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Everything posted by grue

  1. If I believed in god, I'd thank him for politicians who actually give a shit about the Constitution and don't hesitate to say what they think. I don't care if I have to write him in next year, he's had my vote since the moment he announced he was in the running. I just hope people will pull their heads out of their asses and see that he's got the right idea. cavete terrae.
  2. June 28th is going to be the best day of 2007 cavete terrae.
  3. Audio probably not safe for work cavete terrae.
  4. But then you're driving a VW, and you need a backup car for when it breaks cavete terrae.
  5. bout $4.5US per gallon. cavete terrae.
  6. Kinda reminds me of this! cavete terrae.
  7. I'm going to start calling you Wingslut cavete terrae.
  8. copycat! cavete terrae.
  9. To hell with all of you, really. My drought is horrifying. cavete terrae.
  10. 0:4:0 over here, how about you kids? cavete terrae.
  11. I did static line like all the cool kids. Never chucked a ripcord, and kept my cutaway and reserve ripcord on both cutaways. cavete terrae.
  12. He was on the second level, I couldn't reach PICS! Taken with my phone and extraneous framing cropped, so excuse the quality. Probably the best one. cavete terrae.
  13. Pretty good show, visuals weren't like The Fragile tour unfortunately, but it was also in a nightclub, not a stadium, so no room for rotating huge displays or anything. Some tosser was yelling during Hurt, so Trent just yelled back and stopped playing the song, and I think the whole set got cut off a bit too, since he didn't finish with Head Like a Hole like people had said he would. Quite happy with it, though. Ears aren't ringing, but feel liek they're stuffed with cotton.. cavete terrae.
  14. Haven't seen NIN since I think '00, very excited for this cavete terrae.
  15. grue

    Looking for Oink

    If I had an invite, I'd hook ya up cavete terrae.
  16. Damned shame it doesn't have 3G, tactile feedback, or the ability to add applications. cavete terrae.
  17. Motorola hasn't made a good phone since the StarTac series. Bad build quality, horrible OS and address book. cavete terrae.
  18. grue

    Fuck Best Buy!

    EXACTLY. Unsigned cards are asking for it. cavete terrae.
  19. grue


    Hilarious How's life back in the air? cavete terrae.
  20. grue


    How do you like your showers (in terms of temperature, you pervs)? I like to start it pretty warm, and slowly crank it up to the absolute maximum I can handle (which is really fucking hot), then for the last minute or two I make it ice cold. Feels good
  21. … and you hang out around skydivers? Online, no less? cavete terrae.
  22. grue

    Emo Spidey??

    I was unimpressed as well. Also, what in the living fuck was with the glaringly obvious "spidey in front of the American flag" shot? The entire theatre started laughing during that. cavete terrae.
  23. Exactly. It's a pointless measure. Wanna make an impact? Reduce consumption. Or convince your government to stop taxing it so much Pretty funny, that idea. cavete terrae.