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Everything posted by arfuller

  1. Good bye Marla. Good bye and good riddance. I hope you enjoyed discussing your checkered past. I thought you were coming here to discuss the DB Cooper case. I was a sure book sell before. I'll have to think about it now. Maybe I'll spend the money on Gray's book instead. The Money Connection
  2. When I saw the report on ABC news I was really excited about some new information in the case, and the FBI's claims of the most credible person they had interviewed. It was after that I joined Dropzone. If the slur that this sjsmith says is true, then it really casts some doubt on her and her whole story, but doesn't necessarily prove it's false. Blevins and B. Smith as well as many of the people here have their pet theories to defend, and I can't see where either one of them are very strong. As far as Marla goes, can the FBI be so easily fooled? All these assertions about polygraphs, and closing the case, Is the FBI really a bunch of Keystone cops? When Marla came to dropzone I thought she expected to answer some questions. That was quick. The Money Connection
  3. We don't. We won't. We never really can unless something really amazing happens. Same thing with pretty much everybody's stories, but especially those coming from anonymous folks on the interwebs. Anybody could create an account, make up a name and claim anything -- and they do. Who is "sjsmith"? What is that person's motivations for coming here and telling us this story? To discredit "Marla"? Why? To what end? Is Marla out of this thread? Will she be allowed to post here anymore? The Money Connection
  4. How do we know that any of this is true? The Money Connection
  5. Perhaps this will ultimately explain everyone's theories. Maybe everybody with all of their disparate theories are correct in their own universe -- just not this one. The problem with that is I'm not the size of an atom. I only live in one world where there was a DB Cooper hijacking. The Money Connection
  6. Is she gone? Have we run her off already? The Money Connection
  7. Marla, Welcome. I'm one of the newer members here. I joined back in August when I saw you on ABC. Of course many of the members here are not receptive to your stories because they've followed the crime for years and have there minds made up as to just who did the crime. I've been interested in the crime since it happened, but I think most of the theories presented as to who DB was are pretty weak. Apparently the FBI feels that way too. The FBI seems to have a positive outlook on your story. I think Blevins raises some valid questions about LD's condition that thanksgiving, his treatment and the attitude of the rest of the family about that. Do you remember anything about that? Sorry if that's already been addressed. I'm a slow typer. Also I was wondering if you ever saw your uncles experimenting with flares. Do you remember them checking airline schedules before the hijacking? Did they spend nights away from home hunting, or drinking or whatever. What I'm getting at is did they spend time where they could have been planning the crime? I realize this was 40 years ago. That's a long time to remember, and you were only 8 and possibly not aware of this info. Thanks again. Another thing, do you remember just when they left to go hunting? Was it the same day of the hijacking, or earlier? The Money Connection
  8. Part of Marla's story that smells kinda fishy is the comic book part. How did LD get Dan Cooper comics, or tintin, or whatever they were back in Oregon? Possibly he would have been first drawn to them because of the Cooper name. Maybe somebody noticed the name similarity and gave him one. Comic book subscriptions have been around since 1922. Could he have subscribed after he was first introduced to the book? The Money Connection
  9. I thought it was a great article Mr. Blevins. I enjoyed it as much as the Bruce Smith article, which I enjoyed a lot. Great work. The Money Connection
  10. How can she be guilty, or is it innocent? The Money Connection
  11. Just the same, eyewitness testimony and circumstantial evidence are used to convict people everyday, rightly or wrongly. The Money Connection
  12. It is my father. It was taken in March of 1971 by the FBI during surveillance. He disappeared in September 1971 and has not been heard from since. He was a career criminal and has Federal warrants for his arrest for counterfeiting charges out of Wisconsin and Minnesota. As far as I know, there is no relation to Dan Cooper. That would take evidence. Not speculation. Okay. Sorry for your loss. From the picture I thought you were trying to imply that he was Cooper. What draws you to this forum anyway? BTW, you may not know this, but witness testimony plays a big part in a lot of cases. Marla claims to be a witness to certain things. Are repressed memories out of the question? Repressed memories have played a part in a lot of child abuse cases. The Money Connection
  13. Who's picture is that you use for an avatar, and what is his relation to DB Cooper? The Money Connection
  14. I note that Blevins has endeared himself to Marla and she has given him the affectionate name of "chicken shit". The Money Connection
