I've put about 65 jumps on a Sabre2 190 with a WL of 1.15 and can say without a doubt that it's a great canopy and fun to fly. Openings are super soft taking anywhere from 600'-800' to open and are usually on heading but you do get the occasional 90 deg. off heading opening. End cell closures seams to a be consistent occurrence on most jumps which isn't really a big deal, a little pressure on the rear risers and they're inflated.
Toggle turns are quick, stalls are smooth and recovery is pretty gentle provided you don't release the brakes too quickly. You can float around for ages in breaks and flying back from a long spot is a breeze on rear risers. Front riser pressure is fairly light but you do get the occasional buffeting on deep front riser turns. Landings are simple even in nil wind and the flare is powerful. I'd definitely recommend this canopy to anyone wanting a good all round canopy that's also great fun to fly.