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Everything posted by grue

  1. It's lunchtime on Saturday here. I was going to go to the DZ, but I think I'll go tomorrow. cavete terrae.
  2. I thought it was a shitty episode, to be frank. I really, really, really wanted them to kill off Merideth. Of course I'd rather have 'em kill off Yang, but if they did both at the same time, I'd cheer out loud. cavete terrae.
  3. There's my chicken and corn soup recipe. cavete terrae.
  4. 82%. Ironically, I missed more new ones than old ones. cavete terrae.
  5. This is for a very large batch, just cut the recipe in half if you want less... You will need: About a pound of diced chicken breast [URL][/URL] Two or three decent sized cans of creamed corn. I like to use a lot, makes for a hardier soup: [URL][/URL] Six cups of chicken broth/stock - You can make it or buy it, doesn't matter. [URL][/URL] Five eggs [URL][/URL] 2 tablespoons of corn starch 4 tablespoons of cold water Cook the chicken pieces, then place into a large pot. Add chicken juice, and corn. Heat on medium until it boils, stirring occasionally. While the soup is heating: Separate the egg whites and toss the shells and yolks. Blend the cold water and corn starch, then set aside. Once soup has begun to boil, add the cold water and corn starch, and stir in. At this point, you should whip the egg whites until they are frothy. Lower heat on the soup, and stir in the egg whites. Let soup simmer until it is slightly foamy on top. Stir up, put into bowls, and serve hot. Add a little parsley on top if desired. [URL][/URL] Enjoy! cavete terrae.
  6. grue

    80's Cartoon

    Almost makes me believe in god. cavete terrae.
  7. At this point, I'm going to go with "acknowledging my existence" cavete terrae.
  8. Fuck that, I don't need an extra 10kg, and the rig doesn't need the sun cavete terrae.
  9. I'm like, Bicycle Schumacher. I think I'm going to start doing my daily ride on the track. It's a "known value" in terms of distance, so I can start timing myself and see if I'm getting stronger and faster, in addition to losing weight. cavete terrae.
  10. I was speaking for benefit of the Americans on the forum, that is to say, "most of the people" For reference, I'm 191cm cavete terrae.
  11. Ordering tickets for the concert here first thing in the morning when they go on sale cavete terrae.
  12. ± a couple tenths, you're right I managed to hold it for about five or six seconds here: cavete terrae.
  13. "I zink dat... if I had zee right kemikals... I could get zee wimmin!" cavete terrae.
  14. I can post my generic enchilada recipe, but this time around I'm going to be making some changes and seeing how it goes. Good Call!!!!And you posted it where?????
  15. I'm fast on my crutches, but I can't walk there that fast. I meant on a plane, professor. Unless you wanna make Kon-Tiki II out of crutches and a t-shirt cavete terrae.
  16. That's so hot I'm normally into short chicks, but gorgeous + super tall is like... wow cavete terrae.
  17. cavete terrae.
  18. I can post my generic enchilada recipe, but this time around I'm going to be making some changes and seeing how it goes. cavete terrae.
  19. Ironically, if you left right now, you could make it here just in time for dinner tomorrow cavete terrae.
  20. Delicious, and healthy! Should I make 'em tomorrow, or Saturday? Chicken, mushrooms, red and green peppers, jalapeños.... delicious! cavete terrae.
  21. I'd be interested in hearing about this too.. the huge casino here is hiring for dealers, i'm thinking about applying cavete terrae.
  22. grue

    Smokin' hot

    You misquoted me in your signature, it was: "Hey! Get out of my ass!" cavete terrae.
  23. hyponatremia, for starters. cavete terrae.
  24. Main reason I drink water: 1. It's water, there are no calories in it. 2. If I chug 15oz of ice cold water, I stop being hungry. Helps with my weight loss project (To lose ten kilograms, or close to it, between February 19 and March 15, and an additional five kilograms by April 15) cavete terrae.
  25. Supporting the Chinese is like a hallmark of our faith, dude. Is Christmas not, after all, known with the community as Chinese Food and Go To The Movies Day? cavete terrae.