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Everything posted by jimbrown

  1. Obviously he didn't have a new body unless he was issued a defective one . Didn't this "new body" have nail holes and lance wounds? And you studied this theology for how long and never asked the "new body " questions???? Forget what you have been told steveorino. That was the old way. Look inside yourself to find Truth. Peace , Jim B
  2. [replySo you look within depraved humanity and their ignorace for truth? explains alot... Do you understand the problem with that, Jim? The Truth is within those depraved . They need only to look inwardly to find it. Depraved generally are looking outside for stimulus . But yes the depraved are my Brethren and I love them as I love myself. As to where I look for Truth it is not at the depraved but rather I focus my attention inward. To the very center of my conciousness. Peace, Jim B
  3. Earlier you stated that "they piercerd his heart". As a Master of Theology could you back up that statement? Sorry , my bad! I shouldn't put you on the spot like that! I should never ask you to proove that which is demonstrably false. Jesus was seen up and walking around just a few days after the cruci-fiction. He said to his diciples, "Feed me". Now I don't have a whole lot of experience with the undead but i just kinda have a hunch that spirits don't require fiborous foods or have the normal nutritional rerquirements of the average human worker. I kinda have a hunch that Jesus was hungry because he never died , was still humanoid,and hadn't had much of a chance to eat in the last few days what with all that crucifiction,burial nonsense! No wonder he made such a big deall about "the last supper". Think about havin surgery. They always say you can't eat after midnight. Don't you find yourself gorging up to that appointed hour? I know I do! And then afterward, I'm tellin everyone I know "feed me" . Just like Jesus! Peace , Jim B I am you and you are me and we are all together.
  4. At first, I thought you may just be mocking, but I now believe you are sincere. Just know that I do not put my faith in human ingnorace nor the the depravity of man...I "put no confidence in the flesh." I have absolute faith in Human ignorance. I also have absolute faith that ignorance can and will be cured. Eventually all will come to Enlightenment and the Truth. It is so simple to find. Just look within! Peace, Jim B
  5. OK. Do you realize the New Testament in its' present form was written about 300 AD by Constantine for political purposes and may not contain the true teachings of The Master, Jesus the Christ? Peace, Jim B
  6. .But to the original question, would it matter to me if JC didn't die. Theologically (for propitiation), yes; but to me personally, no. his life and words are enough that I would follow him. And do you take His words and teachings from the Bible or have you found a different source? Peace, Jim B
  7. [replyI love you my Brother. Prove it. Do you have any reason to believe that I don't love you my brother? Look within yourself and you will find that we are all one. If I was to do anything to hurt you I might as well be cutting off my own arm. We are all one, Coreece, and the one in it's entirety and in its' smallest divided parts are all God. I do love you my Brother for you are Myself. Peace, Jim B
  8. Your passive aggresive flattery sickens me...you edify with lies. Relax. Go get a drink of water. Take a few deep breaths of this wonderful air. Relax. Close your eyes and travel inward. All the Truth , the history and God are there for you . I love you my Brother. Peace, Jim B
  9. well, among the uptight men, at least. The women and the sinners, or the opium producers weren't fans. Well you know what? Women prepare the meals and they could poison the men at any time as was the way the Egiptian priests got rid of any Pharoah they disagreed with politicly. Of course I don't know how deep the idea of subservience has been ingrained into these womens' minds. Thing is the only way any one will ever be free is to first decide that you have a Right to be Free and then decide as Winsor said (and I'm paraphrasing) "nuke the fuck" out of any one who would attempt to deny you your Freedom. Peace, Jim B
  10. Ya, I met the librarian last time I went...her soul is like a blackhole. Here, I took some video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-3kuyY0Wcs Tee hee hee !!! That's the immature or nervous vibe I pick up from you. Fact is you don't know , you don't really practice what you tell everyone you believe. Relax. It's ok. Relax. You are perfect and are fullfiling the plan perfectly and with precision. Look within yourself. In the center of the temple you will find God and the Truth! Peace, Jim B
  11. Hey Jaybird, Do you realize that under Roman rule crucifiction wasn't necessarily a death sentence but was often used as a form of public humiliation as were the "stocks" in 17th century America? According to the New Testament Pilate was inclined to let Jesus go free. He put it up to a vote by the crowd. Does that sound like the man was wanted for a capitol crime. Like the governor even ever considered a death sentence? Or was public humiliation the sentence? Oh.., one more thing.., Pilate had him crucified just before the beginning of Passover. Pilate would have known that he would have to be removed from the cross before the passover. He also would have known that it would usually take at least a week for a man to die from crucifiction. Do you believe that Pilate intended a death penalty for Jesus ' little temper tantrum with the Jew money traders in the temple, or did Pilate just follow the crowds' lead and sentence him to a crucifiction for the purpose of public humiliation? Could it be that Jesus' suffering is a parrallel to todays DUI offenders wearing the orange vests on Saturday( not to be confused with the fans of the University of Tennessee) picking up litter on the side of the road? Peace, Jim B
  12. Why did that amuse you, Ron? Something that amuses me is the fact that all the supposed"rational thinkers " are blown out of the water by quantum physics. Salvador Dali may be correct. I believe he is. All Truth is within. Peace, Jim B.
