wow, i really didnt expect all this attention...
First off, let me apologize for the vigil comment and make it clear, I was never blaming my gear, simply making a half-shitty joke..
Secondly, I was also not trying to impress anyone with this video or low pull.. I was simply enjoying learning to backfly, but yes, at unreasonably low altitude..
The reason i didn't land between trees and house was because of 1, the wire, and 2, i was getting blown to the right quite a bit.. That was also my reason for the last turn, i was afraid I would get blown right into the trees on the right, and I was aiming to reach the back yard..didnt happen...
I did get a lot of shit for this, and yea, well deserved..
Lessons learned: pull higher, be more altitude aware, and get an audible...
The santa music was just to once again to relieve the tension and to have a bit of humor in an otherwise shitty and grave situation..
sorry to anyone i pissed off with this, feel free to scold me some more, but if anyone leaves more creative criticism, it is also very much appreciated.