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Everything posted by DM613

  1. It took ages for me to get my gamertag linked, because EA site bugged for me. I finally got it to work not so long ago, and am finally able to see screenshots I've taken. And those were taken by accident, when I didn't know how to take 'em (only noticed the feature when "achievement unlocked" popped on my screen, for unlocking the one that you get from taking 3 screenshots). So they are mostly just closeups of ground, with couple knifekills Buy Runescape Gold Tera Money Buy Maplestory Mesos
  2. It took ages for me to get my gamertag linked, because EA site bugged for me. I finally got it to work not so long ago, and am finally able to see screenshots I've taken. And those were taken by accident, when I didn't know how to take 'em (only noticed the feature when "achievement unlocked" popped on my screen, for unlocking the one that you get from taking 3 screenshots). So they are mostly just closeups of ground, with couple knifekills Buy Runescape Gold Tera Money Buy Maplestory Mesos