address back then. So how did you go to her house and interview her? Was your map upside down? Bob
  18. Bevins: Am I to believe anything you say when you stretch the truth to make it something else. You stated: "How about a little common sense here? Janet has claimed via her story via Scott Schwebke of the Standard Examiner that she SAW SOMEONE ON THE STAIRS." What Janet actually said was: "thought I saw something on the platform which could of been a person" Maybe your common sense give you license to stretch the truth??? Bob
  19. Jo: I don't normally read your posts but this time I will answer to show you you don't seem to know where Janet lived. You state: "She lived EAST of Vancouver or what is NOW considered Vancouver. She did NOT live in Cames.....but West of Cames. So now you figure it out." Sorry Jo, but she lived very close to Mill Plain Rd. and highway 205. Almost directly north of PDX Portland airport. When I get her exact address from Galeon Cook, I will post it here. Bob
  20. Georger: You state: "If one is to believe these guys, several Boeing groups calculated every possible force and vector involved in the whole Cooper hijacking, the bailout, the time and forces required to suck Cooper's loafers off, the breaking of his neck and twisting of his arms out of their sockets, ad nauseum bloviatrix! What these guys describe they did is so obtuse as to be believable! The net result of all of this prodigeous prognostication was the Cooper vane .... and they still didn;t know where he had bailed, but he was dead without any reservation. Nobody can survive bailing out of a 727, they said! They literally said: and that was fed to the FBI with some agents rolling their eyes and muttering doubts." Georger, if you really believe the above, then I have a bridge I would like to sell you. I know, your mind is fixed and it can't be opened up to new ideas. Bob
  21. Robert99: You state "Sailshaw, Contrary to your statement, the flight crew of the hijacked airliner have been quoted in several places as saying that the cloud cover over Portland was so thick that they could not see any lights from Portland." Remember the flight crew were at aprox. 10,000 ft and could not see Vancover, Portland, or PDX the Portland airport due to the cloud layer. However, they were not asked if they could see the brightness of the clouds over those spots. I am a pilot and have seen the brighter clouds over those same spots at night. So their statement is not contrary to mine as they were answering "could they see the lights on the ground". No one asked them if they could see the brighter clouds. Robert you should go flying at night and see for your self what can be seen. Bob
  22. Amazon: Sorry to address you as Robert99. I am getting old and not always knowing to whom I am speaking So, sorry, sorry, sorry Bob
  23. Georger: I will address your questions even though I will be repeating what I have said in earlier posts. 1) How did DB know where he was when they were flying over clouds? Well, if you have flown over cities in the same condition, you will remember the city lights makes the clouds brighter over the city. He also knew the timing of the flight and when he would of been over Vancouver and then Portland. Once he jumped and delayed the opening of the chute (lower level of clouds at 5,000 ft reported that night) he could see very clearly where he was with a good visual of the ground and PDX Portland airport. 2) The Dud chute was used at Issaquah Sky Sports where Sheridan got his Instructor rating. He probably laughed when he saw the unusable chute they provided. However, he needed the carrier to put the money in and probably tossed the dud chute over Amboy (found March 24, 2008). Why did Cossey not recognize the Amboy chute? Could not remember what was packed in the dummy or would not to provide misinformation to the FBI? Who knows? 3) The route that Sluggo has put toghther looks very good and agrees with where Janet claims to have seen the plane (and the flares DB used to figure wind direction). Dennis Levanen lived in the Heisson Area and is another eye witness that matches Janet's story. The FBI would have you believe that he jumped into the forest 30 miles to the North as they believed by mistake and wasted time and effort searching in the days that followed. 4) You think the jump was into great peril, then you don't understand the Smoke Jumping experience that Sheridan had (into forest fires). I think as I have posted before that the jump was on to cleared land along the Columbia river and within walking distance to PDX airport. He probably was to his car (he parked at PDX) before midnight and was on his way. It was a cakewalk of a jump and that shows how smart Sheridan was and how planning the caper for ten years has "beat the system". Georger, take your blinders off and let us expand our thinking in this dropzone. We should use Synergy and not spite. Bob
  24. Robert99: I will not address the jiberish you wrote about the Para-Commander. Everyone else can read the info at and see for them self how off base you are. You write: 1) "If not, where is your proof that Cooper even had access to a "sports parachute" during the hijacking? He certainly didn't jump with one so arguing about it is meaningless in any event." 2) "For your information, my parachuting experience in the early 1960s was limited to military surplus equipment with a 5-TU modification. I have never jumped a modern design, a square canopy, or even a lo-po canopy. So my parachuting experience used about the same technology as Cooper had access to." About 1) above DB had a Para-Commander sport chute which he chose to not use (one of the four chutes and that is my prof he had access to it). The reason to discuss his not using it, is to show how smart he was and disprove "that he did not know what he was doing." About 2) above shows that you admit to having no experience with a sports chute. DB had not only Smoke Jumping experience with the USFS but received his Instructor rating at Issaquah Sky Diving Club. Also, he started the Boeing Sky Diving Club. He might have even been well acquainted with the four chutes having seen them at Issaquah. Your experience falls way short of the information DB had at the time of his skyjacking. Yes, I suspect Sheridan Peterson as being the best suspect and was DB Cooper. He devised "the system to beat the System" as he said in the third letter (the one to the Portland Oregonian) and I heard he say over and over again while he stayed one month at my home in 1962. Bob
  25. Robert99: You don't seem to be able to handle the truth so you call it BS. With your lack of knowledge of the Para-Commander sports chute, you claim it can't have a forward speed of 14 mph but it was designed in 1961 to have a forward speed of actually 15 mph . You can check this out and learn something about parachuting at Yes, I worked at Boeing for 34 years and had a EE degree from the UofW. Most of my Boeing work was in Mechanical Systems (including Airstairs and Flight Control Test Rigs) and Structural (including full size Static and Fatigue testing). As a pilot I have many skydiving friends who know what they are talking about. However, you don't seem to and are too quick to jump on others. Too bad, that is your problem and not mine. Bob