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  1. Hey Jaap, I think by the appearance of rocks and vegitation that looks like it is in between Kelowna and Vancouver so that narrows it down to 600km of mountains and about 5 different ranges. but quite honestly that small mountain range is typical of the west edge of the rockies. When you get on the airplane on friday take a look out the window about 20 minutes after you take off and you will see what I mean. The tree line on the east end(calgary) of the rockies is typically a lot more stark then the west end and is typically quite a bit drier also the picture shows smaller range. Plus, this guys is in shorts and a t-shirt and for the rockies so that is a short hike(4 hours or less to car) and that puts him at 10 or past at peak season but by his shadow it appears to be around 5 or 6 oclock in the pm with the long day of summer and he is facing NW. I believe by the glacier movement of several thousand years ago the ranges with that orientation are predominantly in SE BC which is like a stone's throw from your condo. Do you have an idea of range? Or are you just keepin a nice secret:) Missionary Man