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  1. Let me check the temp in hell. Nope still warm down there. Should be out mid September or so. She ask about you once. Wait sorry wasn't you different pereon.
  2. Get to jump about mid October.
  3. You got a jedi that is cool, no scary, no cool. Screw it, that is cool you finally got your main. Bobby
  4. Somehow I knew you would get in on this. Hope to be out that way in a couple of weeks. How are yall doing? Bobby
  5. What is this "we miss her" crap. Is there another I have to keep an eye on out there?
  6. Knee is coming along well. Like the saying goes go big or go home. Or in my case go big, blow your ACL out, continue riding for the rest of the day, jump the next day, then go see the doctor and tell her my knee is a little swollen. Her response was duh. I have always said biking is far more dangerous than jumping. The therapist is letting me run on a treadmill now. I should be able to train on the road bike in a month or so. I will be able to starting running some real distance in 2 months or so and jumping in 3 months or so. Then I get to start out with a 150 again to see if I remember how to fall and then the important part land. My new canopy should be ready about a month before I can jump. Then I got to get current before I jump it. That will be real easy to sit around the house with a brand new canopy. Anyway how are thing at Z-Hills. I should be out there in a couple of weeks. O yea and Beth can’t remember who you are. Nada, nothing, defiantly doesn’t miss you at all. Trust me I don’t even have to ask her. Bobby
  7. You work. Ok sure NOT Bobby
  8. TK say it aint so. You aint going to put those D#*$ thinks in our otters. O wait it is summer our otter. Guess you know my view on that. Now, I feel better. BOBBY
  9. How is that leased parachute working out. Just ordered my new one the other day. Will be out for more watchin in a couple of weeks. Bobby
  10. Maynard

    New Toys

    Yea I won't tell all that you are in IT, you can trust me. Bobby
  11. Maynard

    New Toys

    Randy, Since your frist attachment did not take. Think I should tell yall what you do for a living. Hmmmm? Better yet mabey I should tell all at work you goofed the attachment. nah. Have a good day Bobby
  12. I have the X6hr and used it both for jumping and triathlon training. The X6 downloads to the pc and doesn't require a Computer Science degree to operate it. Also saving my jumps to the PC has helped me keep a very accurate jump log. That said, if all I was going to use the Suunto for is logging jumps then I would get a Pro Track and buy the cheaper Vector/Altimax. The Pro Track is designed to give a skydiver information related to a skydive. While you can retrieve fall rates and such out of the X6 it takes some work and a calculator/spreadsheet after downloading the information. While this information is readily available on the Pro Track at the completion of each skydive. Just with my training activity’s this was a great all around instrument that saved me from buying a ProTrack and a Heart Rate Monitor. I think I found the Vector for about $150 and the Altimax for about $130 if you shop around on the Internet. This is about the same price as a Alti III. Several of my friends jump the Vector and love them. Finally personal note, I am not comfortable jumping just the Suunto. I prefer to have an audible. There are a couple of reasons for this, one the Suunto is electronic and I want a backup if it craps out. Second Suunto manual flat out says not to use this for skydiving, so I want a backup. And finally I am paranoid and want a back up. My watch did crap out on me while at the Keys Boogie. I called Suunto and they shipped out a new watch that day. And I had it for the rest of the boogie.
  13. We didn't even have to worry about what typr of jumpsuits to wear. Arlo took them away from us. Bobby