I recently acquired a Sabre 170 with 500 jumps. I'm still quite new to the sport with 58 jumps. I'm currently loading it at 1 lb per square ft. Overall I'm pleased with this canopy. It flies well, with firm responses to the steering toggles and a strong fly, which lifts me back up into the air if I flare to quickly when landing. As for the opening, I have yet to be slammed, but I have only put 10 jumps on it so far. Tends to open off heading, but not by much.I think it is a good and fun canopy for a beginner that is fairly forgiving of mistakes.
Canopies I have flown so far:
Manta 280 - Slow with brutal openings
Navigator 220 - A fun and easy canopy.
Raider 220 - Back breaking openings and sloppy feeling.
Fury 220 - Similar to the raider.
Spectre 170 - Slow opening, but fun to fly with quick turns (quicker than the sabre), but the wind penetration is not as good as the Sabre.
PD 190 - Gets you down to earth and that's about it