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    Cypres 2

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    Skydive Twin Cities
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  • First Choice Discipline
    Wing Suit Flying
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  1. [B]Make sure to have your towel with you. let x = 41.999999... repeating Then 10x = 419.9999999...repeating so 10x - x = 9x = 378 then x = 378/9 = 42 FIFY. Had I known I was going to need a towel handy, I wouldn't have a mess all over my keyboard now. You owe me a new one!
  2. All you owe is a case of beer to the fridge and to keep jumping! Remember, a case is 24 not 12. Some people forget this and congratulations! Could just buy beer that you enjoy... The beer I enjoy just so happens to come in a 30 pack for $12.
  3. For photo manipulation if you don't want to go with photoshop for some reason, there are a couple other alternatives; Gimp is free and Paint Shop Pro is a cheaper alternative to photoshop. I can't vouch for either as I haven't used either in the past 10 years.
  4. Never truer words were spoken/posted.... F.U. G. B. F.U.G.B. ?????? Sparky Only thing I was able to come up with was Federation of Ukrainians in Great Britain. For some reason I don't think it applies in this situation.
  5. We had a really warm winter this year though... it felt like spring the entire time with it only getting colder then 10 degrees a couple of times.
  6. Talking about a post from cavscout73. As others have mentioned, try a new method of packing the PC and make it as little as possible. Body position can do wonderful things on opening. As for the issue, it seems like the OP solved the issue by doing less to the pack job. I have noticed on my Xfire that the more thought I put in to packing it, worse the openings were. Which is why I just stow the brakes, flake the cells, quarter the slider, wrap the tail, and put it in the bag.
  7. A Spectre will out-glide in full flight and turn in a tighter radius while losing more altitude than a similarly loaded Sabre2 according to: FIFY Personal experience, I hated my sabre 2's openings. The crossfire has definitely provided better openings but I am now looking for a more docile canopy. Hoping to try a Safire 2 or Spectre but if I find a used one at the right price I won't hesitate. MKP- If I were you, I would ask to swap same size canopies with other people on the DZ if it's possible.
  8. This could have been quite an interesting thread. Instead rwieder ended the thread before it even began. Post #11 I'll quote rwieder Now, I know he has posted a few links. When linking to an article, you should be quoting from it to make a point. No where did rwieder do this. He kept claiming for us to read the links. As many others I don't have time reading articles where 98% of the literature has nothing to do with topic at hand. Which brings me to believe that Ron has hit the nail on the head when he stated in post #61 My conclusion is that rwielder is trolling for his own excitement. His PM to you was quite entertaining as well which just further proves the point of him trolling. I want to see facts of hot fueling being dangerous! We are all doomed for death!
  9. how low ? This is the answer we are looking for! Can't just tease us with saying you pulled low with out saying what altitude!
  10. Infinity because it's what the cool people jump!
  11. Read between the lines. He was just being a smartass to the previous poster he replied to. I know nothing of the guy but it seems like every one else speaks highly of him.
  12. While your eyes are closed you can be mentally preparing for the jump as well. Envision your self in freefall whether it be 3rd person or 1st person and run through each objective you have. You can do this during your breathing exercises. If you mess up during the jump, laugh about it! Don't stress about it under canopy since there isn't anything you can do about it until after you land anyways. Enjoy the ride and don't forget to have fun!
  13. I just wanted to emphasize this point. You don't want to fly over an object if you have to fly back over it. I may or may not have learned this one the hard way and had to land in some peas on the other side of the trees.
  14. Glad you're safe and all you lost was the audible! I can see where The Don is coming from since I came in to the thread with a negative tone. That's just how you had the thread title worded though. If you had put a more positive spin on it such as; Just a friendly heads up for Bonehead Mamba owners! I'll leave it at that since you decided to take down your last post.