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Everything posted by grue

  1. I sure as hell won't move back. She's not against censorship and doesn't give a shit about personal freedoms. cavete terrae.
  2. If he's not nominated, I'll be writing him in. I have yet to see another candidate I can ethically vote for. cavete terrae.
  3. No, but my friend isn't the worldwide posterchild for everything wrong with America. I thought she was a fucking idiot for a while and didn't even associate with her until she grew up a bit, and it'll be a loooooong time before she can regain the respect I used to have for her. But the thing is, when someone is paraded around in front of the world as the epitome of "Money gets you out of anything", I don't see a problem with some animosity towards that person. It takes a lot for me to feel ashamed of anything, but people like her make me ashamed to be from California. I might be a selfish, twisted, and condescending asshole, but at least I'm not a moron who only made it past puberty because daddy had a hojillion dollars. cavete terrae.
  4. For what it's worth, if anyone thinks I'm only doing this because she's a celebrity (not directed at you, Andy, just happen to be replying to your post): About 18 months ago one of my best friends was arrested for DUI. I happened to be picking up some other people at the bar and giving them a ride home, because my close friends know that if they're in town and can't afford a taxi, I will always give them a ride home if it's the difference between them driving drunk or not. Well, she drove drunk, with passengers (!). I saw her being arrested, parked the car and asked the officer on scene if I could give her passengers a ride home, as I was acting as designated driver that evening. He said that was no problem, so I took them all home. The four passengers (2 from her load, plus the 2 I picked up originally) all asked me to help scrape up money to go get her bailed out. I said I would absolutely not be a part of that, because she needed to learn her lesson. Unfortunately they managed to get her out without my help, and she became a recidivism statistic shortly thereafter. Can I definitively say spending a day or two in jail might have prevented that? No. But getting her out within a couple of hours didn't help. cavete terrae.
  5. Lets see. First time Dui and Driving on a suspended License. 3 Days in Jail plus 40 days House arrest. Sounds pretty normal. It's a fucking joke. A first time DUI should be nothing less than 14 days in jail, a $5,000 fine, and a 1 year licence suspension. MINIMUM. No plea bargains. No cutting deals. No early release for good behaviour. cavete terrae.
  6. Call me a sheep, but I've never driven drunk with my headlights off, and I never will. It's not the suspended license thing that annoys me,it's the fact that she didn't do time in the first place for drunk driving, and she's ducking out of it again. The American "justice" system is more of a joke than ever before. cavete terrae.
  7. My rage is directed at the system, but it's also directed at anyone who drives drunk, gets caught, and isn't punished for it… and no, I don't consider 3 days in jail adequate punishment. cavete terrae.
  8. You stick food up your ass then??? … who's been sharing personal information? cavete terrae.
  9. I hate religion, but I like to talk shit about that too cavete terrae.
  10. Me. When people who actually put others at risk by driving drunk and left of the bell curve are walking free after 3, and people who are serving for YEARS for using drugs in their own home without affecting anyone else (or other victimless "crimes", e.g. prostitution between consenting adults, etc etc), that offends the shit out of me. cavete terrae.
  11. Fixed it for ya. Hell, remand her to a men's prison. She's just suffering from a lack of gangbangery, I'm sure she'd be fixed right up. cavete terrae.
  12. I'm sick of being humane. if karma existed that cunt wouldn't be at home talking to her worthless friends on the phone. cavete terrae.
  13. oh, and if these are "medical reasons", she should be remanded to a hospital. cavete terrae.
  14. I think I'd rather see her get disfigured with spinal injuries. Extra bonus points if she manages to kill Lindsay Lohan in the accident so she has to think about that in her wheelchair while someone changes her colostomy bag. cavete terrae.
  15. looks like you beat me to it. In any case, my post was: Cumslut Hilton is already out of jail? Due to "medical reasons" Yeah, she hasn't sucked a cock in 96 hours, and has to be released to house arrest to pull a train. I hope whoever got paid off by her daddy gets Ebola, and I hope she dies next time she drives drunk, because she'll never learn her lesson when she's under "house arrest" I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate the preferential treatment worthless twats like her get. cavete terrae.
  16. The fact that they paid £400,000 for that piece of shit makes me weep for humanity. I could eat CMYK crayons and a Taco Bell dinner, then spray a better design out of my ass within 2 hours. cavete terrae.
  17. You don't have to go to the establishments that allow smoking. I don't have much of a problem with governments barring smoking out on the street or whatever. I have a problem with them barring it on private property. cavete terrae.
  18. Those who trade liberty for security… cavete terrae.
  19. cavete terrae.
  20. I generally consider petitions about as useful as tits on a bull, but I added myself anyway. cavete terrae.
  21. As soon as they're anywhere but the ear, tongue, or navel. cavete terrae.
  22. It's just like those motherfuckers saying we can't spend our money in Cuba if we manage to get there, etc. It's a bullshit law that nobody should stand for. "Wahhhh we don't like communism so we're not going to let you spend money in Cuba wahhhhhh" Grow up you fucking tossers. cavete terrae.
  23. Oh, don't get me wrong, the US is spinning down the shitter when it comes to civil liberties too, but it's not as overt as England. cavete terrae.
  24. I didn't say they do. I used the health care statement in a separate sentence because I wasn't sure who pays for health care in England. cavete terrae.
  25. I have yet to hear a good reason why religious organizations shouldn't pay taxes. cavete terrae.