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Everything posted by marcumac

  1. We jumped on a Sunday, were scheduled at 9AM and arrived 10 minutes early. We filled out all of the necessary paperwork, watched the video, and paid our fees at the front desk. The morning had already started off with a weather delay due to some low hanging clouds, so we were pushed back a bit right off the bat (nothing that could have been helped). Several groups went, and after awhile our group's names started showing up on the scheduled flights board (6 of us, total). I think at some point in time, a few loads boarded before us and bumped us back in line, they may have been single jumpers though, and as we were tandem, we were supposed to let them go first if I remember correctly. Our jump time finally came after more cloud delays, and we boarded the plane at roughly 2PM. We were tired, nervous, excited, and just about every other emotion a human could experience. Due to them being backed up from the delays, our instructors were landing, jogging over to us, putting on another parachute and boarding the plane yet again in a matter of minutes, so I felt as if we did not get to go over the process and receive good instructions on what we were to do. This may have been out of their control, as it was weather related and they were busy, but it was a little bit unsettling watching them jog to and from the hangar, sometimes forgetting items, or even putting their parachutes on as they were boarding the plane. It also would have been nice to be told what was going to happen and what we needed to do before we got on the plane, it being so loud. Once we boarded, however, everyone was at ease. The instructors spoke to us, asked questions, made sure we were OK, took pictures and video, laughed, etc. The jump itself was simply amazing, hard to put into words, and it was far beyond my expectations. The pictures and video I received were second to none, and the experience the instructors and videographers both have really shines through in your moment of doubt. I was incredibly nervous, terrified, even, but thanks to Start Skydiving's expertise and moral support, I overcame and had a really, really good time.