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DJL last won the day on August 3 2020

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  1. Thought I'd check in here since I stopped coming to this forum about 5 years ago. It's funny to see the exact same issues being hashed out by the same people but I'm trying to remember a few faces and see where they went. So, it's thread time, there are a few who were long time writers like John Rich, I think he was banned or left. Then a few who's name I'm forgetting like Ron(?) from Georgia?, that guy Pennsylvania who ran a small 182 joint for a while, gun nut, ex military, climate change denier. Where'd they go?
  2. Just stopping in to echo this. I come from a land where I chose not to give a platform to people who are either stupid or intellectually dishonest. Believe me, the world is a much better place if you just hit "off" on those people instead of playing into their desire for attention or to social media relevance algorithms. There's a reason that the dumbest comment on any FB article is at the top and getting the most exposure and that's the world in which people like BH thrive.
  3. You've made a pretty big leap between him writing an article debating actionable legislation regarding hate speech and him calling for penalties for thought crimes. The first ammendment and for that matter no law is so absolute as to ignore it's implication regarding public safety and nation security.
  4. You're the one who started this entire hurricane thing, chose your method and said it was a valid metric for disproving what you said is a claim about global warming. The argument you've lost is with yourself utilizing a claim that you have made. The thing is that your argument is again based upon the words of people you like to pick out of the mix who say everything is caused by global warming. Scientifically speaking that's not verified by those who study it the most, it is only a possibility and there is no evidence that in the last 100 years that the increase in reported storms is because of anything more than increased maritime traffic having been a witness to storms. Next, what happens next year does not prove or disprove anything, not because of the relvance of a La Nina but because that's not how averages work. Yearly data is all over the place and doesn't even become usable until recorded beyond a decade. This is like your claim that we would all eat crow if the NOAA Climate report showed that one year's Febuary was cooler than last years Febuary (link below). It wasn't, and it was funny to watch you go silent on that one too but it also doesn't prove anyone else's point. For reference here is a valid sources writeup on the relationship between climate change and hurricane/storm activity (Note that it was written recently and at the end of an immensly active storm season yet they still don't say that this year proves anything): Here is the referenced data source for the long term trend on rising worldwide temperatures:
  5. What, it’s the first time we’ve ever had a La Niña? I decided to check in here to see how your stance was standing up that man made global warming coincides with the presence or absence of hurricanes. I see you still won’t listen to the metrics that YOU establish.
  6. Funny enough I didn't. Just clicked through so the pages would show as read.
  7. DJL

    Police State

    That's incredible. Keep us posted. That is some seriously Nazi shit.
  8. Without a doubt. Trump's only salient goal has been to undo and defund and that means the people best capable of identifying and working through the initial stages of this who had done it before and knew what to do were all gone.
  9. DJL

    Biden's VP

    Again, I do not want the executive branch involved in this, they need to run the country. The New York DA's office can deal with Trump and they are equally capable of tapping federal resources where needed.. We will very quickly put our country into a cycle of one administration investigating the last if Biden and his office and cabinet have anything to do with Trump. They absolutely do NOT need to be involved and therefore shouldn't. They DO need to lead the country and should.
  10. DJL

    Biden's VP

    Like what. If it's related to Trump then I'd prefer that our Executive Branch spend their time on better things. Trump wasted enough of our national capital on pissing matches and there are plenty of others to pursue valid legal issues.
  11. DJL

    Biden's VP

    There certainly will be a quantity of legal garbage to undo.
  12. DJL


    That could be because you were group tested but if so then they should've told you your group was negative. If you're not familiar with that (and for other readers) it can be cost and time prohibitive to test every single sample so it's more effective to test a group of X samples. The plus side is saving 10's of thousands of sample and man hour units but the downside is that you have to retest the 10-20 people in the positive group. However, that's supposed to solve the issue of month long delays.
  13. DJL

    Biden's VP

    I think Susan Rice is a better choice because of her international experience and I think she could appeal to a wider range of the American demographic. Kamala appeals mostly to coastal states which aren't as important to the election. Fox News is already starting up its "get her" machine by trying to invoke Benghazi.
  14. I realize I'm 5 pages back (Been on Vacation) but this is worth replying to. The entire point is that cops should be able to do their work WITHOUT killing people who pose no threat to them.
  15. DJL


    Again, you seem unable to make a principled comment regarding support for a woman who has spent her life procuring underage girls for a sex offender. This should not be difficult.