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Everything posted by jimbrown

  1. Yeah that's beautiful! I like the Star Belly Sneeches by Dr. Seuss as well. Hey let me ask you this(and you don't have to reply but consider it in your own mind); You have been blessed with the ability of rational thought. You have been blessed with the ability to create original ideas. In the Biblical account God tells Adam that if he eats of the tree of knowledge he will surely die. Jesus tells us that we will never die. Could it be that the Biblical account is wrong concerning the Tree of Knowledge or was God lying To Adam? Either the Bible is not Gods' inspired word or God is a liar. Now back to your ability to reason and to create original ideas, If you have been blessed with these abilities by your God do you think he would rather you grab your faith from the book you've been taught to accept unquestioningly and the teachings of priests or would he prefer you utilize the gifts which he bestowed upon you to come to your Understanding and Enlightenment? Peace, Jim B
  2. than it's all vanity... 99.0% of the crap I spew is vanity. I'd say 100% of the crap you spew is vanity, and that is a big difference... ...and make that 99.5% vanity for me just saying that. (...and that's also equal to the knowledge about God that I don't know.) Would you say you know more than .5% about God? I know God like he is my Father, my Brother, my Sun, and Myself. Yes, I know more than 5% about God and I've explained how you can come to true Enlightenment. You'll find the answer within, not in a book which was rewritten by the scribe Ezra for political purposes at about 400 BC and rewritten again by Constantine also for political purposes at around 300 AD. Peace, Jim B
  3. But your question needs revision. The US military consumes a substantial amount of oil just in daily peacetime operations. Training for the real thing is very much like the real thing. They just don't do it 24/7. So you want to know how much excess usage there is. Compared to 100some million drivers in the US, I doubt it compares at all. But how much oil does our war machine require daily? If that oil was available on the open market wouldn't the law of supply/ demand give us some amount of relief at the gas pump? I realise you are saying our war demand is not much more than required for peace time training. I'm suggesting we cut back in a big way on each of those expenditures. Peace, Jim B
  4. [replyToday, please use politics as a suppository, and focus instead on the honor of those who have earned it.Quote Of course. But where is the honor in killing others or being killed by those you attack on their own sovereign soil? There is no honor in blindly obeying orders. It is the rogue, the rebel, the one who refuses to take part in the insanity who desreves our Kudos. It is the Casius Clays who most genuinley reflect what it means to be an American. I don't expect there will be a dissident day declared at anytime in the near future. Peace, Jim B
  5. Sure and that's all great! But for what purpose did all those young men die ? For what purpose did so many lose their limbs? For what purpose did so many become mentally deranged? For what purpose was the country saddled with so much financial debt? Just so you could make some freindships? Were you a *lonely boy* growing up? Face book has an app for that! Was all that death and destruction and money thrown away worth you finally making some freinds? Peace, Jim B.
  6. LOL ! Mods he'll be alright! He's just a bit emotional and rightfully so! He's a military man and the realization that these wars and the deaths and the destruction are all for naught must hit him in the gut like a sucker punch to the nads!!! Yes fossg you have been lied to. You have been duped. These wars are about profit . And you and the boys aren't the ones makin' it. Peace, Jim B
  7. Ask me tomorrow. Today I respect their memory. No, today you are being disrespectful to their memory. You only want to know that they are dead. You don't want to know why. Was their "sacrifice" for the Liberty of their loved ones at home. Or was their forced conscription (slavery) for the freedom of the industrialists to make huge profits out of the expence paid for by the country and the "expendables" ? That is the question today that the dead soldiers are screaming from their graves to have answered. They could care less that you remember that they died. They ,their families ,and the nation would like to know exactly what was it they died for. I believe we owe them that. Peace, Jim B
  8. Wrong. It is entirely inappropriate and the best way to honor them is to reserve THIS day to remember them and respect their sacrifice. If you want to debate the politics of it, do that the other 364days. Bullshit! Many of those you are remembering today were forced to be there by threat of imprisonment. The US law , the draft, required they go to Vietnam or go to jail. This while Congress NEVER EVEN HAD THE COURAGE TO DECLARE WAR!!!!!!! No it is not inappropriate to ask today why those men were forced to their death . It would be entirely innapropriate not to ask. Can you give us the Why? Peace, Jim Bi
  9. [I like your lofty thoughts, but I am afraid your way leads to self deification and destruction. Quote Why do you consider the Truth that we are god as stated in the Bible and taught by the Master Jesus the Christ to be "self deification"? Why would that necessarily lead to destruction? Are you alluding to destruction of your own impossible to defend belief system? Relax, no one is going to hold those beleifs against you where we are going. Eventually you will come to the Truth and Enlightenment. The Master taught that. So Mote It Be. Peace, Jim B
