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Everything posted by base515

  1. PM sent. Where is my dollar??????? May we live long and die out
  2. To bad the Dems. are too ignorant to mark the right ballot. They might've had a chance! Bumper sticker- " Honk if you voted for Gore!,,,,It's the big button in the middle." May we live long and die out
  3. Quote***Swoop gods RW guys with +20 averages Instructors Pilots Manifest LOs Loaders DZ maintenance staff Drunken visiting bikers Students Tandem passengers Drunk whino rummaging through trash cans for beer leftovers . . . whuffos camera flyers riggers freeflyers Birdman flyers CRW dawgs (they are too weird) . . and then somewhere way further down are the lowliest of the low. . . Packers Quote and below them are the lowest of the low. The BASEjumpers which is too bad, becuase we are the best chute packers there are The ladies will never know though, alas May we live long and die out
  4. base515


    Rockstars suck. Monsters are the best!! Same size/price but more of a kick. May we live long and die out
  5. Well. if the democrats/liberals were smart enough to mark the right ballot box correctly, he wouldn't be there Mike Ps I don't think he has knowing lied on purpose. He just repeats what he has been told, as a good puppet does... The country heads for less freedom despite who is in office. The two parties just attack different freedoms. May we live long and die out
  6. We had that same problem here. A pre-dawn attack with bamboo canes solved it. Ps If you screw 2 inch screws the bamboo at regular intervals, the pole won't break and splinter as quick. May we live long and die out
  7. Quote>>Most towers have a 3/8 cable on the climbing face to hook a "safety climb", a wire-rope grab made to trolley up the cable as you climb so if you fall it will catch you, they cost around $200 new but can be found on e-bay used for $50 or so and worth having one.Quote They make a ton of noise. Not very stealthy. Mike May we live long and die out
  8. Interesting debate. Should people have previous skydiving experience or not. I think they should, I've seen too many skydiving students get hurt due to poor canopy control than due to anything else and they had radios and all day classes and everything under the sun to help them. Some people are good canopy pilots and take to it easily while others never seem to get the grasp of it. Like driving a car, some drivers are good and some suck. A large open grassy landing area is the place to find out if someone can handle a canopy or not. A river bank loaded with rocks or trees isn't the place. Some people you can throw into the river and they'll learn to swim, others will simply drown. I am not capable of accurately judging someone's mental capacities to handle high stress situations to the degree necessary to feel comfortable to toss them off a object with just a idea in their head of how to fly a canopy. Of course there are people that can do it, nothing is impossible, only inprobable. We all know people at the DZ that we think that they shouldn't be skydiving. Based on watching them jump and watching their canopy skills, we can make a decision to help them get into this sport or to stay away from them. We have the advantage of having them being observed in a somewhat controlled enviroment. To teach them without this prior foundation of skills and knowdledge, is to simply trust to our own worth as a teacher and their ability to understand and apply the information. This is a HUGE risk IMHO. It can be done, but offers no real advantage over the older more accepted style of learning the sport. The Skydiving/BASE structured course is the best way by far. Not learning RW,or freeflying, but simple tracking and stabilty skills combined with canopy skill dives on large 7 cells(no racing to downsize to small zp canopies) will produce someone ready for the challenges of BASE. At the same time, they wil be experiencing and learning to skydive. It alone is worth the money. Base can also be learmed without mentors. Me and a friend did it. We had previous skydiving experience though, combined with the manufactors packing video. Is is better to have a mentor? Yes if they are wise and excellent teachers. Not all of us make good teachers even though we may be well versed in the subject. It also stands then, that a excellent teacher may not be smart in their field. Would they be accceptable as mentors? Or can a individual gleam enough knowledge from out of the air to proceed and be successful? It has and can be done but that doesn't make it the "best method" The fact that someone who learned to BASE without skydives, says it is a inferior way should be takin to heart by all. The voice of experience has more weight than the voice of "Theory" just my 2cents Mike May we live long and die out
  9. When I hit the lottery, I won't stop at 1500ft. It'll be the worlds tallest stucture and then some.. Of course it won't be in the states. It'll be on my own private island where no lawsuits can touch me and the FAA has no authority. May we live long and die out
  10. base515

    Ready for BASE?

    That sounds like a personal attack to me Release the hounds... May we live long and die out
  11. base515

    Ready for BASE?

