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Everything posted by turbineterry

  1. I think the press is more of the issue, just as it's been since Vietnam.Quote My.., "Just as it's been since Vietnam" . And still it's the same. Yes I'm certain the press profits from these war endeavors. I'm also certain other entities profit 10 times as much. Peace, TT
  2. So, You may want to look into the distinction and why it came about. Fact is the United States of America is not the same entity as "the United States". Peace , Understanding and Enlightenment. "Truth " is "Power" !!! TT
  3. Would you at least be honest enough ( as it's obvious you know how it all works) to explain to the readers why Saudi Arabia can do no wrong and has been our "staunchest ally" since? Nope. Your turn. lets hear your theory. Well this isn't theory it is historical fact. When the USA was bankrupted by the French demand for payment in gold the Nixon administration made a deal with the strongest member of OPEC, Saudi Arabia. The portion of the deal which most benefited the former USA, now after bankruptcy the US, was that all opec nations would trade oil exclusively for US dollars. Federal reserve notes were just around the corner! What say you? TT
  4. Because they are not uninformed. This subject is well known and is taught in every economics, finance, business courses in high school, practically every major in college and many conversations. It's not a hard subject and there's easy access to the information. But, what's happening here is this "enlighten us" thing you want is just so you can point out some strange ideas from some libertarian website and references to an obscure 1800s "Austrian school" economist. This is how it will work: I say something, then you say "no, apparently you don't know much about 'subject A'. Here is what this link says." You show some libertarian site and you quote Von Mises. I tell you that it's all bunk and give you reasons why, such as the time period is completely different than from today, or even from the 1930's. You say something about Keynes being wrong and say something weird like even Milton friedman supported him. I tell you that initially Freidman agreed with his premise but changed and modified his theories that, even still, is not what Von Mises ever meant but you will try to twist words, confuse 30's gold standard with the 70's gold standard, misunderstand the context of theories of what happened, will happen. In the end, you will champion Gold completely missing the fact that things that can be fixed in a vacuum cannot be applied when the Cul-de-sac called "the World" is involved whether you like it or not. In reality, this whole charade will be so you can feel like you have some sort of power with the ground-breaking secret knowledge that you have that you think most don't. Uhm.., No sir. I'm speakimg simply about the fact that during the Nixon administration France wanted the gold we owed them and we didn't have it. Doesn't take multiple paragraghs . We owed them gold. We didn't have enough to pay. Now.., Would you at least be honest enough ( as it's obvious you know how it all works) to explain to the readers why Saudi Arabia can do no wrong and has been our "staunchest ally" since? Truth, Peace, TT
  5. C'mon Nanook.., Tell us about the United States of America s' bankruptcy when we didn't have enough gold to pay the debt we owed France Do tell why after the restructuring the USA became the US. Do tell! You are so full of answers.!!! Peace and Enlightenment through inner Knowledge, TT
  6. Oh , so the banksters were forced to lend out the money? Is that your belief? Would it suprise you to learn that Banks are willing accomplices to loan making and money creation? Would it suprise you to learn that banks primary income is through the creation of loans ? Really? You didn't know that??? No please Masser, don't throw me inta dat briar patch!!! Please Masser, don't force me to make dat loan!!!! You may want to do some investigative journalism work yourself instead of listening to what you hear and believe on the TV set. Peace , Enlightenment and Understanding, TT
  7. And the current gold rush could (probably should) collapse at any minute. What, exactly, is the intrinsic value of gold anyway? It's only "valuable" because people say it is. Same as paper money. It's a bit more difficult to extract from the ground than paper money is to print, but if the zombie-apocalypse ever came to pass, it would be less valuable than a clean cup of drinking water. Commercial applications. And it takes huge industries to extract and make it useful efficiently. Ah.. No. Gold's use is mostly for cosmetic dentistry and jewelry. Industrial applications is pittance. But then again, you could say you were right, since jewelery is a commercial application . And of course huge industries extract it! With fools willing to pay $1,500 /oz for it! lol Eh. . .ill agree with the jewelry over commercial application stuff. But calling Flavor-Flav jacked up grill as a foolish endeavor? . . LOL!!! Hey Nanook, LOL! Could you tell us anything about a certain kind of serious situation which occured during the early seventies concerning the gold debt and France? Do you know why the Saudis are our lifelong buddies and pals? If you do would you share with the group? Fair Winds, TT I've talked about the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement many times over the years here. France's actions is an example why the Gold Standard won't work whether politically or practicality wise. Thanks ,but you seem like a pretty informed guy. Why don't you tell the uninformed what happened during the Nixon years with France and the Gold debt? OH !!!! And Saudi Arabia and why we never mess with them. Come on!!! Enlighten the group!!! Peace, TT
