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Everything posted by grue

  1. Yup. I just don't trust them at all. Trust is earned, not just given out. cavete terrae.
  2. It's the "when you are least expecting it..." part that bothers me. They have the keys to your house. cavete terrae.
  3. Couldn't tell ya, I never got pied for my 100th. I'd half expect the Skydive Atlanta crew to get me when I come back through in October, since I did it there. cavete terrae.
  4. Reports have begun trickling in that security measures will be widened to include items not previously in the restrictions. Among these banned items are reptiles and amphibians. One security official was quoted as saying "Get those motherfuckin' snakes off my motherfuckin' plane!" cavete terrae.
  5. So every VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Bugatti, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Seat, Skota, Lamborghini, and Porsche owner is fucked, since it's 1 unit. It simply says they're not allowed in accessible baggage or on the person, so your car keys go in your suitcase and in the hold. Not great, I know, but that's the way it is. Yeah, I'd rather fedex it. I do not check anything except clothing, ever. Certainly not my keys if I drove something expensive, with a tag right on the luggage with my address. "Hey, if I take this key, I can get a free Lamborghini at this address!" cavete terrae.
  6. Knives, explosives, and themselves. cavete terrae.
  7. So every VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, and Porsche owner is fucked. no need to travel with your keys... No, certainly not When I first got my car, it was one of the first cars with a "switchblade" key, and the security guy accidentally hit the button and almost didn't let it on the plane. "Ok fuckwit, how do you reckon I'll drive home once I get there?" cavete terrae.
  8. So every VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Bugatti, Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Seat, Skota, Lamborghini, and Porsche owner is fucked, since it's 1 unit. cavete terrae.
  9. why not ? YOu'd trust those clowns? If they do fuck it up or lose it (entirely likely in a non-standard situation like this), they'll pay at most a couple hundred bucks. "That's nice, twatchops, but what about the other $6,000 I'll need?" cavete terrae.
  10. Right now the US is just banning liquids. TOmorrow... xenu only knows. cavete terrae.
  11. The inflight system can only hold attention for so long, I don't drink, and flight attendants are all chosen based on experience and seniority these days, not looks like they should be. Whoever let political correctness onto airplanes needs a strapping. cavete terrae.
  12. Incidentally, I would rather not travel than do a transatlantic flight without something to do. Fuck that, as if air travel isn't mind numbing enough. cavete terrae.
  13. So what they're saying, essentially, is this: "We completely suck nuts at screening your luggage and there's been no point in doing it at all in the past, thus, in the face of alleged danger, we're just going to stop letting you bring shit on the plane at all" cavete terrae.
  14. He was shitfaced and the roosters bet him $50 he wouldn't do it. cavete terrae.
  15. You don't wanna make that trade, trust me. This thing is cursed! cavete terrae.
  16. 4 comfortably... 5 if the three in the back are smallish cavete terrae.
  17. Awesome, works for me! cavete terrae.
  18. Awesome. I sent a PM to Betsy to get a rough estimate on what it'd cost. I figure I could pull out a lot of the stuff that could be sold (airbags, computer, so on, so forth) and that'd make it financially much more viable. This could be hilarity in the making, and your input and help would definitely be appreciated cavete terrae.
  19. It's a 2000 VW Jetta. Fairly small. cavete terrae.
  20. If your serious, I think Joe and I can make that happen for you just say the word K I may actually be serious. I'm leaving the US in about 2 months most likely, and i'm not 100% sure I can sell the car for enough to make it worth the effort of going through the sales process cavete terrae.
  21. Who wants to come with if I do it? cavete terrae.
  22. No, because by the end of the 3 hours, I'd still be on the climb to altitude cavete terrae.
  23. Truly one of the best things in life. MMMMMMM.... cavete terrae.