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Everything posted by jimbrown

  1. Are you suggesting that in order to comply with the law in the United States of America one must hire outside parties? Would they understand the law ? The book is three times as large as the Bible. Does anyone have an absolute understanding of our tax code? Peace, Jim B.
  2. Quotethe "we've allowed you to wear" bit. It impiles ownership of selection of employment. You are not on that board and don't have the ownership of "We".*** I am a citizen of the United States of America and We the People are the ones in charge of hiring and firing. Yes , all these cry baby military types on the news latley yanks my chain. Try living in the real world sometime camo cheeks. Checks aren't guaranteed when you expect them. Wearing camo as you suck off of the government tit only differentiates you from any other welfare queen by the fact that she doesn't wear camo. Oh, pardon me, She doesn't generally have lice and fleas either. Peace, Jim B.
  3. At the bottom of the tax form there is a place for your signature. Preceding your signature there is a paragragh all about "under penalty of perjury I believe this return is true and in compliance with all tax laws (For you sticklers, I am paraphrasing. feel free to update with the actual text) to the best of my knowledge. Here's the kicker. I know that I don't fully understand the tax code. It's like three times as long as the frickin' Bible. I might be able to fill out a form 1040 but to the best of my knowledge the information on that form is incorrect as I know that I don't hold a full understanding of the entire tax code. What do I do? Sign the form and perjure myself or simply not file as the government has placed me in a catch-22 situation? Peace, Jim B.
  4. It doesn'i really. Did you think that answered the question? Did you see the plane at the Pentagon in the four frames the government released? I don't know who you are , Gravitymaster, but I think it's a sure bet you are not Jesse Ventura! Peace, Jim B.
  5. What? Who "allow"me ? What are you trying to say? Could you try again? All I'm hearing is "Gatorade,it's got electrolytes". Peace, Jim B.
  6. Listen, I hate to break the news to you but the military is funded through the federal Government. If the Federal money runs out military people get no paychecks. Why is that so hard to fathom? If you were in the private sector and the company you workrd for suddenly had no money in the bank, guess what.., no paycheck. Military personelle voluntarily chose their employer. I hate it that they didn't consider in their zeal to kill brown people the fact that one day their paycheck might be late or even not coming. Not my problem and I don't feel too sorry for them. Pick your employer or start your own buisiness but please. please, please big green uniformed guys/gals.., Please don't cry to the media when your check may be a bit late. It's disrespectfull of the uniform we've allowed you to wear. Peace, Jim B.
  7. I'm proud he fired this woman. By her own account she wasn't qualified for the job. Do you , Kennedy, think she should have been kept on the taxpayers'payroll? Is there even the slightest chance in your mind , Kenedy, that the Sherrif has acted above board here and that this unqualified woman is making up stories? Is she lying now and did she lie when she applied for the job? It doesn't add up. There are some fine qualified white girls in Clayton County who would suck dick all day just for an interview. Why would this sheriff risk his career over some no talent brillo headed lady? Too Too Too, Too much Truth!!! Peace, JimB. Peace, Jim B.
  8. Where's *your* profile pic? LOL! You got me!!! I admit I too have *man hands*. Does that rev your engines? Would a pic be the fire to light your loins? Seek me out at Ashley Madison.com and we'll be talkin' big boy! Peace, Jim B.
  9. So then.., you agree that an even trade doesn't produce taxable income. What about an even trade where I trade my time for it's value($40.00 per hour)? I haven't gained anything , i've simply made an even trade. My time for someone elses money. Has that even exchange produced taxable income? Peace, Jim B.
  10. Before you vote, you should look at her photo: http://zeldalily.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Samantha-Ardente.jpg Oh heck no, you can't fire that! Sorry, she has *man hands* .. , she's fired!!! Peace, Jim B.
  11. I'm not sure if that is an answer to the question but thanks for participating in the discussion and we have some nice consolation prizes for you out back!
