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Everything posted by grue

  1. Only if I get to be Lawndart. cavete terrae.
  2. Been there, done that. Left side inguinal hernia from a congenital weakness in the wall. In any case, had laparoscopic surgery, was out of the hospital in under 4 hours, playing golf three days later, and back on the ice for hockey in a week. Have fun trying to sit up in bed for a couple days afterwards though. I suggest rolling over to the edge of the bed, rotating your body to put your feet and knees on the ground, then standing up that way. cavete terrae.
  3. Yeah, the lack of spanish speakers in this country means they can get away with that. I laughed my ass off the first time I saw one cavete terrae.
  4. The picture wasn't work related, I was en route to do something else cavete terrae.
  5. I've arrived, where the fuck are the rest of you? cavete terrae.
  6. Hey, I was working when I took that pic cavete terrae.
  7. Check out his car cavete terrae.
  8. Some day, I will own a T-38. Then I'm going to go outside of US airspace and crack the sound barrier cavete terrae.
  9. This isn't some nancy-pants feel good thread, is it? cavete terrae.
  10. AFF kids get canopy skills, sure, but consider also they're coming down from the freefall rush on their jumps, and probably have more on their mind. For static line kids, it's really just canopy flight to concentrate on. Could be wrong, just calling it how I see it. As for altitude, my first jumps were at 3500 or so I imagine, but (this varies from DZ to DZ of course), my instructors were very hardcore about canopy skills, and wanted to get people off the radios and thinking on their own as soon as possible instead of creating an instructor dependency. As for spotting, it seems to me that most static line operations are at cessna dropzones, where GPS is less likely to be used, in addition to the small plane thing. If memory serves, I started spotting for my own jumps around jump 15 or 16. It's a lost art no matter what, but I think it's even more of a lost art at turbine/aff DZs. In the end, would I have gone through AFF if my dz offered it, and if I was rich? Sure. Do I regret going through static line? Not for a moment. cavete terrae.
  11. I paid $871 for my licence, including USPA fees. If my dropzone didn't have static line, I wouldn't be jumping today. cavete terrae.
  12. Yeah, well, AFF isn't exactly a godsend when you have to struggle to pay for it. I got my licence for under a thousand bucks, and frankly, I think your view is incredibly closed minded and fairly ignorant to be honest. The AFF babies might have a bit more freefall skill coming right out of the gate, but on the same note I bet the static line student is better at spotting (almost for sure) and canopy skills (in my experience). There are people in this sport that are more naturally adept than others, and it doesn't matter what training method they use, and if you honestly think that the average static line kid with 150 jumps isn't going to outfly the average 50 jump aff kid? You're deluding yourself. Me? I'm not a snob, I'll jump with someone no matter what method of training they used, because I'm able to recognize the fact that not everyone has access to the money or facilities to go through AFF. And if I HAD to decide? I'd jump with the static line guy. There's less chance of him being an elitist. cavete terrae.
  13. Yup. 206 and a 182. cavete terrae.
  14. I wouldn't wanna land just ME under one of those. cavete terrae.
  15. For me it really depends. If I have airflow and I keep moving, I'll be fine. It's when it's hot and I'm barely moving that I'll start to sweat. I'm gonna drive it, just because I wanna take a nap before I go cavete terrae.
  16. Hey, not my fault if people get sandy vaginaed over words. cavete terrae.
  17. Looks pretty ordinarily to me. Have you ever been in Europe? I live in Australia, it's not like we're lacking in attractive women. But by liking someone I'll never meet, I can pretend it'd actually work out, instead of me being told to fuck off and die cavete terrae.
  18. Nope, not eligible. Even once I am, I'll use private care. cavete terrae.
  19. Actually, the taxpayer is NOT responsible for putting me back together. If I used public health care, I could ALMOST understand that law, but I don't. Plus if they're going to play that card, then they should be telling people they're not allowed to smoke or drink. I have a sneaking suspicion those cost the taxpayers more than the occasional headslap on tarmac. cavete terrae.
  20. I'm psycho when it comes to being on time. I'm usually half an hour early to anything important, and I just hang out at the nearest cafe so they don't realize I'm that early cavete terrae.
  21. Today's high is 23°C, or about 73°F. Probably not enough to make me sweat more than a little on the forehead unless there are a lot of hills. cavete terrae.
  22. I don't have enough hair for it to get messed up anymore, I went crazy with clippers the other day cavete terrae.
  23. I like Elizabeth Banks too, but she's a different sort of hot. cavete terrae.
  24. Agreed. I mean it could be a fun ride....but I'd have to have a damned good reason THat about sums it up. Shit creeps me out. cavete terrae.