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Everything posted by grue

  1. Ding ding ding. Wanna cut back on piracy? Convince the governments in the places like China to actually give a shit about intellectual property and crack down on it. They copy EVERYTHING over there, from CDs to entire cars. Exactly!!!! So if you legalize copying DVDs, China WILL inundate the market. I pay $.80/DVD here. That means they could legally export them to the US, and they would sell at Wall Mart for around USD $1.50. Which means that within months, there wouldn't be any new DVDs coming out from film makers, being independent or studios. In this case, having copyrights infringement laws does NOT prevent individuals form breaking the laws, it prevents them from legally inundating the market. This said, I am only stating the reasons behind the action. I actually don't give much of a rat's ass what the situation ends up being... What in the living fuck are you talking about? I'm saying CRACK DOWN on the piracy in china and other countries that don't care if people pirate shit. When they use knee-jerk methods to control shit, it hurts people like me, not the big players in the piracy game. cavete terrae.
  2. Oh my god. YOu didn't even read what I posted, did you? I'm not sharing the fucking content. I'm using it FOR MYSELF. Of course I protect my possessions. Why? Because if someone steals my computer, I don't have a computer anymore. Copying content is NOT stealing, it is depriving someone of income. STEALING is removing something from someone's possession, and they can no longer use it. I am IN FAVOUR of protecting one's work. I am NOT in favour of forcing someone to buy multiple copies of something for their own use. If ran two computers with Windows, I'd own two licences for Windows because I'm using it twice at the same time. However, since I don't actually WATCH movies in DVD format, I copy them to my drive and put the DVD in storage. This is technically illegal, which is fucking bullshit. Your quote: "BTW, he didn't have a lot of money. " He was making over a million fucking dollars a year. That's not a lot of money? In what fucking fantasy world? As for the ratings process? I do know about hte ratings process because my father is a fucking filmmaker. It's a biased, monopolistic practice that is fucked up. I am IN FAVOUR of a rating process. I am AGAINST the one as it stands now. It's obvious you want to protect your stuff, but think about it rationally: If you have OVERLY RESTRICTIVE SCHEMES, PEOPLE WHO WOULD OTHERWISE NOT BREAK LAWS ARE FORCED TO DO SO. I cannot legally buy a DVD-quality movie for playback on my computer, PSP, or other devices. Thus, I have no choice but to break those laws if I want to use my devices to view the content. If they had reasonable, legal alternatives I'd use them. THey don't, so I will say "Fuck you, assholes" and do things my way. cavete terrae.
  3. I'm still only halfway through the process of ripping all my DVDs to my computer for media centre style usage. I'm going to kick it up a notch for this weekend to celebrate. Then maybe I'll buy a few DRM-free songs on iTunes. cavete terrae.
  4. Ding ding ding. Wanna cut back on piracy? Convince the governments in the places like China to actually give a shit about intellectual property and crack down on it. They copy EVERYTHING over there, from CDs to entire cars. cavete terrae.
  5. EXACTLY. Perfectly put. cavete terrae.
  6. I don't care what the reasoning is, it's fucking me over. My father is a filmmaker, and he has sworn to me that, if at all possible, all of his films will be region free when released on DVD. If you don't want the movie on DVD in another region, just don't fucking release it there. There aren't going to be enough people importing it to have much of an effect on the box office sales. edited to reflect a lack of clarity exploited by semantics later. cavete terrae.
  7. How about those of us who want to use our DVDs in any way we please? I don't make copies for other people, but I want to be able to keep them on my computer. Same as making a tape for the car before cars had CD players. I bought a licence to the content, and I will fucking use it. The guy was monopolistic shithead, and the earth is better off without him. As for the MPAA ratings board? Fuck them too. They're a bunch of inconsistent fascists with nobody to answer to. They have no standards to adhere to, and pass judgment based on emotion. Their ratings make it nearly impossible to successfully release a film unless you submit the film FOR rating, which is a heinous load of bullshit because if they don't like the film for PERSONAL reasons they can make sure it doesn't get an appropriate rating. The pitcher argument? It's fallacious in a number of ways. If I scratch a DVD, I don't demand a new one. But I can't make a copy of a pitcher, either. That's the same justification those assholes use for region encoding. I moved halfway aronud the world, I'm not going to re-buy 250 DVDs. GREED is the reason they put that shit in place. He doesn'tdidn't care about intellectual property rights unless that property belongs to the MPAA. They always have, and always will, shit on independent studios and filmmakers because they can't find a way to take their money and rights away too. cavete terrae.