  8. No. FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency. He's spoken publicly about doing away with it. Well? Wasn't it FEMA who botched so badly during Katrina? If Katrina is the litmus test do you, Quade, belive that agency should continue to exist? Why or why not? LOL! TT
  9. Well, that's one man's opinion. You're entitled to it. Still doesn't change the fact Ron Paul is wrong if he thinks the IRS and FEMA aren't Constitutional. Certainly he is right about the Federal Reserve. I'm pretty sure that's what the one posting " FEMA " meant. Any central bank is against the Constitution. Only Congress has the authority under the Constitution to coin money. What say you? Peace, TT
  10. Well, if that's his argument, then he's wrong. Flat out, 100%, wrong. So, how could you possibly vote for somebody to be President to, among other things, protected and defend the US Constitution if that person is so incredibly wrong about what is in it? Listen Quade, By your actions words and deeds you have lost all credibility with members of this forum. You really should just go away. Peace , TT , "TreeTop"
  11. And the current gold rush could (probably should) collapse at any minute. What, exactly, is the intrinsic value of gold anyway? It's only "valuable" because people say it is. Same as paper money. It's a bit more difficult to extract from the ground than paper money is to print, but if the zombie-apocalypse ever came to pass, it would be less valuable than a clean cup of drinking water. Commercial applications. And it takes huge industries to extract and make it useful efficiently. Ah.. No. Gold's use is mostly for cosmetic dentistry and jewelry. Industrial applications is pittance. But then again, you could say you were right, since jewelery is a commercial application . And of course huge industries extract it! With fools willing to pay $1,500 /oz for it! lol Eh. . .ill agree with the jewelry over commercial application stuff. But calling Flavor-Flav jacked up grill as a foolish endeavor? . . LOL!!! Hey Nanook, LOL! Could you tell us anything about a certain kind of serious situation which occured during the early seventies concerning the gold debt and France? Do you know why the Saudis are our lifelong buddies and pals? If you do would you share with the group? Fair Winds, TT
  12. Relax Jaybird! Go get a drink of water. Relax! I met Winsor once . It was at a USPA BOD meeting. He wasn't "prissy" and he stood up infront of an openly hostile group of group members at the group members committie meeting and logically and eloquently explained to the committee how they were stealing from the rank and file(i'm paraphrasing.) The man is no coward as far as I could see. Certainly he wasn't hiding. Any way relax JBird! I'm pretty certain that is what God wants us to do. Relax!!!!! LOL! TT
  13. There's the history of the world in a nutshell. "What if there were no "borders". What if all of mankind cared about all of mankind. Imagine" from the Gospel of John. TT
  14. When you hear the banjos from below on jump run.., Pull high!!! TT
  15. No Ron, You are sadly mistaken and have exposed your lack of Understanding. Jesus did sin and it was His sin which led to His arrest and public humiliation, the Cruci-Fiction. Do you remember a passage where he raised the whip against the "Banksters"? / The money changers in the Temple? By his own words that should never have happened! "Turn the other cheek" " Love thy neighbor as yourself" But he was whipping the money changers in the Temple!!!! Jesus was Human. He erred as Humans do. He was also God as are all Humans. Nothing so special about that guy really. His teaching is that we all have the same potential as He. We need only to look inside ourselves. Complete the course before you instruct others. Understanding and Enlightenment will come to you, it is inevitable
  16. [replyAnd 9/11. Although that wasn't caused by just the gays and lesbians - that was also the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists. Actually 9-11 was caused by those devout Muslims who entered the strip club the night before ,drank alcohol, and made a scene . Paid with a credit card(easily traceable to Mohamed Atta,/ it had his name on the account) and left a copy of the Koran on the bar. That's the official story anyway, Bil Von. About as believable as god wanting her homosexual creations stifled or executed. Enjoy the journey. TT
  17. And it is still perfect and will always be perfect. Spirit doesn't make mistakes . She intended homosexuals and intended you to have this debate so that you could come to Enlightenment. Wake up and open your self to your inner Spirit, Jaybird. TT
  18. Let's talk about your God then. Is it true that he collects the foreskins of prepubescent males? LOL! TT