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Everything posted by sailshaw

  1. GEORGER: You post "After all this time, it has come to this. SOMEBODY KNOWS THE TRUTH. The only difference between you and I is that I can provide the tools to either eliminate KC as a suspect, or help confirm him as truly being Cooper. That extended family is going to come forward and provide the necessary key to either solve the case, or finally ditch KC as a suspect at last. You think I wouldn't like to know? Of course I would." Can't you get the Citizens Team to compare the DNA from the four envelopes/stamps sent to the four news paper companys with the DNA of Sheridan Peterson that the FBI all ready has on file? By doing so you could blow the whole DB Cooper case open and Sheridan would not be able to use his "In Nepal" perfect alibi as the letters were sent from the scene of the crime just shortly after the DB Caper. This is the real "Smoking Gun" in the DB Cooper case and could solve the crime very quickly. With a DNA match, Sheridan would be caught telling a lie to the FBI and that alone could put him in prison for the rest of his life. Bob Sailshaw
  2. Robert99 You say, "If he knew so much about the 727 aft stairs, why did he have to ask one of the flight attendants how to put the stairs down?" I believe that Sheridan experienced a door with differential pressure across it that kept him from opening it. The Flight Attendant Tina was able to do it shortly after when the differential pressure was less. Sheridan then was able to throw the handle for the airstair to gravity fall into place and float on the airstream. The Smoking Gun is the DNA on the four letters to the newspapers. If the FBI gets a match with Sheridan, it would blow his whole Nepal alibi apart. It would place him at the scene of the crime and not in Nepal. The FBI could close this case very quickly if they would compare the DNA. Bob Sailshaw
  3. ROBERT99 Wow, you must have been smoking something that your body can't handle or you forgot to take your pills. At least your mind is active even though it is spinning wrong tales and mistaken facts. First it was Sheridan Peterson that lived in our basement apartment for one month and ten years before the skyjacking. When he left he was unable to pay the rent of $35 and was not in our rent record book. So, when the FBI came to our house to ask about Sheridan, my wife looked in the rent record book and found nothing but the agent ask that when I got home from work at Boeing, that I might remember Sheridan. When I got home I got on the phone to the FBI agent and told him that Sheridan had been at my place for a month and that I know he fits the description of DB quite well and sure looks like the sketch. The FBI admitted that Sheridan was a suspect. He had three years with the USFS (Forest Service) and was an experienced sports jumper too. Later we found out that he got a job at Boeing in the Manuals and Handbooks group with access to how the aft airstairs worked, started the Boeing Skydiving Club and used Issaquah Sky Sports as their dropzone where Sheridan got his Instructors Certification. When at our place, he was just starting to work at the Worlds Fair as the Bubbleator operator and the FBI could trace him from their records. Sheridan was always saying that with our education (we both had college degrees) we should be able to figure a way to "Beat the System". Those same words would be used in the third letter to the newspapers following the successful DB Cooper jump. I then was certain that Sheridan was Cooper. He gave the FBI the alibi that he was in Nepal writing his book and could not of been doing the skyjacking. Would you not think the guy that planned the caper for at least 10 years would have a perfect alibi? Sheridan had the perfect alibi and the FBI bought it. However clever Sheridan was at the time, he would not have figured that DNA could be used to catch him. I believe the FBI could close the case very quickly by comparing the DNA on the envelopes/stamps of the letters to the newspapers from DB Cooper, with the DNA they have taken from Sheridan. Two female agents visited Sheridan and took swabs from his mouth for his DNA. So, it is up to the FBI to do the comparison and they have Sheridan at the scene of the crime and not in Nepal. His lie to the FBI could put him in prison for the rest of his life (he is 86 years old now). Take your pills Robert99 Bob Sailshaw
  4. GEORGER Something you might have missed in the Al Di web site video. At 0.03 into the very first part of the video, Al Di says "recently destroyed letters". Who destroyed the letters? The FBI? If so, why would the FBI destroy evidence? Just something for you to chew on and if true the only DNA from the envelopes/stamps on the letters that could be used to ID Cooper have now been destroyed. One other thing I noticed was the hand writing on the envelopes does not look like the printing of an engineer as it has a back and forth mixture of upper case and lower case printed leters. I use all caps when I print and some engineers use upper for just the beginning of the word but not back and forth as in the Cooper envelopes. Bob Sailshaw
