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Everything posted by grue

  1. . I'd rather just get something that'll get me through the must-have-AAD licence range, then I can replace it at my leisure when the time comes. More and more DZ are making them mandatory across all licenses. Well frick. cavete terrae.
  2. I've actually considered buying a new one, but the problem is that if I buy new, I won't have any money to actually jump. I'd rather just get something that'll get me through the must-have-AAD licence range, then I can replace it at my leisure when the time comes. cavete terrae.
  3. and the timtams are like an lesbian supermodel orgy in my mouth, and only I'm invited to sample the goods cavete terrae.
  4. He needs one to be ABLE to jump, when he gets back to OZ, we have mandatory AAD requirements here Steve I've you didnt buy the OTHER crap you couldhave bought a NEW one How are those Tim Tams
  5. I'm in there, twatwaffle, but where the hell are you? cavete terrae.
  6. grue


    They're going to cover you in velcro and throw you at a wall made of matching velcro until you stick, and then the males are going to do naked hula dances in front of you. cavete terrae.
  7. Sell it to me!! I'm sick of having the AAD classifieds set as my home page cavete terrae.
  8. grue

    Vagina Game

    Don't Be a Menace to Vagina While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood cavete terrae.
  9. That's a pretty monumental fuckup. I'm amazed if somebody didn't lose their job over that. cavete terrae.
  10. Ok, the aspect ratio refers to the shape of the picture. A 4:3 ratio means that for every 4 pixels (picture element) across, the display has 3 pixels down. A 4:3 ratio is what is used for most "standard" TV shows. A 16:9 TV, accordingly, has 16 pixels across for every 9 pixels down, and so forth. 16:9 is what most "widescreen" TV shows are shot in. If you actually divide the second number into the first, you get a direct measurement: A 4:3 picture is a 1.333, a 14:9 is 1.555, a 16:9 is 1.777, etc. The higher the number, the "wider" the picture is, compared to the height. cavete terrae.
  11. I haven't heard about that one, what is it? cavete terrae.
  12. grue

    Vagina Game

    The Texas Vagina Massacre cavete terrae.
  13. grue

    Vagina Game

    Vagina Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Vagina Episode 2: Attack of the Vaginas Episode 3: Revenge of the Vagina Episode 4: A Vagina Hope Episode 5: The Vagina Strikes Back Episode 6: Return of the Vagina cavete terrae.
  14. grue

    Vagina Game

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Vagina cavete terrae.
  15. because you touch yourself at night. cavete terrae.
  16. He might be, but not everyone who says that is. It'll explain to those who are serious. cavete terrae.
  17. I completely agree. It pisses me off when I rent a dvd and it's wide screen with the big black bars. My TV already is a flat screen, so wtf? Chris If you've already got a widescreen display, it is most likely optimized for a 16:9 aspect ratio. The reason for this is because made-for-TV widescreen content is typically 14:9 or 16:9 ratio. That's the "least common denominator", so to speak. However, many movies are filmed in a 2.35:1 or 1.85:1 ratio, which is even wider. Thusly, it will remain slightly letterboxed. cavete terrae.
  18. Because if they do that, you're not seeing the whole movie. Think about it. If you proportionally increase the size of the video to match the 4:3 aspect ratio of a traditional television, the end result will be wider than the screen. Thusly, they CHOP OFF part of the movie. See what I mean? This is why most movie enthusiasts (and creators) abhor the existence of full screen. My father works in the industry and claims he'll disown me if I ever knowingly buy a fullscreen DVD cavete terrae.
  19. Time to find out how many people need an education on movies cavete terrae.
  20. Check your PC, check your chest strap. 3-2-1 CYA! cavete terrae.
  21. Pretty cool article. Interesting writing style. cavete terrae.
  22. Made me feel kinda pervy since that cheerleader chick is only 17, but really hot cavete terrae.