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    Orange, MA
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    BASE Jumping

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  1. I've actually just gotten over the same thing. My situation was a little different, I had made at least 9 jumps during this past summer. Around mid-August, I stopped jumping, in my case I was having a little anxiety and I haven't jumped since. I even lost touch with all my buddies here, but I've brought myself back and I've got the urge to go. If the weather gets better for this upcoming weekend I am going to make my recurrency jump. I think you just need to figure out what is causing you not to go. Are you anxious? nervous? If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  2. Has anyone else noticed that as soon as the time kicks in to go skydiving, time slows to a stand still? I mean, jeese...I just want to go get recurrent and jump the rest of my money away...why should I have to wait an eternity until next weekend?! If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  3. Hehe, I didn't mean to make the first 9 jumps sound like nothing. I'm thrilled that I made it that far. When I said the mess ups, I was just thinking about the craziest jump I had when I ended up in a full throttle left spin that I couldn't get out of until I checked my altimeter (hello, Adam, raise up the left hand ) Anyway, again, thanks for all the advice guys. This summer, as soon as the weathers a tad warmers and I find someone to support my addiction, I'll be jumping once again. Oh... and for those who don't know, you can actually find part of my logbook online at www.adam-twelve.com under the skydiving section. Not the most optimistic take on a great accomplishment. Congratulations! My wife and I both went through a great deal of anxiety at your stage. Some people appear not to. I don't necessarily envy them. I got the most amazing high going through the fear/anxiety...and I think that's the key. Going through those feelings, not around them. In other words do what you have to do to get yourself out of the plane. The jump numbers will help get the anxiety down. DOOR! I used to dread that word, now I salivate. If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  4. Well, I am glad that I am not the only to have REALLY high anxiety. I know this summer I will jump again, I justed wanted some others perspectives on the whole idea. Thanks! If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  5. Hey Everyone, I haven't posted in awhile, trying to finish off college and work etc... Anyway, I have a concern. I've managed to complete the first 9 AFF jumps without too much mess ups. I'm now at the stage that I can start making solo jumps. I'm thrilled to be at this level because now I am close to reaching Class A license and the jumps get cheaper. But....and this is the problem...I'm getting REALLY REALLY high anxiety about jumping. I have yet to make my first solo jump, in this past August, I actually drove and hour to the DZ only to sit around sick to my stomache. I haven't jumped since this past August. Not only do I get anxiety while I am AT the DZ but I get the anxiety just thinking about it. Now with the weather getting better, I find myself looking out at the clear blue skies longing to free fall for a blissful 45 seconds...and then I find myself feeling anxious. I guess, I am just curious if this has happened to anyone else. Is this something that happens to some people when making the transition from instructor assisted jumps to solo? Any info would be great, I love jumping and I want to get all my license and my own rig eventually, but I don't know how to tackle this anxiety that I am having. thanks! Adam If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  6. I saw the movie last night. I thought it was a great movie, but I don't think that there will be an increase in students at the DZ's. I mean the skydiving/base jumping was impressive, but it made up very little of the movie. I think there was actually MORE dirtbike stunts than skydiving. Either way, I still recommend the movie if you are into action and things blowing up! If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  7. A12

    I've done it!

    I completed my Level 7 (E-1). I am now off student status!! Woohoo!! And I had a couple firsts for the weekend, I dived from the plane, I completed my first successful front roll, and I managed to roll over on my back twice in a single jump. Very interesting! If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  8. I'd like to add that I am one jump away from completing by AFF training. I thought I had a decent form until jump 4 when I was asked to stay stable and make turns...well...I didn't. What helped was the 30 minute lesson that my JM gave me. He pretty much told me to relax, thats it. He also said that I should try "squeezing my butt cheeks together like you are holding in the shits". It worked, but I do find that if I don't relax I become unstable. As silly as it sounds, while you are falling from the plain towards the ground at 120mph, RELAX! If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  9. A12

    Jump Suit Colors

    This is my main choice, the above was one a couple family members thought would look good. If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  10. A12

    Jump Suit Colors

    Tell me what you think...prolly going with black helmet. If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  11. A12

    Container Question

    Oh, I can get them to go for the whole thing...I'm just looking to see what I can get new and what I should get used. I understand its a good idea to get the main used so that I can downsize etc...but I am just wondering if my container needs to be changed too or if there is a good one that fits different mains. If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  12. A12


    I never have skydiving dreams, I do have flying dreams though. Its funny, I can fly in my dreams but I never get too high off the ground because I don't like heights. The brain works in weird ways. If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  13. A12

    Container Question

    Here's some background to my question: I'll be graduating college this upcoming May, my parents are looking for a different graduation gift for me. They are looking for something that isn't always done. I suggested to them that they could buy my rig and I think the idea might have stuck. Now for the question: I'm figuring that in the next year I'll be ready for my own rig. I'm just wondering if I go through the effort of having my container fitted for me, will I be able to downsize my main in the same container?? I don't want to go through the whole process of getting fitted for a container to find out that in 2 years I want to downsize and need to do it all again. Thanks! If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger
  14. I am going to be hopefully completing my AFF course this upcoming weekend where I hope to make my first solo jump with a photographer. I wanna see what I look like when I make some turns and do the backflips. Might even attempt some tracking, but those pics will eventually be up online as well. You can see my other pics here: http://members.toast.net/photos/library.asp?user=a12 If you want to fly, get out of the plane! My Homepage My Blogger