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  1. Brady and Emily will forever be missed. I will never forget Bradys encouragement and professionalism, and Emilys beautiful smile it will always be brighter than any sunny day. My name is Mark and I started My AFF course in September of 2009 and Had the privelage and honor of having Brady and Nathan on my level 1 and 2 jumps. Due to economic issues I had to take long break after finishing level 4, but on May 28 of this year my dream will continue. I know that when the door opens at 12,5 and I step out Brady and Emily will be holding my hand and giving me a great big thumbs up!. My thoughts and prayers are with Emily and Bradys families and to let them know that Jesus has two wonderful and beautiful people to jump with. I would also like to add that safety is Mile Hi skydivings #1 priority and its reflected by its wonderful staff and owner. I love everone there and cannot wait to see you all. See you on the 28th and please stay safe!. God bless you and blueskies! Mark Molinari M3 Electric