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Everything posted by grue

  1. Jesus tittyfucking christ. I'm guessing you don't do that commute 5 days a week? Setting aside the financial cost of putting that many miles on a car (unless you're taking a train or something, which would suck less as long as it's not crowded and you get to sit down and read or something… once I have to touch or smell other people, public transit gets old in about 40 seconds), the idea of spending 37.5% of a normal work day going either to or from work without getting paid for is… actually almost offensive How do you do it? cavete terrae.
  2. Living an hour (or more!) from work. I cannot figure out how the hell people don't go crazy doing that. 15 minutes? No big deal. 30? Annoying. 45? Maddening. 60+? GTFO More: Expensive watches and other jewellery. I really, really don't get this one. cavete terrae.
  3. I think the ignorance of the First Amendment is more disgusting and far more threatening than the underlying message of appreciation of the thug life. It's quite simple: the government did not like the message so the government censored it. Regardless of my personal hatred of the ideals of the thug life, it was speech. And the First Amendment isn't there to protect the speech the goverment likes. It's there to protect the divisive and even the seditious. Am I alone in this? To modify a quote attributed to Voltaire: I think what they're saying was stupid, but until I am dead I will defend the right of anyone to say, post, sign, write, or otherwise express what they please so long as they are not fucking with the health, liberty or property of anyone who doesn't consent, in their process of so doing. If I'm wrong about there being no afterlife, I will defend their rights there, too. Edited to add emphasis cavete terrae.
  4. I don't really think so, since it's not about if the law is just or good, but it's passed and the insurance is there. Why are people still jumping without it? cavete terrae.
  5. I'll be the first to say that I was, and am, against Obamacare and the government being involved as a provider of health care. I don't want this subject to be about that, but about why people are still jumping without coverage. But that said, now that it's much easier (though not in all cases cheaper, of course) to get health insurance… WHY THE FUCK are people still jumping for a living without it? I can kinda understand the guy for whom it's a case of "Well, shit. I can only afford to jump 20 times a year, and if I get health insurance I won't even be able to afford that". I totally get that, I've been there (except it was deciding not to have an AAD, not health insurance :P). But when you're doing something that is, let's not bullshit here, a dangerous fucking hobby and you're doing it for a living? It's a pretty big gamble to think that you're not gonna get hurt, but I guess when we as a community keep paying everyone's medical bills when they hook it in, or have a bad mal or whatever, I guess there's no incentive to be a bit more responsible. Maybe there's something I'm not seeing that makes it a bit more understandable, and if so I'm more than happy to be enlightened… cavete terrae.
  6. Samba the Bengal kitten says hello! (She's totally not a kitten anymore, this pic is like 3 years old but still cracks me up, it's from her first or second day with us) cavete terrae.
  7. …and the judge for conspiracy to create it, or something along those lines. cavete terrae.
  8. First and foremost: Prosecuting teenagers for child porn when they're sexting is stupid. AT WORST, harassment if they're sending nudies of themselves to people who don't want to receive them. Secondly: WHAT THE FUCK?? cavete terrae.
  9. Funny you mention it, because I have NEVER had as much trouble flying in the US as I have in Australia and NZ. I had to unpack my main right in the damned terminal at Melbourne airport (and I sure took my time repacking it. Inconvenience me for a bullshit reason, and I'll return the favor), and had an hour-long chat with some sheep-shagging genetic throwback in Auckland over the finer points of AADs. cavete terrae.
  10. There are a lot of places I'd "conceptually" like to visit, but likely never will for whatever reason I'd like to visit Egypt because I've always wanted to see the pyramids, and the sphinx. Sadly, it's a bit crazy over there politically at the moment, so if I ever get to it'll be a while. I'd kinda like to see some of the cool shit in Dubai, but with their legal system being insane and stupid, as well as their modern-day slavery… not gonna even use them as a layover airport. Not worth it. Iran: I'm fascinated, but my passport has an eagle on it and I had a bar mitzvah so it strikes me as… imprudent to visit. I'm told by friends that it shouldn't be an issue, but I'd hate to be on CNN because I'm never allowed to leave. North Korea, however… what the fuck is there to see? cavete terrae.
  11. I'd agree if I thought they were human enough for it to affect them. We'll likely never know for sure, but I'd be fairly surprised if many (most?) politicians don't reek strongly of sociopathy or psychopathy. cavete terrae.
  12. Congress and the supreme court are both full of people with law degrees and no history of an actual job in the real world. cavete terrae.
  13. cavete terrae.
  14. Isn't that also the name of the system wherein a person can be extracted from an area by floating a special balloon attached to a harness and a plane snags the balloon and yanks 'em off the ground? cavete terrae.
  15. grue

