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Everything posted by longtimelurker
I see your point G Jones , what an awful shame.
Never a truer word spoken 377 , ask any fisherman how big that last trout was and you'll get similar results. Maybe it's a guy thing. Again,forgive me if its been asked or mentioned before , but the library book ..with the handwriting.If it went down as we were told , did it occur to anyone that is where Duane got his info to spin his tale ?
The ironic part is if it had just been left alone 11 years ago the world would probably still think Weber was Cooper , of course we now know he wasn't.
It was indeed well written and an excellent summary.
While the airliner was on the ground in Seattle, the flight crew was informed that the Chief FAA Psychiatrist in Washington, DC predicted that the hijacker would probably take a prisoner with him (hence the four parachutes) and blow up the airliner as he/they jumped. This information can be found in the radio transcripts. Thanks Robert , i fully agree what happened to them as told would be terrifying without question. Enough to keep out of sight for 40 years though ? Thanks for your input , it has me thinking.
You are way off base i'm afraid , in your accusations to me as well. I can do no more than invite the admin to check out my ISP address and put that one to rest , if they have a mind to. You do not like my slant on the incident , fair enough , you have zero room to dictate my opinions.
Thank you Mr B , it's curious for sure.
Your sick suggestion is NOT funny. Perhaps the longtimelurker needs to crawl back under whatever he crawled out from under. Whats sick about it ? I know from your track record you insult and flame anyone not in the weber camp so whatever. Here's the thing , she went into recluse and that's a fact , something scared her real good. If you have nothing to add or say other than flaming please refrain from replying.
Please excuse my double posting , i hope you'll indulge me for a moment. Wouldnt it have been so easy if there was no Dan Cooper ? The flight crew never left the c/pit so who is to say who was really in there ? The hijacker was able to stay calm and collected throughout , quite "at home" as one might say. Chuck the money out with extra cushioning might explain lack of 2 parachutes,helpful if theres a tracking device on the bundle for recovery.It might go some ways in explaining how the $5800 got where it did ..ie..burst open on impact.It doesnt explain the missing 200 from 1 bundle but maybe someone needed spending money before dropping it. This hijacker was very comfortable in his surrroundings , enough so to order a couple of drinks.A casual hijacker indeed.My one stumbling block is that means a conspiracy with the flight crew all in. It could be this is why TM wont discuss the event also , i cant think of many things scary enough to make me hide my entire life away.Not even a bomb. Do feel free to shred my post , it's probably been suggested many times but it does make some sense to me right now. Its even to the point it is in the crews best interest to say Cooper jumped at the most unlikely place to ever be found.
TM doesnt strike me as the convent type in appearance which often speaks volumes. What scared her so much that she went into recluse to this day ? Other than being a ringer for Cooper he sure kept her close in public from what pics i can find.
For those who might not have seen this. http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/No-fingerprints-found-on-item-in-D-B-Cooper-case-1684566.php Also a clip from the co-pilot who if you aske me is a ringer for Dan Cooper. http://www.nbcuniversalarchives.com/nbcuni/clip/5112499111_006.do
The problem is a matter of dress , if LDC intended the cover story of camping in the airstream , why the business suit ? My thoughts are , yes he could have had a change of clothes in the airstream , sure..but he has to make his way there in the countryside full of hunters and hikers and who knows else , he would stand out like the proverbial sore thumb to anyone , even from a distance.Dan Cooper didn't intend to be anywhere near the woods or wild is how i see it.Closer to I-5 was the better.
During Coopers time aboard flight 305 he had at least one drink , a bourban.Possibly more than one but regardless , that drink would have been served in a glass which gives excellent opportunity for fingerprints. I suspect this might be something they looked at and kept quiet. I apologise if this has been mentioned previously , but it occured to me the 2nd best opportunity for fingerprints went a'beggin , if the flight attendent had simply taken the money offered by Cooper.I think the best opportunity was the whisky glass. While i'm in mid edit Ms Weber , may i ask about the revelation you had with the tie some time back ? You seemed to intimate it meant a great deal , as if by leaving the tie that mocked somebody ? It wasn't the tie at all was it , it was the pearl clasp ? Have you ever disclosed why you thought what you did at that time ?
I don't take ex cons as being the most trusted sources , you shouldn't either.
I thought that would be the story to be rolled out again , maybe throw the MLK assasin into the mix or CIA tricks once more.I had a hard time ever connecting a petty criminal with Cooper,especially a not so bright petty criminal. I recall once on the subject it was brought up Duane simply was that , a none to bright petty criminal and the response was "how many other crimes had he got away with" i remember thinking , not too many obviously with his track record of prisons.
A bit quick to label Mr Green a fed i think , the information you point out regarding 1998 is available anywhere on the net. Wikipedia for example. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._B._Cooper#Duane_Weber In fact it's a copy/paste job from wikipedia.
If i may be permitted , that fact is never explained , simply steamrollered right over the top of.My best advice is to read the original thread,i now believe Quade was very wise to lock it as is , some things can no longer be edited which is something others are well practised in. Be prepared to be confused should you accept this idea,it's well worthwhile though,note how the story changes to suit any eventuality that arises.
"I have been receiving phone calls and emails from friends and family who I told my story to even before I ever went public. Everyone is saying the same thing. "This woman has been researching you and your postings and the prior articles on you - she is feeding off of what you have told". The quotes are just a general consensus of the accumulation of calls and emails. She adapted the story to her Uncle. " It's apparant over a number of years how the weber story changes to suit.Ms Weber often called Mr Weber a cameleon in the sense he could change to suit surroundings
Not at all , i didnt say i lurked here to read this thread.I was aware of a thread and had been reading the thread the first time round before it was locked.i posted asking about cigarette butts as i remembered many threads directed at Agent Carr about them being lost.I found the parachute story on one of this evenings links was all , sorry to disappoint you , im not here to decieve nor rise to any bait.
Thanks Robert , i missed that.
I don't see a date on this article but it sure seems things are moving fast. http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/FedCrimes/story?id=4524127&page=1
Considering some 20's were sold on Ebay ..dunno , im sure those serial numbers were scratched off the list though. Im very curious about the ciggie butts as from early on the forum was told these were lost so how a british newspaper can tell us they are being tested now is quite a revelation , to me anyway.
Greetings, Ive been reading for some time now , i wasn't sure about joining in but this i had to ask. I thought the cigarette butts were lost ? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2021246/DB-Cooper-lived-30-years-200-000-plane-hijacking-1971.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Investigators are now trying to match DNA evidence left on Raleigh brand cigarette butts the perpetrator smoked on board the commandeered plane with that of the dead suspect. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2021246/DB-Cooper-lived-30-years-200-000-plane-hijacking-1971.html#ixzz1U1ER7LmC