  15. In addition to the timeframe they left the family home , why would they bring a duck blind to a hi-jacking? From Bruce's article and his interview with the police officer, Arden Dorney: It sounds like they were planning to go hunting. Someone please explain to me the relevancy of when they left Sisters, and when they bought the ticket. I don't think Marla has said when they left Sisters, she's simply said they left and said they were going hunting didn't she? I don't think she said when. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm guessing the information is probably known about when he bought the ticket. I would assume he bought it when he went to the airport. I don't understand why these questions are important. People seem to dismiss the credit given by the FBI to Marla. Doesn't that carry some weight? As far as Marla's family is concerned, that's what Bruce Smith's article is about. I think it's a pretty good article. The relevancy of a time-frame of events IS important. Can someone be in two places at the same time? Many innocent people use timelines of events as an alibi for a crime they are accused of committing. The driving distance from Sisters to Portland takes 2 hours and 38 minutes. This is assuming that stops were not made along the way; the weather in the mountains did not hamper their progress; or packing a duck blind in a two seater Austin Healy slowed them down. So this line of questioning is relevant to setting up a time-line of events. When did they leave the home to go turkey hunting? Was it the day of the hi-jacking, was it the evening before? Was it three hours before? Why did they pack a duck blind to hi-jack a plane? The following mental image gave me a laugh. Picture if you will: Dewey is driving the two-seater Austin Healy and L.D. is hanging on to the duck blind. The wind catches the blind and rips L.D. out of the passenger seat at 55 MPH (being conservative here). L.D. hits the pavement hard. OUCH. The injuries sustained by launching yourself out of a vehicle at 55 MPH are consistent with Marla's recollections and could have been a result of scraping the pavement or hitting the ground. I still don't understand what this has to do with Marla's story. She doesn't say when they left as far as I know. She may not remember very well. I can speculate as well. They may have set up camp under the pre-arranged drop site a day or two ahead of time. Camping equipment would be consistent with the idea they were going overnight to spend the time hunting turkeys. He purchased the ticket when he went to the airport. However, I don't see where speculation, yours or mine, has much to do with checking the truthfulness of Marla's story. The Money Connection
  16. In addition to the timeframe they left the family home , why would they bring a duck blind to a hi-jacking? From Bruce's article and his interview with the police officer, Arden Dorney: It sounds like they were planning to go hunting. Someone please explain to me the relevancy of when they left Sisters, and when they bought the ticket. I don't think Marla has said when they left Sisters, she's simply said they left and said they were going hunting didn't she? I don't think she said when. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm guessing the information is probably known about when he bought the ticket. I would assume he bought it when he went to the airport. I don't understand why these questions are important. People seem to dismiss the credit given by the FBI to Marla. Doesn't that carry some weight? As far as Marla's family is concerned, that's what Bruce Smith's article is about. I think it's a pretty good article. The Money Connection
  17. ...................nah everything is fine this go 'round.................................please proceed with caution................... Thank you for your patience. The Money Connection
  18. At the risk of infuriating the class clown, here is a link to an interview where Marla says it was her uncle and not her mother that told her to stop crying and go get her dad. (Aug. 3) The Money Connection
  19. LD was a paratrooper!? That's pretty startling information. The thing I might take exception with is the part about Marla's mom telling her to stop crying and go get her dad. The stories I read in August said it was Dewie who told her to stop crying and go get her dad. The Money Connection
  20. What is the rest of the thread doing? I think it's informative? Where do the wild conspiracy theories fit in, in the above classifications? They get filed in that internet file right next to Big Foot.
  21. It's nice to see some open mindedness. The Money Connection
  22. It isnt. Blevins is FOS. Read this thread! Blevins is a self-appointed "legend in his own mind". Yeah, well... I'm feeling generous and will give the guy the benefit of the doubt, for now. The Money Connection
  23. That's very interesting, if it's accurate. Marla does look at dropzone. She could have been influenced either consciously or subconsciously by the things written here. She could of been looking here because she honestly thinks her uncle is the hijacker, or she could be looking for information for her book. In all this we have the problem of the quotes reported by the media that the FBI thinks she is the most credible person they've interviewed in the case. If she's making all these wild statements about polygraphs and the FBI closing the case, then why haven't they said anything? Maybe she's promised them a cut of the book sales (wild conspiracy theory). Or maybe they are ready to close the case and they just don't care. All they've said is that the case is still open. The Money Connection
  24. What is the rest of the thread doing? I think it's informative? Where do the wild conspiracy theories fit in, in the above classifications? They get filed in that internet file right next to Big Foot.
  25. The questions get harder from that point. That was one of the easy ones, I said. I gave her a couple of days to consider her decision. Article was scheduled to come out this morning, but I'm holding off until Wednesday to give her a chance to respond. It sounds like you and Bruce are really going to give us a critical evaluation of Marla and her story. I can't wait, even though I've been sorta a Marla fan. The Money Connection