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Everything posted by jimbrown

  1. That may be so...but your comprehension may be a little off. Agian...comprehension problem. The psalm was not authored by him...sheesh, it's no wonder you're so deluded to think you're God. I thought secret decoder rings only revealed the truth about ovaltine... LOL! Gracefully you are not immune
  2. Yes, I did... we are not nice guys... Yes, he took another man's wife, went into her and had a child. He then sent her husband to the front lines of the war to be killed.... Perhaps you should actually read the account and learn something about yourself and the Grace of God. Listen, I 've read the account and I have also viewed the happenings in real time , up close and personal. My question to you is why would you quote the psalms if they were authored by such a man? How many people was he responsible for killing? Makes Osama Bin Laden look like a kindergarten chump doesn't it? Peace, Jim B
  3. No, neither am I, nor are you...stop deceiving yourself with delusions of grandeur perpetrated by human depravity and accept the grace of God for Christ's sake. LOL! That's pretty funny!!! I like intelligent humour. Oh!!! You didn't answer my question about King David. You know the guy who wrote the psalms you were quoting earlier. Was he a nice guy like you and I, or did he have a dark side? How many of his fellow humans did he kill? Peace, Jim B
  4. [replyYou've been sayin' that you are a god and "have all knowledge." But the Psalm says: “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness..." Perhaps it is the Psalms of the Bible which are wrong. Isn't it true that the majority of them are attributed to King David? Was he a nice guy? Could be that someone is trying to fool you. Could be that you have willingly forfitted your right to rational unencumbered thought and have allowed others to think for you or to tell you what to think. You may have allowed yourself to be fooled. "Fool me once , shame on you.., Fool me twice..,..,.., .., .., .., .., .., and we won't be fooled again !'' g.bush Peas and potatoes, Jim B
  5. jimbrown


    That's a dumb argument, and it's used contra seat belts, too. Given the 95% chance that it will help or have a neutral effect, versus the 5% chance that it will do more harm than not, I'll still go with using it. having worn a full face lid for > 100k miles of riding, yes, you're 100% correct. Better vision, better hearing, and no mauling of my jaw the only time I had to test one. That's all great! Funny thing anyone can go to a motorcyclre dealership and try on a full face helmet. They can put the visor down and walk around the show room for a while. I'll bet dollars that the majority of them bump into someone or something because their vision and hearing are obstructed. Maybe I'm wrong. There are peer revied studies that indicate helmets to be a factor in the injuries Hey Kelpdiver, what was the cause of your one and only? I'll be honest , last time I wrecked a bike I was smashed on Tequilla and ridin at night, eighty miles an hour on winding ,curvy North Georgia mountain roads. No Dog or deer ran out in front of me. No driver cut me off as is so often the litany of those who wreck when riding too fast. No, I was just an idiot!! ! I remember clearly the realization that my front tire left the pavement. All I was Thinking at the time as I arched with my arms extended and my hands in front of my face was"No posts , no trees , no big rock". Luckily there were no rocks or trees ,stumps or signposts along my path of decelleration. When I finally came to a stop I'm thinkin' I'll just pick up my bike and ride the mile or so left to the house. So I walk over to where the bike stopped and reach down to pick up the handle bars . All that I picked up was the handle bars. The risers had snapped somewhere along the way . I dropped them and for some reason I picked up the biggest part of what was left of the headlight assembly and started walkin back toward the road. Then it occured to me to call my best freind who lived just a few miles away. When he rounded the curve in the road he says I was still holdin the headlight. Any way I didn't have any injuries to speak of. Bloody and swollen lip and a little swollen and soreness here and there. A bit of abrasion wounds around. I haven't gotten on the bike after drinkin ever since and I don't expect to ever again engage in that stupidity. One thing is for certain though. The helmet did not save my life. My own bad decisions put it at high risk. Peace, Jim B
  6. jimbrown


