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  1. Hey Mark...forgot to get your new number at BD.... give me a call: 608.209.3464. I'll be in Chicago this weekend.
  2. Hey Mark....what's up brudda.... sounds like quite an undertaking....good on ya. Hey send me your mailing can email it to me: I'll make a donation for ya.... And hey, get back to Wisconsin dude.... I've got a cliff for ya.... low, but we've been hittin it quite a bit... I know, a cliff in wisconsin is like doing an antennae in Moab.... Or hey 813, you seem to be online more than Mark, can you help me track him down. i have some stuff I want to send him. Cheers, 734
  3. mcclone


    I sit here confused after reading the article then seeing your headline: Beware of the Press. So what you're saying is, you invited the press to some of your naughty jumps downtown, informed him with great detail of all of your jumping exploits, gave him your web site address, I'm sure he's even wearing a DNB shirt....and after all that I can't believe the nerve he had to write that story........ what a jerk in my opinion. Yes, beware of the press indeed. Cheers, Naive Punk P.S. I always thought it was the job of the press to report the world as they saw it, not as their publicity hounds did. Maybe I was wrong.
  4. I once took pictures of the other half of punk n bones in the shower then tried selling them on the internet.... I only made 5 bucks which I used to buy me a hat... But it was a nice hat. Staring at the clock....waiting for work to be done today so I can go play in Moab... PUNK
  5. mcclone

    539 Lovin' the UK

    the home crew is definitely missing you bro. Eating Swiss Cheese hasn't been the same without ya, but it sounds like you have enough cheddar to keep you full. Great to hear that you are flicking on the other side of the pond. 734 Punk n Bones
  6. Just talked to Jack and there will be plenty of Nilla Wafers and Dixy Chicks CDs for everyone... Punk
  7. very first tower jump...gripped out of my mind... dark, cold, snow on the ground... as I step off and start freefalling I hear my mentor, still on the exit point, whisper "yeah brotha, life is good." Surreal????? To me it was and I haven't forgotten that moment... It all kind of made sense... if only for a split second.
  8. mcclone

    Nice one 539

    Dude, glad to hear you've made some new friends across the big pond.... and don't let those guys give you crap about your stealth rig. I like your all white set up. It worked well in those blizzard conditions. Miss ya bro... 734
  9. Yo mad professor… P N B just wanted to let you know that we’re glad you’re okay… no flames… But you are definitely a superstar on the media back home… I got so irritated last night watching the news… every reporter felt it was their duty to give their own personal opinion of the "stunt"…. Kudos to you for having the huevos to live and explore your life outside of the bounds of normal pop culture life….and my sympathy to those reporters and media hounds who can’t see past that stupid moving picture box that they base their life on… Punk N Bones
  10. Jumping in lightning is totally irresponsible, blatantly wrong, and dangerous… that is why I have only done it a few times… BUT, If you see lightning in the distance, you know it’s gonna be a fast climb… By the way, my name is TBone and I snort spaghettios…
  11. Yo C... Is that your real name... sounds Brittish to me. You know you really don't need radios if your object is low enough... lets play tomorrow... that little tiny smokey thing is calling our name... Punk N Bones
  12. I had a nasty 180 on my first jump with a vented PC off a little freestander. Not sure if the 30 mph crosswind had anything to do with it....LOL. Seriously though, I've converted my entire pc arsenal to vented pcs. Thus far, I've been extrememly pleased and believe they attributed to exceptional opening performance.
  13. mcclone

    Protective Gear

    Some good battle gear here: Matt