  13. You are god and you are amazing in all the things you can do. Your uncles are god and they are amazing in all the things they can do . Their bodies have expired but they continue. Pretty fuckin' amazing! Peace, Jim B
  14. That is why my fantasy is to be the only straight guy in town. I had a dream like that once (see Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, you are not so special!!!). I was the lone straight guy in town. Girls all immediatley went lesbian.
  15. "What could possibly go wrong"- unknown. "Hey y'all, watch this"- unknown drunk Peace, Jim B
  16. [replyWould you rather be in-debt in a democratic state, or debt-free living under the Taliban? Let's start off remembering that none of us probably wants to live in a democracry(three wolves and a sheep voting on the dinner menu). What the Founding Fathers left us was a "constitutional republic" . A form of government where the whims of the majority are reigned in by the rule of Law. Since the start of the war the law has been changed so that many of our Rights are no longer recognized by the US government. It's not so much a matter of would you rather be living in debt in a free society or without debt under Taliban rule. The question should be ; You are living under a government run by corporations, banks, and big business where your Rights are not recognized. This government privatizes the profits but socializes the debt of these corporations . You are forced to pay a portion of your wages to hide the criminality of the bankers. You are also forced to pay a portion of your wages to support the military industrial complex and their foreign profit schemes which are the cause of tremendous loss of life, limb, mental stability and the destruction of infrastructures. You are forced to pay a portion of your wages to house the largest population of incarcerated nonviolent offenders in the world. What can we do about it. How can we bring about positive change? But hey, It's your question. Ask itfrom under what ever veil of ignorance you wish. Peace, Jim B
  17. Afghanistan has often been referred to as "the country where empires goe to die". The Soviets tried to conquer the territory and went belly up in a large part because of the drain from that war. The last sucessful invader who really had control over the area was Alexander the Great and he only maintained control for 3 years. Afganistan had self government before we invaded. It was governed by the Taliban and apparently (from my view in the cheap seats) they had/ have strong support among the population. Seems that both the Clinton and Bush administrations liked them pretty well also ,as they were courting, wineing and dining them like you or I would a big titted blonde. Seems the Obama administration must like them pretty well also as they are presently lapping at the chance to negotiate with them. Thing is the Taliban has done a pretty good job of surviving for ten years the present invasion and have even been able to at times give as good as they get. Afgahans will surely self rule without US intervention. That's not the question or why we've spent all this gold and blood. The question is will a self governing Afghanistan be favorable to the situations the US wants. Peace, JimB
  18. Quick question and time is of the essence. You are in NewOrleans and the flood waters are rising . Just 6 hours before the waters submerge the entire facility. You can't possibly evacuate all the residents given your resources. How do you proceed? Peace, Jim B
  19. I don't believe the Fourth Ammendment is based on "Chances", Mr. Draft! I'm most certain it is a *guarantee*. Peace, Jim B Sorry to burst your bubble, but nobody's rights are violated by security checks/screening at airports. That's just one opinion. And a very weak one at that. Could you cite for us the 4th Ammendment ,Belgian Draft or did the government fail to leave a copy on your desk this morning? You do work for the government don't you BG? Peace, Jim B
  20. So you all know how crazy this national debt thing has gotten. Right now to pay it off every american household would have to pony up something like $125,000 today. So look at the poll above. Is it your debt. Much of it was probably accrued before you were ever born. Certainly , any child born in America today will be saddled with a huge amount of debt. And some of you people are bitchin about these Mexican babies as citizens why? Peace, Jim B
  21. I like you Canuks as neighbors! Other than your arrogance about the cup I enjoy having y'all...Up there! Peace, Jim B
  22. Thing is that there aren't alot of Islamics posting on this site to Crucify. Another factor may be that the Muslim religion is more true ln it's simplicity. When they say there is one true God they mean it. They don't go on about well there really is three until leap year and then there are 29 until the eggs are hidden on Easter and no one can eat meat on Friday before hand or else you'll go to a fierey hell and be analy raped by Satans' 12 inch spiked cock. Just an observation. Peace, Jim B
  23. I am not one who judges but there is another way not considered . When one finds themselves overwhelmed by their circumstances in the physical world they can simply choose to disincarnate and a replacement will be immediately sent. It's all about "free will". You will never be given a burden greater than our ability to shoulder it. Don't destroy the body and all those around you without atleast first exploring this option. Peace, Jim B
  24. I don't believe the Fourth Ammendment is based on "Chances", Mr. Draft! I'm most certain it is a *guarantee*. Peace, Jim B
  25. Wow ... how can this happen? Except to say Real Estate Land Titles is incredibly out of date. It comes about for a few reasons . One is MERS , another is MBS or mortgage backed securities. Basicly the banksters commited huge fraud and are scrambling to put any real estate back onto their balance sheet before they get busted and go to jail. The economy crashing in 98 wasn't the fault of some little guys who couldn't make their mortgage payments . It wasn't because the government required the banks to make loans they shouldn't have. It was all about fraud on the part of the Banksters , bundling the same mortgage numerous times into different bundles and selling them as an investment tool, Mortgage backed securities. Thing is when some of those went south and the foreign investors realized the criminal fraud ,Banksters were going to go to jail! Good thing the calvary came to the rescue of their fraudulent freinds. The US government put up your money to hide the criminality of these bankers from you. How do you like those apples? Snidly Whiplash tied you to the tracks , where is Dudley Do Right? Peace, Jim B