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Everything posted by grue

  1. That's fair enough. I feel like I see our AFF instructors jumping for fun, but the TIs… well, they might do one fun jump at the end of the day. Might. Hell, as a packer I get more fun jumps in than they do! The money is more of a "It'd be nice to make some on the side" thing than a "I want to do this for a living right now" thing, I suppose. cavete terrae.
  2. FBI are just cops, and we know that the best and brightest aren't exactly drawn to police work… There are exceptions, of course, but let's be realistic here. cavete terrae.
  3. Religion is like a penis: If you have one, great. I don't care, I don't want to see it, I don't want to hear about it, and I sure as hell don't need you to try and shove it down my throat. cavete terrae.
  4. The government here mandates that almost all stores are closed on Good Friday, drives me banana fucking sandwich When I worked retail when I was young I'd be the first to sign up for the holiday shifts, extra pay was great. cavete terrae.
  5. As per topic, curious as to those who have both ratings, which you would get first if you had to do it again, and why. Starting to look at getting my ratings later this year if all goes well, and curious which I should tackle first. I'm not (yet) ready to go full time in the industry, but would like to be able to generate side income while still being able to do fun jumps. Reflexively I lean more towards AFFI due to the fact I'd get to teach, which I enjoy, and I like jumping with new jumpers when I get the chance because it's awesome to see people learn. On the other hand, tandem instructors seem to get paid better, at least from what I'm seeing/hearing… at the cost of not getting to fun jump very often. Further, none of that even takes into account which rating is harder to get? cavete terrae.
  6. Somewhere with exceptionally high quality of care that I could leave without paying and not care if I can never go back. Only an ass jumps without insurance, so if I were doing it I would probably be the sort of ass who expects dz.commers or the hospital to foot my bill cavete terrae.
  7. There are no democracies, as far as I'm aware. cavete terrae.
  8. What's hilarious about this is that anybody thinks the President of the US (no matter who it is) would give a crap about this low level stuff before any shooting started. This is NOT the result of anything The White House has said or done. This IS the result of a guy deciding to not pay more than a million dollars in taxes. Where we are right this moment in this case is precisely where we'd be no matter who sat in the Oval. cavete terrae.
  9. Can I use this thread to bitch about the assholes who use their car horn to announce their arrival to pick someone up, or to say goodbye to someone they just dropped off? In the former case: It's 2014, call or text from your god damned mobile phone. In the latter case: You're just a douchebag trying to get one more wave from the person to make you feel better abotu being a douchebag. I don't care what the time of day is, that drives me -nuts- I also feel the same about people who honk before they come out of alleys. Just come out really slowly, and anyone who still manages to get hit probably had it coming. cavete terrae.
  10. I always ask nicely and reasonably for them to be respectful. Their response dictates my next step. The twatwaffle that used to service the building across the street with his leafblower at 645 every 2nd Monday? He acted like an asshole, so I started calling the mobile phone number on the side of his truck from various numbers (I'm the IT admin at work, and our phone system allows me to generate whatever info I want for callerID) whenever I'd feel bored, be it 2 in the afternoon or 3 in the morning. Funny how he stopped after a while… cavete terrae.
  11. Yup, I spent years as a lifeguard and it's simply not what most people expect. Active drowning is not the norm. cavete terrae.
  12. Since marriage is a rapid way to turn a perfectly good relationship to shit, it seems appropriate. cavete terrae.
  13. Sheeit, my dad's idea of "camping" is when room service stops at midnight. cavete terrae.
  14. Technically I have, but it was a private room in a hostel so it doesn't really count. cavete terrae.
  15. I have Win7 x64 Pro on a second partition for games, and only games. It serves no other purpose in my life. If the new directx requires Win8, which I'm sure it will, I'll begrudgingly upgrade, strip out as much bullshit as I can, and then go on with life. I don't have anything against windows per se, it's just not the right tool for most of my life. cavete terrae.
  16. Do we get to ignore realistic obstructions to this plan and keep it as an exercise in fantasy? If so, I'd probably go to northern california and chill in the bay area. Close enough to DZs and a tunnel, while also having plenty else to do (like job hunt). If I have to actually stay within my means, I'd, uh… stay home I guess and summer on the internet :P cavete terrae.
  17. Nope. But if you jump without a main (or reserve) and die on someone else's property or get the pilot in trouble, you're an asshole. cavete terrae.
  18. grue

    I feel dirty

    I would rather be unemployed and homeless. cavete terrae.
  19. Everyone with a serious malfunction who made the choice to jump without a reserve, yes. I'm not saying people shouldn't be allowed to jump with a reserve if they want, and I'd hope everyone would, but if someone wants to go make a jump with his new BASE rig, I fail to see the problem. Just don't hit my car if you go in, please. cavete terrae.
  20. Why is that? Because children: 1. Annoy me. 2. Are a liability nightmare.Whereas adults are always perfectly reasonable and never cause any problems. I agree to an extent though. The DZ is not a place for very young children. I don't think a DZ is a place for anyone who can't sign a waiver. cavete terrae.
  21. I'm against them being mandatory, personally. I'm also against seat belts being mandatory, or motorcycle helmets, but I always use 'em. I've jumped without a visual alti a few times. Twice I can remember a newer jumper forgetting his and giving him mine instead, once I was using my helmet to carry my goggles and alti, and the alti fell out on the way to the plane. cavete terrae.
  22. Why is that? Because children: 1. Annoy me. 2. Are a liability nightmare. cavete terrae.
  23. I wouldn't require anything more than the USPA does other than banning anyone under the age of 18 from the property, with no exceptions unless required by law. cavete terrae.
  24. grue

    I feel dirty

    It's time to get a different job, actually. I don't have money worries in the sense of "paying my bills", I'm just… well, not happy with what I can do. All around me my friends are taking vacations, buying homes, doing 50 jumps a month and getting to really enjoy life. I'm not gonna pretend it doesn't make me really jealous. But are you HAPPY despite the material things your friends have or do? Not remotely. cavete terrae.