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  1. Thanks for the advice, I figured I wouldn't want to jump in Chicago in the winter lol. I live in Texas though so can take some heat. I'm planning it out to be quite seasonal overall.
  2. Thanks, I've heard great things about several of those places. I plan on having a great year. See you in the sky!
  3. So I am 24, getting my degree soon, and want to take a year off to travel and skydive. I have 300+ jumps and would like skydiving to be a major component of my traveling. My ultimate goal is to go to a dropzone for a month or two, find temporary work (coaching, bar tending, etc.), and explore the area as well as jumping as much as I can. I would like to explore the west coast, east coast, and everything in between. Can anyone recommend some great dropzones? A great dropzone, for what I am looking for, would be mid-large sized, have bunks/camp grounds, be in a good location, and have a great community. I'm also really interested in developing my wingsuit ability, so if anyone can point me to a place that has a lot of wingsuit activity that would be great too. Thanks in advance!