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Everything posted by jimbrown
LOL! Peace, Jim B
So when the law of the land was that it was legal to keep Negroes in slavery it was the "Christian values" which upheld that law? How about today in Saudi Arabia where the law subjugates women , should Christians in that country"uphold the law of the land". Are all Christians sheep or are they ready to protest and perform actions of civil disobedience when the "law of the land" is against the teachings of the Master, Jesus the Christ"? What did Jesus say about torture? Apparently it is "the law of the land" today, Ron. I guess you are ok with that. So be it. You will come around to the Truth soon enough. Cromaat . Peace, Jim B
Yeah Were you around when the "towel heads" were about to invade and rape all the women, massacre the babies , torch the churches and generally wreak havok on all of the western world? But "We got 'im" . We went to Iraq and Afghanistan and "We got 'im". Peace, Jim B
If you have kids, have you ever noticed that, before they learn to tie their shoes, they sometimes try and tie or untie them and it all winds up in a very twisted mess? A mess that takes quite a while to unwind. It's hard to do sometimes when you're late for work and you're in a hurry. THIS is some "Twisted Scripture." "Twisted scripture"? We are told that God created Man in His Own image. Do you believe God to be humanoid in form and thus restricted to living as hunanoid in some location in the physical universe, or do you believe God to be Spirit in form and dwelling throughout the Spirit realm of which the physical universe is a subset? Jesus taught that the body is only a temple . That teaching would lead to believe that the essence of Man is Spirit . If Man was created in Gods' image and God is Spirit , and the essence of Man is Spirit , Is not every Man God? Love God above all other things, Love your Brother as Yourself. You and your brother aren't "things" . You are God . That's what he was getting at. Ya know you do have access to the Akashic Record as do all Humans. You could look at it all yourself but instead you cling to that Bible like a security blanket. Peace, Jim B
Relax Amazon. Walk around a bit. Pet the dog. Relax. The people who transitioned in those events are all fine and doing well. They are very happy and content. They are at peace. You seem to be not quite so at peace. Relax. Everything is and will be alright. Stroke your cat. No one is watching. Stroke it again. Relax. I promise you everything is going to be quite alright. Peace, Jim B
You're just jealous aren't you.... someone else is getting all that action and not you No shit Amazon! I wade through the security lines at Hartsfield Jackson in Atlanta several times a day in hopes I'll be singled out for another groping! Ya know.., generaly speaking government doesn't get much right but this pat down thing...!!! Puts new meaning into fly the *freindly* skies for me! Peace, Jim B
Exactly correct. As a matter of fact almost everytime NATO makes a kill the News media reports it just as you say. Insurgents, militia,armed combatants, etc. Not so often I see headlines about peaceful citizens being killed so I guess it just doesn't happen often. If it did I'd be Shocked and Awed !! Peace, Jim B Were those insurgents aboard the trains and busses on 7/7 in London or were they peaceful citizens going about thier lives??? Were those militia aboard the train in Madrid or were they peaceful citizens going about thier lives??? Were those combatants in the twin towers on 9/11or were they peaceful citizens going about thier daily lives???Quote Relax ,Amazon. Get a drink of water. Have some ice cream. Relax. Don't be troubled little one. No one wants to do you harm. Even if someone was bent on malintent toward you they can not possibly do you harm. Everything is going to be alright! Peace, Jim B
Well, they did fight to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights(atleast in their own minds). Now as old men travelling to the same sight where they risked their lives and fought to protect the ideals of Liberty, these 80 year old + men , will be subjected to groping of their privates in an affront to the 4th Ammendment. Were all their efforts during WW2 in vain? Peace, Jim B
Also something that I find interesting and even telling in this mystery is that the dogs*did not bark*!!!! Eureka ,Voila!!!!! Peace and Out, Jim B
Are all the current US wars for oil proffits?
jimbrown replied to jimbrown's topic in Speakers Corner
I think the rest of us wish you knew 15% of what you think you know. You seem like a happy guy. " ZING"------ LOL! Good one!!!! Peace, Jim B -
Tin foil is so last century. Aluminum foil is what todays fashion conscious conspiracy theorist requires of their habberdashery! Here is one fact,; They are making a record of every keystroke you type and a list of every website you visit. Every cell phone call you make , every e-mail you type ,and every text message you send is on file . So I don't care if you're wearing a nomex impregnated kevlar thong ,(who see's that besides the TSA agent stealing your laptop and what is left of your american pride and dignity? ) You are fucked! But if you are going to be fucked anyway why not be fashionable? Aluminum hats are the way to go during this summer season. PS.., don't forget it is considered a fashion faux pas to wear copper before labor day and never in the rain! Toodles +Peace, Jim B
Exactly correct. As a matter of fact almost everytime NATO makes a kill the News media reports it just as you say. Insurgents, militia,armed combatants, etc. Not so often I see headlines about peaceful citizens being killed so I guess it just doesn't happen often. If it did I'd be Shocked and Awed !! Peace, Jim B
Are all the current US wars for oil proffits?
