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Everything posted by wsd

  1. I take it you comprehention skills are not very good. I clearly stated a number od posts back that A.H. is my abbreviation for Ad Hominem. The amount of times I have had to use this word is unprecedented because it seems it is all many of the folk here have to go on when it comes to discussion US foreighn policy That's OK, your response to Wendy is a treasure trove of information about you.
  2. A non y mous, I wanna be a non y mous, sing it baby! I agree with your professional assessment.
  3. Exactly, thanks for all the great music.
  4. Did you leave those stains in the Otter?
  5. This has been the effort of the media ever since Walter Cronkite announced the war in Vietnam was lost. It did not matter that the Tet offensive was a decided defeat for the VC and North. All that mattered to the mindless masses who were following the General Giap handbook, is that they were succeeding in political measures where the military efforts of the NVA and VC had failed.
  6. Jim if we meet remind me to slap you like a bitch OK? I tried to let your tirade be excused with an apology, now you have gone too far.
  7. Blame the civilian leadership, now you owe the military personnel an apology. So be a decent enough human to realize it and make that apology.
  8. The ability to spell and use good grammer when typing does not correlate to being a good person or treating others with respect and dignity. There are highly educated snobs who are a POS and there are illiterates who are the same way. Nobody has a reason to be so dismissive of others unless they have been actually been given a reason to. So do unto others, unless you like enjoy being an asshole. I think these are decent principals. Heck I am even nice to dream dancer even though we disagree on nearly everything he posts. His actions are not something I object to, his words I may not disagree with but he is honest I believe in his thoughts. There is another poster that I think is a worthless POS. I would not piss on if he was on fire, so I refrain from debating him nor dignifying his questions with an answer.
  9. Yeah, well we object your use of your mothers tongue, you should be ashamed of yourself!
  10. I see. So, you are attempting to be deliberately annoying? Trolling with your poor English? Is that really the excuse you want to go with? I have met him and he speaks English very well. I can assure you of that, Paul.
  11. His political clout had become impotent. I guess he had second thoughts about sticking it out until the final outcome
  12. wsd


    No problem then, if that is what you wanted I will not knock it. I was referring to function rather than fashion.
  13. I say see Bill Vons post about your last warning.
  14. Whatever, I won't require nor ask for anyone to do any such thing. But thanks for trying to take up Kidwickeds fight for him. I think Bill Von may have some advice for you on that issue.
  15. wsd


    That short bbl with useless flash hider cost you 300 or more FPS.
  16. wsd


    In the USA it is 16" for rifle and 18" for shotgun per BATFE rules. If shorter you must be in a state that allows it and pay for and receive a tax stamp from the BATFE.
  17. Since you vote Democrat are you going to be sporting a "Weiner Holder" shirt?? If so let us all know so someone can get pics!
  18. You know what, what I will or will not post about my education, background or skills is MY business. I do not have to post anything because you have requested me to do so. The fact that you would do such a thing is absolutely pointless. If you knew who actually knows me in real life and who my friends are then you would understand that your statements and or assertions are just plain stupid. So stop while you are ahead. Many people around this forum are highly accomplished and actually have skills sets you have no clue about, they are not about to tell you either. So do not act like a child. This was not intended to be offensive but you have already been told by others what you are after is pointless and stupid. I think Paul Quade put it best when he told you "SO WHAT" in reference to your claims of IT certifications.
  19. wsd


    Not all Benelli's are the same, my M1S90 tactical has been through nearly anything you can throw into it other than some of those stupid gimmick shells. It just keeps running without a problem. The M1014 or M4 has had a few problems, the other semi autos can have a problem such as the SBE. Too bad they stopped making the M1S90
  20. wsd


    Well that does not mean Benelli sucks either...
  21. You know obviously less than you think you do. So no, I will not discount someone's opinion when they actually know more about it than nearly any person you might speak to. I know wiki is your god, but please spare us the theatrics.
  22. If that bothers you so much don't look at them, weak minded fools are often afraid on inanimate objects though. If you think Germany is so free you just might be mistaken, you would really hate it here in the USA, so you might not want to visit EVER.
  23. Well that's good, but if Turkey had decided to say NO it is not like anyone could complain legitimately.
  24. Ramps can be dangerous, don't use cheap ones, Jackstands and a Floor Jack are far better. Jackstands need to be square at the bottom and need to be able to exceed the weight of the vehicle by 3x. I know someone who died from using triangular jackstands, his wife who was divorcing him bumped the car he was under and it crushed him. She did not get arrested as she claimed it was accidental.