    Toyota popup?

    Don't install Java or flash. Do install adblock and ghostery. cavete terrae.
  16. NYC in a nutshell: Overly sensitive, cotton-wrapped, and run by cowards. cavete terrae.
  17. Not fair to brag and not share the recipe! .5kg chorizo 5 cans of black beans (or equiv amount if you're making 'em from dried) 2 celery stalks 1 brown onion 1 bulb of garlic 750ml of beef stock 2 tbsp of olive oil 1 tsp cumin 2 tsp oregano 2 tsp parsley 1 tbsp chipotle powder or two chipotles in adobo sauce finely chopped .5c sour cream 1 tbsp cilantro salt & pepper to taste Finely dice onion, garlic, celery Drain the beans Chop up the chorizo into whatever size pieces you want. I like fairly large chunks. Toss the chorizo into a pan with a bit of olive oil and cook until it's crispy Saute the onions, garlic and celery either in olive oil or the fat from the chorizo, depending on how horrible of a person you want to be If you've got an immersion blender or food processor, skip this step. Put one of the cans of drained beans into the pot, and then mash them up with a potato masher or something. Scrape 'em off so they don't stick. Put the remaining beans in the pot, add the stock, celery, garlic, onion, cumin, oregano, chipotle and parsley, and mix well. Bring to a boil, and then let simmer for 20 minutes. If you have the immersion blender or food processor, puree about 1/4 of the mixture and re-add it to the pot. Add the chorizo, simmer for another 30 minutes. Garnish with cilantro & sour cream, or cheese. Freezes well, if necessary. cavete terrae.
  18. …has given me superpowers. I can generate my own chemical weapons! cavete terrae.
  19. Despite what the APF would have you believe, people can jump from above 18000MSL without dying The video did mention Boost Oxygen, though. cavete terrae.
  20. Cthulhu Leigh Pitchfork cavete terrae.
  21. In effect this means that a blood donor has to choose between giving blood or skydiving. My question is: Does any other parachute federation in the world have such a draconian attitude towards blood donors? Or do they trust their members to act in a responsible manner? Given the attitude of some members of the UK forums (some of whom frequent these hallowed halls) I PM'd Sangiro and asked for permission to run this topic anonymously, which he graciously agreed to. The problem is that in order to get anything changed in the OPs Manual, we have to make a case to the STC which is comprised of all the CCI's. As I understand it, and if I'm wrong someone with far more experience will correct me, neither the USPA or the DFV have any regulation that would prevent a skydiver from giving blood. If anyone would care to share information about their own parachute federation/association's attitude and/or regulations, please feel free. Many thanks in advance. It's been my experience that the BPA is among the most cotton-wrapped and nannyish organisations in an already cotton-wrapped and nannyish country. That's not to say their policies aren't based on good ideas, just that they're very, very conservative. cavete terrae.
  22. Yeah KINGS! That said, the Rangers did a great job and NY fans should be proud. Hell of a game tonight, jesus. I think my anus relocated to my thoracic cavity a number of times, especially during OT. cavete terrae.
  23. Selling plastic helmets for the price of carbon and aluminium is a great business model if you find a sufficiently gullible customer base. Cookie, as it turns out, did! cavete terrae.
  24. I'll tell you when I do one. Biggest I've done was a 16 way, not really interested in more than that. cavete terrae.