jimbrown replied to jimbrown's topic in Speakers Corner
Can you proove that frogs bump their ass when they hop? I'm not believing that. Also are you certain that wings would alleviate this yet to be determined ass bumping ? I've personally witnessed many skydivers with Gold Wings bump their ass and far worse on landing after a short hop. Peace , Jim B -
QuoteSo I have been watching the Republican wannabes jockeying for position. Trump, Newt and now Bachmann, Rudy and Mitt. And the side show that is Palin upstages them all.Quote I notice you didn't mention the R from Texas, Ron Paul. The guy is a strict Constitutionalist. Are you unaware of him ? Peace, Jim B
My you are a demanding little critter aren't you? Here 's something you should know. Internet searches can reveal all kinds of information. I don't care whether or not you believe me. I could cite a hundred cases. Unless you research it yourself you will never believe me. Look it up or not. I could care less. Peace, Jim B
They have been doing a great job of retreating.... under their great leaders since October of 1812!!! Seems I recall they were against the invasion of Iraq on grounds they knew as did the US that Saddam didn't have WMDs even if the US had a reciept proving that we had infact sold him WMDs. Freedom Fries? Those pussy ass Frenchies! They eat cow liver all day but don't like the taste of Innocent Blood??? Fuckin' pussies!!! Peace, Jim B
So we're coming up on D-Day and many retired US military who survived that engagement will be travelling by air to Europe. These men, often referred to as "the Greatest Generation" , those who really were (at least in their own minds ) fighting for Liberty and to protect the weak against those who would deny them their Human Rights will be subjected to the TSA searches(possibly groping) at their airport of departure. These guys are like what? 80 years old atleast? They fought to protect the Constitution and The Bill of Rights. They'll be subject to groping by government agents before they board the planes this time. Were all their war efforts and all the deaths of all their buddies during that war in vain? Peace, Jim B
Oh yes! There have been a number of funerals where IRS agents showed up to confront and harrass the next of kin over unpaid income taxes. I wonder how Ron and his group would feel about protecting families from that lack of respect. Peace, Jim B
You know Jaybird, Speaking about "those who protect you", It seems I recall a Biblical passage where it came to pass that as Roman soldiers attempted to arrest the Master Jesus one of his disciples cut off the ear of one of the Roman soldiers. Master Jesus calmly picked up the sword of his disciple and the ear of the Roman soldier . He reattached the ear , broke the sword and bade the soldier Peace. If the Master Jesus didn't wish protection and bid his enemies no ill will, should we be thanking those who kill supposed enemies in our name or for our protection? I don't know about you my brother but I have no enemies. All peoples are my brothers and sisters. Peace, Jim B
Ask me tomorrow. Today I respect their memory. Why? Official reason: To prevent the spread of communism. Real reason: Pick one that has been proposed in the past or make up a new one. No.., you tell us what in your mind is the real reason over 50000 young American soldiers were either forced or duped into their death. If you don't have a good answer I suggest that next Memorial Day, in honor of those soldiers gone and for the benefit of our potential future war casualties you should put Sharpee(tm) to poster board and ask the question on the day people are thinking about them.. WHY!!!!! Peace, Jim B
Are all the current US wars for oil proffits?
jimbrown replied to jimbrown's topic in Speakers Corner
[replyYeah, I suppose so. I'm just sorry that so many people choose the interpretation that makes no sense. Some of those people even vote. Uhmm, Dan.., pssst.., your fly is open! Really. Search the record of Congress 1998 and you will find discussions of the pipeline and even that we need to have a stable government in place . Enron bet their future on it! Also do you realize what Pres Karzais' position was at that time? VP of Unocal. Seems everyone thought that he could bring all the warlords under one roof. But don't take my word for it. It's in the Congressional record. Or you could remain ignorant. Hey, it's your choice and to be honest sometimes I wish I didn't know about 85% of what I know. Ignorance is bliss they say. How true. Thing is once you know you can never un-know! Peace, Jim B -
Yes, but since we were created in God's image So how come we can't create a universe in 6 days? How come we're imperfect?Quote Let's talk about 6 days of creation. This is demonstrably false on two levels. Most importantly the Spirit world knows no time. All is one moment. Secondly , According to the Bible the Sun was created on the first day. According to Jewish tradition one day is from sundown until sundown. If the sun had not been in existence there could have been no sundown prior to the sunrise at it's creation. So if Jewish tradition is correct , and a day is sundown until sundown, the time period during which the sun was created cannot be considered a day. Further , as we know that sundown until sundown requires the rotation of the Earth we can't start counting "days" of creation until the earth is created. Thus the 1st day would be after both the Sun and the Earth had been created. So either Jewish tradition is wrong or the biblical timeline of creation needs some tweeking. So you have 4 days to create an universe professor. You can do it within the time it takes to have the thought to do it. Peace, Jim B
I am saying that we are all gods exactly as the Christ stated. We are all Men exactly as the Christ was. The only difference between The Master Jesus the Christ and yourself is that he gained a higher education and Understanding. The good news is that if he could reach that level of knowledge and conciousness than you can as well. Forget the crap about Lucifer and all the old ways. There is no hell or everlasting torment Don't you believe that their is a plan for the cosmos and that everything is part of the plan? Everyone and everything is in perfect harmony with the plan. There is no reason for punishment, segregation , nor retribution. Peace, Jim B
QuoteI have to respectively disagree with this also. Nothing personal brother. We, in no way, can claim to be gods, equal woth God, even through faith in Christ. We, as believers, are "seen" as righteous because of wbat Jesus did in our place...but nothing more. Quote Did Jesus teach that the body is a temple? Doesn't God dwell within the Temple? Are you your body or are you your Soul? Jesus taught that we are all God. And exactly as He , We are all his Children my Brother! Peace, Jim B