  8. Someone has to be amazingly annoying for me to actually shout "HAHA! YES!!!!!" when I see on the news that the person died. This asshole was one of those people. cavete terrae.
  9. Oh one of the people who is trying to look after artists rights and company revenues, THAT Jack Valenti That's a pretty extreme stance to take on a person for digital media laws You should probably go back to the USA Steve, you are no where near laid back enough for OZ He doesn't care about artist rights, he cares abotu HIS money. They're stifling innovation and blaming companies for what users do. I don't pirate movies, but I want to copy the DVDs I own to my computer. That cocksucker would have me arrested for doing so, if he had his way. I don't believe in hell, but I kinda hope there is one and that he's there. I'm NOT in favour of copyright violations. I AM in favour of fair use of media, which he and the rest of his fascist brigade are not. Same motherfuckers behind region encoding on DVDs, which is something that TRULY makes me angry. cavete terrae.
  10. The motherfucker behind the DMCA and all sorts of other bullshit laws that end up telling people what they may or may not do with their own CDs and DVDs. cavete terrae.
  11. You don't 'have to update them' in most cases, unless you're worried about not being able to find the nearest shitty coffee shop or fast food place. Realistically most things will be in there, and you can get new DVDs every year if you so desire. And the voice can be turned off. cavete terrae.
  12. Yayyyyy Burn in hell, fuckface. cavete terrae.
  13. no subscription on any I'm aware of, except for traffic services. For me, it's worth it. I fucking abhor getting lost, and it's a pain in the ass to go to google and print maps, especially since I haven't owned a printer in ten years. cavete terrae.
  14. Jesus thats a bit worse than steeling some pizza! I disagree. She quenched her thirst, the other guys went hungry. cavete terrae.
  15. Good question. I'm a light traveler (rig, laptop bag for carryon, one checked bag), but it does make one wonder. cavete terrae.
  16. I'm never ever listening to you bitch about the cost of an AAD eating in to your jumping money. Buy one seat and 200 jump tickets instead. It's moot, I wouldn't actually do it. I use my FF miles to upgrade if I can't get a bulkhead or exit row seat without someone next to me. Every once in a while I have to suck it up and deal with 16 hours of hell on earth. As for the AAD thing, I wasn't given a choice to be 6'3" with a big build. Trust me, I'd rather be a 5'7" guy built like a sprinter, but it wasn't in the cards, so I have to make due which sometimes means spending money I'd rather not spend in the name of my mental health. The AAD thing SHOULD be a choice, which is why I resent the fact that I was required to buy one and will continue to OCCASIONALLY bitch about that until I feel like stopping
  17. Hm. I WILL find a way to do this Maybe I can book the seats under Stephen, Steve, and S. Show up, get all three boarding passes, and then just board and reboard a couple times. cavete terrae.
  18. I dunno. Just this year I took a trip where dad booked my tickets and his, and he got credit for my travel. Had to convince United to give me my damned miles and take 'em out of his account if they had to. cavete terrae.
  19. I just realized it's cheaper for me to buy three full-fare economy class tickets from Melbourne to Los Angeles than it is to buy one business class ticket. Is there any reason I couldn't buy a block of three seats all for myself, and get 3x the frequent flyer miles in addition to having plenty of room for myself? I mean, if they make the fatties buy two seats, why wouldn't I be allowed to buy a block of three together if I so desired? They don't lose any income, and if anything it's better for them. Less weight on the plane, less people to feed/attend to, less cleanup, etc. cavete terrae.
  20. No, he's claiming first jump ever. I'm 99% sure he's bullshitting. As soon as I showed up in the thread and started asking questions, he stopped replying cavete terrae.