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Everything posted by base515

  1. This one of the best BASE attempts ever! It would only be better if he had fought the police off, made the jump and got away! This in essence, is the spirit of BASEjumping, To buck the man,achieve what they say can't be done, to flaunt the system to the highest degree possible. To all the pussies who only jump the Perrine and other legal objects, Take note, and revel in the fact that you are not worthy. BASEjumping in it's purist form is an illegal form of self-expression and indifference to the so called "norms " of society". We are the anti-Federalist's, we do not adhere to the norm of a so called civilized society. We are not special, just adnormal. Long may the outlaws prevail. They are the wisdom that changes society. This sport, if I may call it that, has endured and prospered due to the imagination and courage of those willing to take chances, even if it bucks modern thinking.He attempted a crown jewel object that has no bearing on local objects. The people complaining are those who, in their fantasies,could have done this jump. Let's all give a big round of applause, to the free-thinkers, who are not content to sit on their asses and wonder about "what might have been" May we live long and die out
  2. Good to see the fat suit was in black
  3. Nice pics. Looks like an old AT&T tower. Check the buildings. There's an 80,000sq ft bunker under one of those near here. Very fun to play around in May we live long and die out
  4. Guns Drugs BASE and SEX what more do u want in life. an unlimited supply of ammo to feed the belt-feds
  5. Yeah!!! She's finally legal!!
  6. Maybe there should be some type of competition between Clair/Jimmy and Felonie/Magot. Maybe a KY-jelly wrestling match between the girls and for Jimmy/Magot..... Who cares as long as the other match is going
  7. Sounds like the last free state.Which is sad. May we live long and die out
  8. And I thought I was just special..... Heck, we weren't even jumping when you cut my pants off.... I think that was Blair and TJ! Not me my man May we live long and die out
  9. Sorry couldn't resist especially since Ray gave the perfect set-up Still working on my Mullet and beer gut for the upcoming bash May we live long and die out
  10. YES. It is Dangerous. Here is an example of what can happen when you don't heed the locals advice. See Attached Photo: Luckly, by cutting her pants and shirt off, we were able to save her and her shoe May we live long and die out
  11. That's pretty disturbing dude... Disturbing that I know what it is, or disturbing that I have the good manners to warn others of the deviant tricks that hardup,nonbreastfed, social misfits like to use? May we live long and die out
  12. I think you're right Just watch out for the "penis in the popcorn trick" Does Clair have a "myspace" webpage like every other teenie bopper? May we live long and die out
  13. base515

    Fatality in the UK

    Just because you are paranoid, it doesn't mean someone isn't following you. I agree with the no tools. Learned from CR's old mojo packing videos. No clamps or tools of any kind. Other than a big weight of course May we live long and die out
  14. 26 in 1997 May we live long and die out
  15. base515


    Hey Bruce. Drop me a e-mail at May we live long and die out
  16. base515

    Fatality in the UK

    Rest in Peace, Is there anymore info on this? May we live long and die out
  17. all of this over a overpriced sharp shooter? "I knew I picked the wrong evening to quit sniffing airplane glue" May we live long and die out
  18. PS Fuck 704 and 700. What? That's right! Shutup! May we live long and die out
  19. Is that buttered popcorn?? I'll take some please
  20. I haven't seen anything this funny since homeroom in junior high school. If Jimmy marries clare and they then divorce. Does that mean they are still uncle and niece?? May we live long and die out
  21. You're welcomed. Try to keep 570 inline up there later Mike May we live long and die out
  22. just name the time and place. I'll bring the razor wire so we can play with it again. Eric hit the nail on the head. I can't believe you stole Jason's shoes so you could have new shoelaces. So, so sad. May we live long and die out
  23. Always welcomed. Even that certain someone who likes to climb fences so much. She seemed to handle the ill tempered snakes pretty well May we live long and die out
  24. I think he should have yanked a hard right toggle turn and swooped under the wire and around the tower. That would have been really cool Mike May we live long and die out
  25. pm sent May we live long and die out