    They also can and do increase the severity of injuries and can contribute to death. That's a dumb argument, and it's used contra seat belts, too. Given the 95% chance that it will help or have a neutral effect, versus the 5% chance that it will do more harm than not, I'll still go with using it. I;m not sure where you dug up that "95% chance" Andy ! LOL! It doesn't really matter. Look. If you want to wear a helmet I don't have any problem with that. The problems come when others want to force me to wear a helmet. Peace, Jim B
  7. Listen Jaybird, I'm not here attempting to argue with you. I'm here to point out to you the path toward Enlightenment. I asked you to reread those accounts in Genesis and consider them in your own mind and then form your own opinion. One Truth is that very few humans have ever gained a high degree of Cosmic Conscienceness. The Master Jesus the Christ did and his teaching is that if he could do it we all have that ability. Further he tells us that we all will eventually reach that goal. His teaching is that knowledge is found while looking within. Peace, and may your journey bring you many smiles. Travel with a light heart. Jim B
  8. Contradictions: Two Creation Accounts? You know Jay, if you ever commune with your own thoughts instead of parroting the thoughts of others you may realize you know something. The differences I was considering don't have to do with chronolgy. Perhaps you could open the book and report back with three *major* differences between the accounts of the creation of man in the book of Genesis. Peace, Jim B
  9. jimbrown


    No Dave, as hard as it may be for you to believe I really haven't spent much time researching you or your occupation. Gee ! Thanks for the *Official* permission! They also can and do increase the severity of injuries and can contribute to death. Agreed. I'm all for having all new riders forfeight their front brake for the first 30,000 miles of their riding experience. Either they will learn really quick or they will exit the gene pool! I also sincerely believe that we should require them to armor-all(TM)their tires prior to any rain storm. That will get them thinkin' about their choices where a helmet will do them no good!! Peace, Jim B Oh !!! one more thing .., I still doubt the very heavy SUV was spun three 360's by the energy of a motorcyle and *ist* travelling at 35 mph. You may want to recalculate . Your "proffesional" reputation could be at stake here. Just a thought. Peace, Jim B
  10. Doesn't he play for the Pittsburgh Steelers? Or is that his brother Antwaan? Could explain Franco Harris' miracle play " the immaculate reception"! Peace, Jim B
  11. Is the story of Adam and Eve a "fabrication" ??? In the book of Genesis there are two completely different accounts of the creation of man. What do you think? Why don't you read both accounts, consider trhe information in your own mind and draw your own conclusion? Trust your knowledge. Relax. Everything is going to be alright! Peace, Jim B
  12. jimbrown


    No. I'm intrigued ! Please do tell! Peace, Jim B
  13. LOL! I can see and understand completely why you would feel this way. Relax! The Bible is not entirely a lie. Portions of it are complete fabrications but the book does contain important Truths. Relax! Look into yourself and you will find all knowledge. Peace, JimB
  14. Interesting ! The Bibles' book of Genesis talks about just that. Well not in quite those same words but it does discuss the Earthlings being impregnated by as you say "skypeople". Thing is as man is not his body but his soul any physical mutations caused by the prolific breeding with extra terrestials would not and did not change the true nature of man. That mass rape however was a traumatic enough experience to cause mankind to lose their way. That horrific and terrorizing event was the catyclism which put man on guard against his fellow man and is the reason why even today we war against our Brothers. There was a time before the great rape when all men worked together. This period is mentioned metaphorically in the Biblical tale of the Tower of Babel. Man wasn't working together in an attempt to build a tower to "reach God" . Men were/are God and commmuned and worked together for the shere joy of fellowship. Surely the rest of the story was altered as can anyone imagine a God not being tickled pink that his creation was harmonious? The Biblical account has Us sending those humans far and wide and making sure they can no longer communicate! Don't be mislead . Relax. Look into yourself. Get up and walk around. Get a drink of water. Relax. Look into yourself. All Truth is yours. Peace, Jim B
  15. jimbrown


    Yeah, that's great! Not sure how it's helpin' to catch criminals but atleast we know that one fat ass cop can park our motorcycle at Dunkin' Doughuts pretty damn well! Peace, JimB
  16. jimbrown