  5. GEORGER: You say in your post: Given Peterson's background he was probably referring to institutions of government and the corporate economy as that related to colonialism and Vietnam. Read works by Bernard Fall and old issues of The Nation magazine. You have got it right as Sheridan had a grudge for several Systems that troubled him. The system in the Father Flanagian boys shool he grew up in and the Marines he joined at age 16 (to get out of the boys school) and the divorce that cost him a lot of money, and layoff from Boeing at the cancellation of the SST (Supersonic Transport) and in general the system that did not pay him as well as he thought his College education should have provided. And, the Viet Nam War and how the system (U.S.) treated the V.N. people. Bob Sailshaw
  6. GEORGER: You are responding to what 377 wrote and not my answer of 10 years before the DB Cooper Skyjacking which I reported. You must be getting too old to understand who is posting what. Take your pills or something and get smart again. Bob Sailshaw
  7. GEORGER: You say: "what was the date you talked with Sheridan and he said the System to Beat the System" Good question and the answer is 10 years before the DB Cooper Skyjacking when he lived at my home for a month. He mentioned the Beat the System many times in the one month saying with our College educations, we should be able to design the System to Beat the System. Bob Sailshaw
  8. Bruce Smith: My reply on your web site was: "Good job Bruce. As you know I have been trying to find a way to break the DB Cooper case wide open and get it solved before suspects like Sheridan Peterson die. I believe your web site might just be the place and offer the opportunity to do just that. I believe the FBI is stuck on “stop” and are doing nothing. I believe DNA evidence can solve the crime in one instant step by the FBI. A SMOKING GUN Yes, there was no gun used in the DB Cooper caper but the smoking gun DNA evidence that would break the case wide open lays dormant in the “Four Letters” sent to the Portland newspapers by the skyjacker and signed as DB Cooper. One of the letters had a salutation of “The System That Beats The System” which Sheridan had said many times in the past. The FBI is only one step away from solving the mystery by using DNA left on envelope flaps/stamps on the four letters. The FBI has DNA from swabs of Sheridan’s mouth and if they would test the four envelopes/stamps and get a match, it would blow Sheridan’s “Perfect Alibi” of being in Nepal at the time of the skyjacking.The four letters were sent from the Portland area and would prove that Sheridan was at the scene of the crime within days after the skyjacking and “not in Nepal”. With a positive DNA match, the FBI could charge Sheridan with lying to the FBI, a federal crime. He could be threatened with jail for the rest of his life (he is in his mid 80′s now), unless he confesses. So, what do you think Bruce? I think this is possibly the only way to get the FBI moving again to solve the crime. Their whole theory that he died of exposure, crashed into the ground is just a big cover-up for not being able to solve the crime. Sheridan is the very best match of the descriptions by the Flight Attendants including his very olive complexsion and his mild gentleman like manners. Thanks again, Bob Sailshaw" This might get the case off dead center as the FBI would like us to believe that DB died in the jump. Surely they would like to solve their only un-solved crime! Bob
  9. Blevins/Skyjack71 Blevins you might ask the pilot if he could see the glow in the clouds over Vancouver/Portland and possibly not the actual lights due to the overcast. That might clear up what has been posted that the pilots said. Some of us believe that Cooper used the glow in the clouds to determine where he was and know when to jump along with the time on his watch. Thank you, Bob Sailshaw
