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Everything posted by grue

  1. grue


    I was a shrimp as a kid, I was like 5'7" my sophomore year of high school. 6'3" when I graduated. Dad hated those two years, or rather, hated buying my clothes cavete terrae.
  2. Haha, he had a similar issue at our boogie when they came out. We went out on a 4way, one of the guys corked and was long gone, the other guy was doing ~200 in a sit, so he just came and hung out with me cavete terrae.
  3. 0:0:0 Waiting on new canopy cavete terrae.
  4. Get well soon man! Neck injuries are a pain in the ass. cavete terrae.
  5. Yeah, that's what he said. And that's how I put the other silverware in. But I have a serious knife phobia, so the sharp knives have to go the other way - and they seem to come out clean anyway. Sicko. About once a week I'll hear a "YOW! FUCK! STEVE! POINTY END DOWN!!" cavete terrae.
  6. We do??? Hmm, I guess I didn't get that memo. I've never had any interest in trying to change anyone. Well, I did finally train Rich to put the sharp knives in the dishwasher with the pointy bit facing down, so I guess I did change him somewhat. I'm going from what Kel was saying. As for dishwasher, handles go down so the food-contact bits get cleaned better. Plus I take a perverse joy in hearing the yelps when someone grabs a blade. I keep my knives wicked sharp cavete terrae.
  7. So do you think it's the same for guys liking beotches?? It makes us think we have tamed the beast when she is all over us. Me thinks your theory is flawed. JMHO No, it makes perfect sense. Women want men that they can change. Men want women who'll remain exactly the same. cavete terrae.
  8. My wife, she's been there through my worst, and stuck with me for 18 years, that's dedication to the cause
  9. My alleged best friend is currently the source of all my heartache and most of my anger. cavete terrae.
  10. I've always said I'd be happy to jump a round, as long as it was with someone else's container, and into a body of water I'm going to have a hard enough time finding a square BASE canopy appropriate enough for my size, let alone trying to land a damned round. cavete terrae.
  11. I'm living proof of that, I was born in Santa Monica cavete terrae.
  12. Happy birthday, and get well soon!!! cavete terrae.
  13. Haven't tried it, and I'd likely be shot if I did. cavete terrae.
  14. Just the rig. I'm gonna try and get a gearbag before I go home to Australia though. cavete terrae.
  15. I'm the same height, but I deal with the discomfort, at least on domestic flights. I usually get exit row, though... International, yeah, it's going in the overhead. cavete terrae.
  16. Strip at sunset, baby! cavete terrae.
  17. You're a braver man than I'd. I'd never, ever trust my baby in the hands of those asscorks. cavete terrae.
  18. Nope, my bad. It's an I-66N. My brain added a little bit of ink cavete terrae.
  19. ...that's a strange expression Bruce! Your canopies must fit very loose in an I-88? Seems like you're 2 sizes too big? At least I think it's an I-88. Shit, lemme go look. cavete terrae.
  20. That's all well and good for you normal sized people with small rigs. As it is, my rig will just BARELY clear the carryon size restrictions, and a gear bag big enough to hold it would push it over the edge. What i do is tighten the leg straps as far as they'll go, then push them together and wrap a pullup cord around them. Chest strap gets threaded through the reserve handle 6 or 7 times and rubberbanded in place. Can't even tell it's a rig at that point, if you're a whuffo My rig is definitely not small - Infinity I-65, about the same as yours. Lots of carry on stuff is too big per the airline requirements, no surprise there, the airlines don't enforce it. I just accept the fact that there are some circumstances where checking the rig will be required, and so I have appropriate choices in soft gear bags or hard cases. I think there are plenty of regular people that can identify a parachute, even if cleaned up as you describe. Mine's actually an I-88, for what it's worth :) But yeah, I always get to the airport early enough so that if they're really going to be chickenfucking douchecanoes about it, I'll have time to go to UPS or FedEx and mail it wherever I need to go. When in doubt, assume everyone's an idiot and hellbent on making your life hell, and your life will go easier cavete terrae.
  21. I had a security person stop me on my way out of Target. "Do you have a receipt for that?" "Do you sell custom built skydiving gear with my name embroidered on it? cavete terrae.
  22. Interesting. I brought my rig to Target and WalMart to try and find something I could fit it in, to no avail. Where'd you get yours? cavete terrae.
  23. grue

    who's up?

    "A Sound of Thunder" I'm sure there's no way it'll stand up to the work it's based on, but it should at least be entertaining. cavete terrae.
  24. grue

    who's up?

    Just about to start watching a movie.. cavete terrae.