    You'll notice the look Mike prefers illustrated by his avatar... Why yes, as you'll notice the rig is all black May we live long and die out
  12. base515

    Ready for BASE?

    If you are east of the Mighty Mississippi. The all black look works best. It's stealthy and rebellious looking all at the same time, which is important when you are trying to pick up chicks. But make sure you keep at least one Bright as the Sun Neon canopy tucked away in case a TV exposure chance presents itself. Mike May we live long and die out
  13. The easiest way isn't always the best, or safest way. I think it well understood that most malfunctions and accidents are caused by pilot error. Throwing tools into the safety chain just increases the risk for human error to appear. People have left clamps and pullup cords in their packjob. Isn't this sorta violating the KISS method you suggest in your "My first BASE rig" article. I agree completetly with you on keeping it simple, which is the main reason why I have arguements with using tools. I would rather see someone struggle an extra hour getting their rig packed than see them go in with a pullup cord around their risers or some other self-induced problem. In the end, it always has to be about how you feel about what is on your back. Yes indeed, I'll always know that there isn't a clamp or cord wrapped up in there somewhere. One less doubt or worry in my mind. I have enough of them already May we live long and die out
  14. Present company excluded, I know of some who probably couldn't do it at all without clamps, and if they did it would be so scary looking nobody would jump it. People should learn natural first, and then once they are competent with it, then they can use tools if they choose. I just don't feel like they give any benefit in regards to opening heading or reliabilty. I've seen clamped canopys that were absolutly perfect looking, evey line and crease and they still had a 180. Each to their own I guess May we live long and die out
  15. Other than a weight or stake on the rig for line tension, why use tools? You can acheive the same results without them with practice. The more tools involved the more likely you are to leave someting in your packjob. I know of one person who left their pullup cord tied around their lines at the canopy on a slider down jump. The cord became a slider that barely allowed enough inflation to live through and not suffer any major injuries. You could use a hot iron also to get really neat and straight folds but I doubt it will help with openings in anyway. Go natural and you never have to worry about counting tools or leaving them at home and being forced to pack a unfamilar way. Clampers and flat packers need to go the way of the DoDo bird.. May we live long and die out
  16. I have a rubberband larksheaded onto the inboard steering line attachment point on both of my Mojos. Instead of the tailgate, I use it for both slider up and slider down jumps. When packing, I run all the steering lines together at their attachment points, then make a bite with them and doublewrap the rubberband around them as a group. I usually do this over my shoulder before I set it down on the floor. I've compared opening videos of my canopies using tailgates and this method and couldn't tell a difference between the two. I have about 350+ BASEjumps on this method, as well as 500+ skydiving jumps. I've noticed no hangs or other probs and most important. No line overs. Has anyone else used this method and had probs or success? It seems cleaner and simpler than a tailgate or tape, yet acheives the same result. Of course it may be black death also and just hasn't bitten me yet Mike May we live long and die out
  17. I prefer my Mojo 260's with large hole mesh sliders and 34" pilot chutes. No rolling the nose. I use the same fast "bridge" pack job on Slider down and slider up jumps. I do pay extra attention to the velcro though, making sure it is properly mated and secure. Passing through 500ft at terminal is no place for a sail slider adios Rodriguez May we live long and die out
  18. Maybe you should give the BASE board another try. Seems like the name is the only thing they got right. May we live long and die out
  19. You believe everything you read in the papers? May we live long and die out
  20. Let's just let natural selection take it's course. Post the warnings and Post the good advice and then let whatever happens happen. What would be next, floation devices, asshole protectors from tree landings?? May we live long and die out
  21. How about we keep cherrypickers and other manmade objects out of the landing area instead?? Let's keep the creeping laws and regulations of big brother, that is taking over every other aspect of American life out of Bridge Day. Thanks Mom, but I can look out for myself. Mike May we live long and die out
  22. base515


    yeah no doubt, KISS my man May we live long and die out
  23. base515

    Cliff Strikes

    I thought all you guys from the rainy NW, looked like ghosts. Did he go home to NC? I sent a e-mail but haven't heard back yet. Glad to hear there were no injuries! I love my local A all the more now, cliffs are bad May we live long and die out
  24. base515

    Cliff Strikes

    Was it the jumper who went back east over the holidays? May we live long and die out
  25. Where's the father of the kid?She might just be in the hunt for a new one(hint).. Of course if she is into anal, she might be a keeper May we live long and die out