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Everything posted by grue

  1. I actually more or less use paypal as my bank these days. My pay gets deposited into my account, I put part into savings, and transfer the rest to paypal. cavete terrae.
  2. YOu'd think so, but it's not always that way. I don't write cheques, ever, but I still notice some things take a day or two. It's ricockulous. cavete terrae.
  3. Are we multiple personalities in the same entity? cavete terrae.
  4. Those fuckers are a solid 30 years behind reality, I swear to xenu. For example, why does it take several days for cheques to clear? Same goes for making a credit card payment. There's no reason that if I make a payment at 1230 in the afternoon, that it won't show on my account for a day or more. A payment/deposit/etc shouldn't have to be in by 3 oclock to post that day, you should have until the god damned bank closes, or 1159pm, if the bank happens to be 24 hours. It's 2006, morons, get with the programme. I don't care what the problem is, it's your own fault. Get out of the 70's, network your shit, and stop wasting our time. And no offense to anyone who's actually IN banking, unless you're a higher-up that is responsible for this idiocy. cavete terrae.
  5. Seriously. If I were financially stable enough to be able to even buy a POS to drive for the next six weeks, I would put on all my hockey pads and go crash my car into a tree or something, just for the very fun of it. I hope with all my heart and soul that it is stolen or set on fire. cavete terrae.
  6. cavete terrae.
  7. Interesting. What makes some people "better" at it than others? I know that in the case of those Magic Eye pictures, I can acquire the 3D image almost instantly, but some of my friends need to stare and stare for a while, even though they don't have depth perception issues otherwise. What's with that? cavete terrae.
  8. I'm a guy, which means any food is valid any time, and I've been up for about 5 hours cavete terrae.
  9. Is a burger king chicken sangwich. cavete terrae.
  10. 2 hookers, 1 dog, and Natalie Holloway. cavete terrae.
  11. grue

    Funny Analogies

    "Bologna is to health food as Scott Lutz is to World Team" That one? cavete terrae.
  12. untz untz untz untz untz untz untz untz untz cavete terrae.
  13. Sounds about right. cavete terrae.
  14. I'm in your fridge, eating your foodz. cavete terrae.
  15. Key lime pie, baby! There is NOTHING better! cavete terrae.
  16. grue

    Skydive Chicago

    I'm in Iowa. I'm not from Iowa. Winter is only acceptable when there's somewhere to ski. cavete terrae.
  17. Bologna is to health food as Scott Lutz is to World Team cavete terrae.
  18. grue

    Skydive Chicago

    There's a valid reason to be snobs to the midwest: Winter. cavete terrae.
  19. just finished 3 years of college soccer and 1 of college hockey. Also a highly proficient skiier. cavete terrae.
  20. If more people did this, the US government would be much less retarded and much more in control. /rant cavete terrae.
  21. grue

    Three words

    Sexy wife, apparently. cavete terrae.
  22. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess he's off to Oz... but... I could be wrong... well... where you off to grue? Yeah, that's right. Dad's been wanting me to move back, and hell, he's offering to pay for the move... and there's a turbine DZ north of melbourne cavete terrae.
  23. In the home theatre department at Best Buy. I'm kinda scared I'm gonna end up spending my whole paycheque there Fortunately, though, since I do expect to be leaving the country in a few months, I know not to buy anything that doesn't run on 240v circuits. Of course that still leaves me with cameras, camcorders, mp3 players, etc etc etc cavete terrae.
  24. Grue, they changed (many years ago) the vision requirements for U.S. military aviators. I trained many pilots in the Air Force that showed up for pilot trng wearing not only glasses but contacts..... Check with your local recruiter again (if you fall in the age crack).......... Yeah, I found out about that later. I'm probably still young enough, but at this point I'd be a little late in the game, not to mention I lost my motivation to study hard sciences and mathematics at uni because of that. But hell, wouldn't hurt to look into I suppose. cavete terrae.
  25. I blew up a canopy! cavete terrae.