    OK, You know, I'm not tryin' to put you on the spot here or anything so maybe we could call in the experts, the physicists. Winsor? Proffesor(Did I spell that right?
  17. LOL! Living on the east coast I've never had the opportunity to enjoy that experience. Here is a question . Is Man his body or is man his Soul ? I hate to reference the Bible as it has such a bad (and seemingly deserved )rap . But the Bible does state that Man was created in Gods'image. Now if you want to believe that God has a humanoid form and sits up in the sky peering down on you watching your every move, well you're just fuckin' paranoid! That's the Federal governments' job!!!! No , that Biblical statement was meant to ensure you that each of you is Spirit. You were Spirit and by your own free will chose to incarnate (dwell in a human body). Why ? I'll let you look inward for that nugget but after a few more days I'll explain that for the slower/ lazier learners. Peace, Jim B
  18. [replyToday, as I was riding my bike north on I-75 heading for a PGR mission, I was thinking this world is just a stop over on the journey. For me it has been like a spiritual theme park. But, you do sound like your foundation is from the Urantia Book. While I haven't looked into this Urantia book you mention ,it is a certainty that others before me have found the same Truth. We will all realize the Truth at a point in time. I know this. We are one in the Spirit. Pray that all Unity will one day be restored. Or don't ,it will be. Gosh , I feel like I'm spoilin' the end of a new movie!!! Peace, Jim B.
  19. We never had any doubt. Pink Floyd concert, Summer 1976, Cleveland, OH. But not since. LOL! Pink Floyd is one of my all time favorite bands. Pshycadelic drugs can open ones mind to an epiphany however that experimentation doesn't necessarilly tend toward repeatable results. The way is inward and then outward! You have the knowledge. You have the experience. You just have to seek within yourself and you will find it again. Guaranteed! Peace, Jim B
  20. The Urantia Book Yes or No? Ron, I really have no idea what you are talking about. Listen, and I'm not putting you down or anything but I don't parrot the ideas or thoughts of others. My ideas and thoughts are self created . I don't base my beliefs on what I read in some book. Have you ever simply stepped back out of the physical world into our former home, the spirit realm, and observed the entire physical world from start to finish which we created and chose to incarnate to? I suggest that we should all go home more often. It will make your human experience more understandable and remind you of why by your free will you chose to incarnate. Peace, Jim B
  21. jimbrown


    OK, I agree with that . Something I didn't consider in my rush to "Gotcha"*!! LOL Peace, Jim B
  22. jimbrown


    [replybit of conflict here, Quade - how much are they costing you, exactly? Dead bikers are the cheapest, and you've already pointed out the organ donations - did you subtract from the costs to account for this? *** The injury severity score for head and neck injuries was significantly higher for patients who had not worn helmets. The bold section is for jimbrown and his hilarious notion that his neck is better off without the helmet. My contention is that my neck is better off without the helmet provided I don't wreck. The helmet causes drag which can lead to neck muscle strain and fatigue. Further there are studies which show that full face helmets can actually transfer the force of impact to the worst area, the lower back of the neck instead of allowing the area of the skull most suited for absorbing impact forces, the face, to recieve the energy. Also with full face helmets there is a loss of stimuli which would alert the brain to the fact that you are going dangerously fast. Ears.., The wind noise created by the chin strap of my police model Bell helmet(complete with metal visor band, a real ticket saver) can cause hearing loss in excess of what would be expected from my Sampson streetsweepers. Peace, Jim B
  23. jimbrown


    Quote He was able to get it down to the mid-30s before he hit the suburban. It crushed the rear, hitting on the C-pillar and spun the large SUV 3 times. He was wearing a full face helmet, but it cracked open from the impact. His face cracked open too right at the sinus cavity and a significant portion of his brain continued down range about 100ft. Quote So wait a second here Dave. He got his speed down to about 35 and his full face helmet failed? It was worthless at just 35 miles per hour! But in the first example you cited, a man hit a sign at 40 mph and you believe a helmet would have saved him. I must be missing something here. Can you explain? A second point and I'm not sure who was the investigator here but are you rerally believing that a 900 lbs motorcycle travelling at 35 mph spun a large suv weighing in excess of a ton 360 degrees 3 times? Could that spin have been a result of the suvs' driver reaction rather then the energy of the modest impact? Peace, Jim B
  24. reply] With an open mind, one can learn something no matter how old they are. More appropriatellly, one can recall the knowledge that they always had if they keep an open mind . Peace, Jim B
  25. I'm not going to talk any further about it in this thread, which is focused on the subject of mortgage finance, and has little to do with your latest conspiracy whining. If you want to open a new thread for that, I'll say more. You would do well to not read every subject and look for the opportunity to rant, but actually read for subject and participate. LOL! You do that !!!! Funny that the quote you attributed to me wasn't anything I've ever written or posted!! But that's the way it goes. You'll get more and more paranoid until you are ready to release the lie or you make the decision to JUMP!!! Peace, Jim B