  10. Robert99 This is a post from Georger: "Rat said Cooper bailed somewhere between 5-10 minutes after their last contact woith him at 8:05, and he could see the nothern suburbs of Portland coming up, and they had not crossed the Columbia yet". There has been disagreement about what Rat's vision was from his seat, and what Cooper could have seen from his seat or standing on the stairs. The conditions were 3/4 moon, perhaps cloud deck at 5000ft, windy-rainy, and 305 was flying somewhere along or variably east of V23 as per the FBI flight map ... Photo No.1 shows the view from Rataczak's seat. His forwards vision is restricted, as Sluggo pointed out earlier. His side vision through his side window is favorable, to his right side extending to approx 70 degrees to his front. His downward vision on his right side extending forward is quite good, from 10,000 feet. Photos no.2 & 3 further detail vision from the 727 cockpit. Rataczack's statement implies Cooper bailed between 8:10 and 8:15. If you look at the FBI flight path map, photo 3A, you can see that up to 20:15 Rataczack has a good right window view to the ground of Portland-Vancouver coming up, because 305 has not made its turn yet beginning at 20:15. After 20:15 Rat's view ahead is more limited but not fully restricted. So, Rataczack's statement is consistent with the flight path map in terms of the angle of the plane and Rat's ability view PDX-VCR approaching out his right side window. In the back, Cooper would have had a more restricted forward view due to his smaller window but his view toward Portland until 20:15 is very much like that Rataczack has, because of the angle of the plane. Cooper would have seen the lights of PDX-VCR coming up, if the clouds permitted this. Photos 4-6 show the back stairs extended. Once again given the angle of the plane to 20:15, if Cooper is standing on the stairs during this period (20-10-20:15) all Cooper has todo is look to his left and cloud cover permitting he can see the lights of Vancouver-Portland in the distance coming up. Cooper bails during this period, according to Rat. If 305 is east off V23 it is basically the same scenario with respect to Rataczack's rightside view toward PDX-VCR, and the same also for Cooper if he knew where he was, or cared. There is the issue of cloud cover. One would think even with cloud cover, VCR and PDX would have appeared as 'light glow' through the clouds, against a backdrop of black night, with a 3/4 moon somewhere above. I dont see that there is any restriction to Rataczack's right side vision as it conflicts with his statement. Rather I see the facts of 727 rightside vision from the copilot's seat as supporting Rat's statement. The only issues are where and when. But, the angle of the plane between BTG and the 20:15 are favorable for Rataczack seeing VCR-PDS off his right side. Likewise for Cooper seeing these lights if he looked. " So, I am not the only one that thinks DB used the "glow in the clouds" or lights of Vancouver/Portland to time his jump. DB had a better view by having no windshield/rain drops (blown off somewhat by the airflow) to look through that the pilots had. He also had his watch to help locate when he was close to Vancouver/Portland. Therefore Robert99, read it and weep! You are wrong again, just get over it. Bob Sailshaw
  11. Robert99: You say " Sailshaw, How many hours have you spent looking at Titanium under a microscope? Do electrical engineers use microscopes? For that matter, in view of our previous exchange of posts, do you now understand how cloud heights are measured? " To answer your questions (or attacks), Engineers do use microscopes but prefer to have Technicians use such equipment so the Engineers can devote their time to engineering. Cloud heights question leads me to believe I must have hurt your feelings. Sorry, there is no room on this web site for attacks or you fall into the same Bob Knoss and Bob Blevins band by Quade. Hope you are not a Technician and offended by my statement. Clouds having glow from city lights is mentioned in past posts by several others. I have been reading all the past posts and find we are lost in going over the same things in greater detail. Bob Sailshaw
  12. Georger: You say "Is Gray looking at Peety? BTW: Gray was allowed access to suspect files at Seattle, which no one else was - that is my understanding." Georger: When I talked with Gray (at his book signing here in Seattle) he had never heard of Sheridan or saw anything about him in the FBI files he saw. That would indicate that Gray did not have full access to all the FBI files. There were two female FBI agents that visited Sheridan and took DNA samples from him. Gray was unaware of that too. How about that. Gray was running with not a lot of info and most of it was wrong. He writes well but he needs the straight info and not Blevins BS. Bob Sailshaw
  13. Georger: You say:"Sail, this is just factually wrong by light years. Tom never said any such thing. The pieces of sold titanium metal are just that - have nothing to do with match heads/smoker. You have this confused. Nowhere on Tom's site does he make any association between the Ti particles and match heads. The two are completely incompatible. Go back and read the pertinent material on Tom's site." Sorry Georger, but your Fact about Tom Kayne is not in agreement with what he told me in person. He said that his latest conclusion (not reported anywhere else) about the Titanium was it was from the match heads that DB had been using. Was Tom just feeding me BS or are you not up to date on his latest thinking about the findings on the tie? Maybe Tom is like Cossey and likes to tell untrue things as facts. Who knows? However, you can believe me that what I say is to the best of my knowledge of what I know. Bob Sailshaw