  10. Signs of a Cult (who claim to be Christian but depart from essentials of Christianity) 1. Addition - Add to Bible as their authoritative source; extrabiblical authority (e.g. Book of Mormon) 2. Subtraction - Take away from the person of Jesus Christ; deny His divinity; make Him into "just a man" or angel; just a good "teacher of morality" 3. Multiplication - Multiplying requirements for salvation; works and not "faith alone" 4. Division - Drive divisive wedge between loyalty to God's word and loyalty to what the leader says; loyalty to the Church of believers in Christ versus loyalty to the leader's "earthly family." In any case, the attack from non-believers and cults usually begins with the attack on the authenticity, authoritative nature, and sufficiency of scripture....it then is directed squarely at denying the divinity of Jesus Christ and the nature of His saving work on the cross.Quote I don't know where you got all that ,Jay. I kinda doubt it is your own original thought. Tell me , can one man qualify as a "cult"? The Master , Jesus the Christ was one man speaking his own original thoughts of Truth. Was he a "cult" or were those religions which bastardized his teachings "cults"?. Peace, Jim B
  11. Yes, but since we were created in God's image that included free will. We used our free will to separate ourselves form God and become gods, Peace, Jim B
  12. It means that only the Lord determines the standard of righteousness...not you...or me. It anyone is going to be saved, it will be worked out by Him alone. The first three chapters of Romans does nothing but establish the total depravity of man and his need for salvation.Quote Exactly. Thing is that everything created is perfect. Even you would have to admit that your God would not create less than perfection. If that is the case than the first three chapters of Romans must be forgeries or at least less than the inspired writings of your God. Or is it that you believe that your Gods' creations are less than perfect? Peace, Jim B
  13. Salvation belongs to the Lord. (Psalm 3:8) I'm not sure why the Lord needs "Salvation" but I'm happy he found it. Personally I don't need "Salvation". I was never lost. Peace, Jim B
  14. Yes...basically your original idea seems to be starting a new religion like Smith and Hubbard. If you weren't passing this off as some type of neo-quasi form of Christianity, I doubt we'd be having this conversation. I'm not trying to start a new "religion", Coreece. I'm just re-iterating the True Teachings of the Master, Jesus the Christ. Peace, Jim B
  15. I am sure they will receive mercy like all of the rest of Gods children. ... So then you believe as I that we are all gods' children and as brothers and sisters of Jesus the Christ are also every bit as much God as Him? Peace, Jim B.
  16. HEADS UP! On Memorial Day a discussion about the politics or philosophy of America's wars is not appropriate. It is entirely appropriate and probably the best way to honor those who were forced or duped into giving their lives for the military /industrial complex and the banksters. As a matter of fact I believe that asking those same questions now about our current wars may lead to far fewer war dead deserving remembrance in the future. Peace, Jim B
  17. Now I know that many of you can just not be convinced that we went into Afgahanistan and Iraq for big oil. "Listen", many of you might say," US oil companies haven't taken one barrel of oil out of Iraq since that war began!" But how much oil does the war machine consume? How many barrels does the US military require on a daily basis? Helicopters, Jets , Tanks,Trucks, Humvees, ships, busses ,generators? And aren't the contracted prices for delivery to the military higher even than retail? What does the military requirement do to the supply/ demand ratio domestically? Is the war one reason for higher fuel prices at home? Peace, Jim B
  18. A number of US soldiers died 40 years ago on a former Memorial Day. During the Vietnam War 0ver 50,000 US servicemen lost their lives. Greater numbers were permantley maimed,disfigured,or mentally deranged. The total monetary cost of that war is staggering. Today we should again ask the questions which have never been answered; Why? Why were we there? Where? Half way around the globe? What? What was the mission and was it ever completed? Who? Who made the greatest proffits(top ten) from the war? Who? Who paid the greatest price? Was? Was that war and all the loss of life and the money spent worth it? Or was it all in vain? Peace, Jim B
  19. Hey T, Relax, get a drink of water, have a sandwich ,maybe some pie. Relax, everything is going to be alright. Peace, Lim B
  20. [replyYou've explained nothing. You have only spewed flattery, lies and deceit.Quote What needs to be explained? I've suggested that you look inside yourself for enlightenment. I've even suggested that you can simply step out of the physical world and go home for a bit where you can observe the physical world in its' entirety, start to finish. You can re -realise why by your own free will you chose to incarnate into this dimension. I'm not sure what permission slip you may need to enjoy a happy life but perhaps you should just decide to be happy, live a life of happiness and spread that to everyone you meet. "Flattery, lies and deceit"? Really my Brother? Is that how you percieve my original thoughts? Brother , I love you unconditionally! Relax,Coreece. Everything is going to be alright! Peace, Jim B
  21. Relax Jaybird. Jesus taught that the only entity who could forgive us our "sins" is ourself. Peace , Jim B
  22. It hurts me to say the words I spoke, but I love you enough to tell you the truth. Why do you hate us so much to spew words of flattery? You can keep telling that to yourself, but it won't make it true. No really, It all is going to be all right. It doesn't matter what you do or don't do,brother. It's all going to be allright. That is the teaching of the Master Jesus the Christ. So Mote it Be Peace, Jim B
  23. You are not my brother.Quote You can deny me if you want but by that action you also deny the Master, Jesus the Christ. I am your brother Coreece. And I love you without reservation. Peace, Relax, There really is no devil looking to stick his 20 inch barbed cock up your ass if you do "wrong". Relax. Have a drink of water. Walk around a bit and then watch some tv. Relax Coreece, my brother. It's all gonna be OK!!! Peace, Jim B
  24. Does anyone have any good reason why we should still be in Iraq? Do you also have a good reason why we went there in the first place? More importantly, do you know the true death toll of American soldiers engaged in that war? Peace, Jim B