  12. Follow me here, I'm thinking that if I make an even trade with an individual, let's say I trade a '73 River Queen houseboat for a '88 Harley Heritage Softail, and the value of each is $6999, no "income " was produced therefore there is no income tax liability incurred. Would you agree or disagree? Peace, Jim B/
  13. Just a heads up. I have never been a coat and tie guy. Jeans and button down , polos , and t-shirts were what I've worn for any occasion. I would never wear a tie much less a suit. When my mother passed a few weeks ago I had to scramble to get appropriate attire to wear to the funeral of the most influential woman of my life. You may want to expand your wardrobe options now when there is no rush. Just a thought. Peace, JimB.
  14. ***It's pointless to get sucked into the endless circular logic here.*** You ,Andy , seem to miss logic. If a judge in a case has been paid $5000 in the last month by one of the parties of the case, I believe that jurist ethics demand that the judge recuse himself. If there is no judge in the land who has not taken money from that party, they should all recuse themselves. If there is not a judge amongst the entire system who has no serious conflict of intrest the trial doesn't "go on anyway". There can be no fair trial under those circumstances therefore there can be no trial. At least that's how I understand America, You may hold a differing opinion. Peace, Jim B.
  15. I said "Americans", could you provide us your Birth Certificate? Peace out, Jim B.
  16. Like the Wikipedia source you site? Now there is some "actual data". I seem to remember an article there about skydivers having developed gills and that we would drown if we went through a cloud. Peace out, Jim B.
  17. It does not go on to say that you are the one who decides what is just. Wendy P. I doubt,Wendy , that any American would argue that it is "just compensation" when some are forced to pay 40 times the amount than others for the same level or even less of services. Peace, Jim B.
  18. How can you spew such obviously false stuff? Do you really believe it? "During FY 2010, the federal government collected approximately $2.16 trillion in tax revenue. Primary receipt categories included individual income taxes (42%), Social Security/Social Insurance taxes (40%), and corporate taxes (9%)." (to do the math, 42% of 2.16T = 907 Billion.) "Budgeted net interest on the public debt was approximately $240 billion in fiscal years 2007 and 2008. " So you're off by 73%. As for who holds this debt - it's anyone that buys treasuries, TIPs, savings bonds of maturities that range from weeks to 30 years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Estimated_ownership_of_treasury_securities_by_year.gif A good chunk of it is the paper debt to the Social Security "Trust Fund." But quite a lot of it is owned by individuals. 28% is now foreign held, much of it by China who wants to keep the yuan's value down. If you got a 30 year in 1981, you made a fortune on it, with over 3 times the interest rates you can get now. Jim - what've you got to say about this?? It is quite obvious that the author forgot to add the interest on the Social Security debt as well as the principle. You caught that though didn't you Kid Wicked? Peace, Jim B.
  19. if you really want to know about mortgage gate and the bailout and the banksters http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/wildbankers.php Peace, Jim B.
  20. Quote That said, CBS, and especially 60 minutes actually does have a pretty good record. but as a whole, 60 minutes is excellent reporting. Mr Quade, could you tell us who owns CBS? Peace, Jim B.
  21. You seem to have missed that around 1776 there was a revolution.The reason for that war was to secure the Rights of men. Peace, Jim B.
  22. [replyOh REALLLLY .. it certainly does not sound like it. You wallow in the benefits of living in a civilized society... yet whine about paying the taxes in some irrrational FAR right wing TAX scammer theology about the FED. DUUUUDE.. pay for the roads.... the fire... the police... or are you too priveledged in your RIGHTS to pay for what you use. There is a name for those who do as you wish to do... INMATES... convicted of tax evasion or tax fraud..... sentenced to FEDERAL POUND YOU IN THE ASS PRISON..... Funny , I thought the name of those who did as they pleased was "Free Men". I'm sure that is a concept lost on all who have adopted a slave ,lick the boot of your Master government, mentality. I hope that the chains of your servitude rest lightly on your shoulders. Peace, Jim B.