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Everything posted by wsd

  1. To me and my family for generations Mercenary was a profession to be proud of, it was after all what we did. This is going all the way back to King Frederick I at the very least, starting around 1700 my family took this up as the official profession much as other became farmers or blacksmiths. It also explains why we have physical attributes that are genetically predisposed to being of value in this area of employment, after all if we were not good at it we would have died off or become whining professors who rant from their positions of meaningless authority.
  2. As you and I both realize, it is at times a necessary evil. In WWII the Japanese had no problems with killing every last American if they got the chance. The treatment of prisoners was a shining example of this, no matter what they said about the Bushito code, they knew it to be in violation of what was expected as professional soldiers let alone the conventions Geneva. They merely did not count on losing, many of the war criminals of Japan went unpunished after the war as well.
  3. Wisconsins leading export is not cheese, it's smart good looking women.
  4. i don't want to be tortured - you're making it easier for the state to do so. idiocy, however it is presented, has to be countered... Then quit torturing others with your postings, it could drive others insane.
  5. Perhaps it was due to you being a known associate of criminals?
  6. It loses weight too due to the alien abductions of people like kid wicked, dream dancer, and Jim Brown
  7. I say you have no idea of the rules of war nor that Individual soldiers cannot be held as war criminals for being in a war that was declared by the US Government. The UK does not do this nor does any NATO ally, nor any other nation I know of. So read and learn, quite subscribing to websites as your sole source of information. Furthermore your words are falling upon deaf ears, people see through your veiled praise.
  8. Just offer him a room at your place, he will off himself in no time.
  9. The notion of criminal violence all depends on who's laws are being broken and why it is being done. That is why there is such things as jury nullification and also sanctioned violence as part of an operation which is actually a crime perpetrated upon a possibly predetermined target.
  10. Even in his carefully prepared videos where he shoots an AK, he wields it like someone unfamiliar with the use of firearms.
  11. You have not earned the right to pass judgment on whether or not he is fit to wear a uniform. Walk a million miles in someone else's combat boots before opening your mouth.
  12. Wow you are my new idol....
  13. You are simply not worthy of an answer. That is the simple fact of it all.
  14. They make noise when going transonic and becoming unstable, also if it has fins or rifling such as a foster slug it could make noise do to the disturbance of the air flow.
  15. That only works when at relatively long distances from ground zero. If you are close enough your brain is vaporized before it can process the impulse from the optic nerve. No flash, no bang, no pain. You merely cease to exist. Yeah I kind of know that...
  16. I don't care is he was eaten by ants or killed slowly with a spork. Dead is dead and it stays DEAD, unless it is a movie plot.
  17. Hey go join AQ, I am sure someone will be attending to you shortly.
  18. Yep, we have the right to do something that may require bail money and an attorney, IF we get caught!
  19. Do you think Tibbets should have been prosecuted? If so, do you realize you might not even exist today?
  20. They cant's tell a dishdash from a shemagh...
  21. We may need to pull a small trailer behind us that has coolers and a grill!
  22. It is referred to as Flash to Bang time. (hey that could be another topic, time from flashing boobies to ending up in a trailer doing it doggy style!) Definition: (DOD, NATO) The time from light being first observed until the sound of the nuclear detonation is heard.