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Everything posted by alphamedak

  1. I have my T3 mounted on the S curve and it works just fine. It even allows access to the battery and SD card.
  2. I was on the record in September and while I won't say that I am pleased our record was beat so soon, I will say that I am pleased that it took such a talented group of free flyers to beat it. I personally am looking forward to working hard and beating this new record. Also, there were a lot of us that were on the record in September that were at the DZ when this went down but were not invited on these attempts. Seems like it would have been polite to at least let us participate if they wanted to set a new record. Still, no hard feelings. Hard work and determination will pay off and I am confident we will break this record. In the meantime, high fives to those that have the current Texas head down record! You guys rocked it!!!