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Everything posted by grue

  1. FUCK THIS THREAD Almost done with my diet… another couple of months and I'll be happy with myself. Hopefully. cavete terrae.
  2. Hang on a minute, screw the sherriff, is this seriously a conversation where people are comparing Margaret Thatcher with Nelson Mandela? Well, only one of them was a terrorist… cavete terrae.
  3. Is that when you outgrew having a sense of humor? cavete terrae.
  4. The text captions may or may not be safe for your workplace :P cavete terrae.
  5. FIFY Seriously the problems we have with education in the US can be traced back to the lack of parenting. If only we paid them to have kids.... Agreed. People seem to be under the impression that teachers will cover all bases at all times. A shitty teacher can't make up for bad parenting, but a good parent can make up for a shitty teacher. That said, there is no reason people who cannot tell the difference between your/you're/yore or their/they're/there should be graduating high school, as far as I'm concerned. cavete terrae.
  6. Oh, I dunno. I seem to recall a act of pretty serious friendliness being behind it all. That's the paving with good intentions we hear so much about cavete terrae.
  7. Anyone who would bring a child into this world is committing an act of unthinkable cruelty at this point. cavete terrae.
  8. Why were the cops even firing at an unarmed man? Cowards. cavete terrae.
  9. 1901-2000, or 2001+ to date? cavete terrae.
  10. Sounds like a reasonable summary of the US' relationship with Israel. cavete terrae.
  11. grue

    Holy fuckshit

    Or of a broken fingernail. Riser turns are your friend ... more people should learn to use them.
  12. Why bother? Because not everybody uses AFF? cavete terrae.
  13. What's your problem, lady? Self respect / vertigo / boring Well what DID you do? Finished Level 64 of Candy Crush. So much for that self respect :p cavete terrae.
  14. Pizza delivery guys are like packers: You beat them to ensure good service, you don't tip them. (former pizza delivery guy, currently a part time packer ) But in all seriousness I typically do $3 or so for a normal order and add $1/pizza after the first couple. This varies depending on a wide variety of factors, though. I did pizza delivery in college for a while. Had one guy that used to request me as his delivery guy and he'd tip really well. Super Bowl Sunday one year he called and asked for me, I happened to be in. He said if I could get "any 5 pizzas" to him in the next 30 minutes he'd tip me $100. I looked at the existing orders, for his I duplicated the next 5 pizzas due to leave, stole the next 5 out of the oven, and made it there in 15. He tipped $150 I'm 99.999% sure the guy was a drug dealer, in retrospect cavete terrae.
  15. Hey asshole there was a 4TB drive in the Reaper drone that killed Paul Walker. cavete terrae.
  16. What's your problem, lady? Self respect / vertigo / boring Well what DID you do? cavete terrae.
  17. Workin' fine in my 2009 machine cavete terrae.
  18. grue

    Gold Bond powder.

    I posted this years ago on a forum, and fortunately somebody copypasted it to other forums that retain their posts so I could find a copy: "Green Bottle Gold Bond is a fucking jar of pain. I threw some on my sac one time after I got out of the shower and felt like a pack of ravenous flaming nano-wolves were chewing on my wrinklepouch. Next thing I know, I'm back in the shower trying to get it off, merely exacerbating the problem. The horror associated with thinking your cash and prizes are about to erupt in a hellish white fire and take down the earth cannot be topped. People ask what kind of fear the people on Flight 93 felt in those last moments? Fuck them. Ask someone the fear and horror of using green bottle Gold Bond on a damp nutsack." cavete terrae.
  19. grue

    Gold Bond powder.

    So good. So so so good. Yellow bottle, anyway. Never use the green bottle on the boys, you'll regret it. cavete terrae.
  20. Perhaps so, but I'm also the sort of guy who'd put an argus with no battery in his rig if it'd meet the letter of the regulations (which obviously isn't going to pass for a variety of reasons, I'm just using an example). I'd much rather spend my limited skydiving money on skydiving, not equipment I don't want cavete terrae.
  21. What's your problem, lady? cavete terrae.
  22. Had a buddy in college who called everybody "Charlie", because he was either bad with names or just didn't care. One day he left his phone sitting around so I called it to see what I came up as… "Jew Charlie" Looked in his address book, there was "Big Tits Charlie" "Redneck Charlie" "Alaska Charlie", etc. All charlies, from what I could see, except for "Mom" cavete terrae.
  23. "Murdering innocent civilians around the world"...... Sure, there's collateral damage, but why do they target all these people? How come? You have to give them credit. This administration has the drone business nailed; not bad for a neighborhood organizer. Think of it this way: no troops on the ground. Do you really think that the majority of the people that elected BHO give a rat's ass about this? Nope, and a lot of people didn't care when the Nazis started rounding up Jews and turning them into air pollution. Our government absolutely deserves comparisons to the Nazis, because they're out there killing people just for associating with people they don't like, and justifying it by calling them a name. People who are ok with this are complicit, as far as I'm concerned. Our drone strikes are fucking disgusting, and the mark of a government run by terrorists and cowards. cavete terrae.
  24. I'm not being remotely evasive. The government acknowledged he wasn't a terrorist. They killed him, then said it was his fault for having a dad they didn't like. Maybe you trust these motherfuckers, but I sure don't. cavete terrae.