  14. Mrshutter45: You say:"Fact: All titanium used in aircraft is alloyed and the Cooper material was pure titanium. Interpretation: Due to the lack of alloyed titanium, Cooper did not work in the aircraft industry." My candidate for DB is Sheridan Peterson who's office was in the 9-101 building, 2nd floor just above the research Materials and Processes Lab which was involved in looking at many things to do with Titanium including flame spraying powered (pure) Titanium. The scrap tub skids would have been a source for DB to pick-up all that was found on the tie. Tom Kayne mentioned he concluded the Titanium he found from the tie was from match heads DB would have used as a smoker. However, the Boeing Materials and Processes Lab is my best bet for the source of the Titanium and Aluminum found on the tie. Bob Sailshaw
  15. Mrshutter45 When I talked with Tom Kayne at the Burke Museum, he told me the Titaniun he found on the tie was probably from match heads as DB was a smoker and would have used matches. However, he also found a curlyque of aluminum (about 1/16 inch long) which would have come from a machining process like a lathe. Sounds like DB might have worked in the Boeing labs and around the scrap tub skids. A good source of aluminum (and Titanium) for home projects. When looking in the tub skid, your tie hangs into the tub skid too and could pick-up dust of both Titanium and aluminum curlyques. Bob Sailshaw
  16. Jo: Emery paper was used by people to shine-up their jewelery (gold rings and etc...). If Webber wanted to work on his finger prints he would have used an emery board like women use on their finger nails to shape them. Or he could have used various grades of sandpaper but not emery paper like jewelery store people use. Possibly, he was shinning his wedding band to keep it bright and free from scratches while his hand was in his pocket. Could have been a nervous thing that he learned to do to pass the time away while in prison. Bob Sailshaw
  17. BLEVINS: You are getting to be like BobKoss, too much posting of junk information to fit your book. You can not alter the facts about the description of DB Cooper. "Because I say so can not alter the facts" for both you and BobKoss. The three facts are: KC was too short at 5 ft 8 in and DB was 6 ft 1 in. Now the second is his skin color is white and not olive like DB. Finally, his eyes are the wrong color. So, to make dumb attempts to alter the facts just goes to show how poor your thinking really is and the resulting pity-full book which you should remove from the book sellers shelf. The FBI have not been looking further into Kenney Christensen with good reason. The three above facts totally rule KC out. Give it up Blevins, you have been exposed! Bob sailshaw
  18. BLEVINS: You say: " The FBI hasn't said KC does not fit the Cooper profile. They said they think he doesn't fit the description. There is a difference." OK, HE DOES NOT FIT THE DESCRIPTION in your own words. To me, there are three really big reasons he does not fit the description; As I have stated before KC was too short at 5 ft 8 in and DB was 6 ft 1 in. Now the second is his skin color is white and not olive like DB. Finally, his eyes are the wrong color. Goef Gray makes up the story that KC could have used makeup to change his skin color. Why no other changes to hide his description? Geof also make the argument that height can be confusing and different people had him at different heights, but 5 ft 8 in is just too much of a stretch to get to 6 ft 1 in. Eye color again can be confusing but Tina looked into his eyes and had the color pegged quite well. So, three strikes puts KC out as a viable candidate. Geof looked a little sheepish when he told me the above story of why KC fit the description. Geof is a smart guy but his story was a too big stretch of the facts and not believable and was just to defend the book he had written (just like Blevin and the Blast). The FBI was right to exclude further investigation of Kennith Christensen (KC). Bob sailshaw
  19. ROBERT99: I agree with you that KC does not deserve further examination by the FBI and they have expressed that KC does not fit the DB Cooper profile. Blevins continues to pushes KC as he uses it to push his worthless book "Blast". What needs to be done is answer the question as to why the FBI has failed for over 40 years to catch their man. They have the smartest (college degree lawyers) working the case but have not been able to solve it. They also have access to all kinds of experts but why no progress? FBI, FBI, FBI, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? I believe they suffer from rigid methods that have worked in the past but limit their thoughts to "inside the box". Just a little "thinking outside the box" could put them on the trail to success. I also believe they have talked with DB but ruled him out as he had the "perfect alibi". They have even taken DNA swabs from his mouth but fail to check the DNA that they have on existing evidence. The case can be solved very quickly comparing the DNA on the four envelopes/stamps sent to the Portland newspapers following the caper with their best suspect . They had their man but just failed to follow thru. Larry Carr was on the right track by enlisting the DropZone to do the thinking outside the box. Larry was given a chance but got yanked out of the job to think about "greater crimes" and conclude DB died in the jump. FBI thinking again and the failure continues. Bob sailshaw
  20. Jo: YOU ARE RIGHT, WE NEED TO PAY NO ATTENTION TO BOBKOSS!!! What we need to do is the following: 1) Do no read his posts (they are pure BS anyway) 2) When you see it is a post from BobKoss, just skip over to the next post. 3) Never answer the posts from BobKoss as it just makes him post more BS and take up more space on the DropZone. 4) Possibly, if we all do the above, BobKoss will just fade away. LETS TRY IT Bob sailshaw
  21. 377: You are right as usual, it was Palladin as you say: Wasn't that Palladin in Have Gun Will Travel? DB, like Palladin might have just left the tie as his calling card as it was not needed for the jump. Bob Sailshaw
  22. Jo You posted: "No one - absolutely NO ONE instructed Cooper about his remark to a question Tina asked Cooper. She was trying to help this troubled man and at the same time soothe her fears. She enquired of Cooper if he had a grudge...she felt he was a "very sad man"." We should get Bruce to give us the correct statement that Tina made to DB. I remember it to be that Tina asked DB why he was doing this skyjack and he said: "Let's just say I have a grudge" That means DB was the one to first mention the grudge and not Tina. She only asked him why he was doing the skyjack if I remember it correctly. Help Bruce! Bob Sailshaw
  23. Blevins: You were right about the lay-off and how it could have been part of DB's Grudge. You go on to say: "One small thing I wondered about is WHY the hijacker chose to just toss the tie onto the seat, rather than getting rid of it completely somehow, as he did with the briefcase. Perhaps because it didn't belong to him and he thought it could not be traced to him. There is no way to really know. I mean...he was careful to retrieve the notes, for example, but didn't seem to care about the tie." I suspect the tie was his and it was one he wore most of the time. I think he left it on the seat next to him as a calling card. Like Maverick left a calling card in the TV series (I think I remember that). It would have been one last thing to contend with when jumping into the slip stream of the 727. He jumped with his rain coat on and probably with the collar up and buttoned to form a protection if he jumped into the trees. Much like the collar the Smoke Jumpers use to protect their face from wayward branches. In his paper bag he probably brought a backlava cap that could be pulled down over his face for protection (with eye slots) like that used by special forces. The cap would been like a helmet and not as hard to conceal bringing it aboard. Bob Sailshaw
  24. 377 You say: "Maybe Sailshaw can chime in. Sailboats, especially racing types, are always on the cutting edge for using exotic materials if they save weight and are strong." Yes we did use titanium in our racing sailboats and as I have said before, I used some on my boat that I found in the scrap tub skids in the Boeing 9-101 bldg. when the SST (Super Sonic Transport) was in work in the late 1960's. I believe DB worked in the same building above the materials research lab that filled the titanium (and aluminum) waste tub skids. The small curly cue of aluminum (like Tome Kaye found) was the product of a machining process. I think it makes DB most likely a Boeing worker at the time and subject to the SST lay-off (another part of DB's Grudge). Bob Sailshaw
  25. 377 You say: "That Tena bar money still drives me nuts. I just can't come up with a good explanation that fits the other evidence." I believe that the Tina Bar money was the three packs of $20 that DB offered to the 727 crew and was refused. DB probably stuffed the three packs into the paper bag he brought onboard, in a hurry then he stuffed the bag into his shirt and it blew out when he jumped. That way the three packs of $20 were kept together and found all together at Tena's Bar. The sack rotted away and the three packs were left held together with the rubber bands. Some of the $20's were missing from one of the packs and that might have been that DB took 10 bills ($200) for pocket spending money. Bob sailshaw 73's