Thanks for taking the time to write this, I'm 100% brand new to all of this and have spent the past 2 months reading as much as I can just to figure out how to even get started in all of this. What you've taken the time to write here has probably helped me the most out of all the countless .pdf files I've searched out and read to date. I wish there was a write up like this for all the questions I've had and still will as I continue to learn where to even start from in all of this. I almost skipped over reading this when I noticed it was dated from 2008, thinking too much has probably changed in that time for the info to be current, but I see now in the way it was written the info is fairly timeless.
I do have a couple questions on your article maybe someone can answer:
1) Are the materials I should be considering that you have listed, Balloon Zero-P, Parapak and Sail still the standard, or has any of this changed since this was written in 2008? Has one come out since this time to stand out as significantly better?
2) You touch on a lot of body size and weight but the information written mostly as only large or small seems relative to a point of perception? In other words, a person who is 5'2" and 110lbs everyone will seem large to them. I'm for example 6'2" and run between 185-200lbs depending on the day of the week. Should I pay more attention to this in my selection or is it rather irrelevant?
3) Lastly, what is the expected service life of a suit, 5 jumps, 100 jumps, etc...? I ask because I do have an eventual goal of BASE jumping the suit I buy and the thinking is I'd prefer spending my time learning in the same suit I'd be using to eventually BASE in. If a suit is only good for say 5 jumps before they are no longer considered safe for use then I may as well instead start learning in a suit that will be more suited for learning while still jumping from a plane. If that makes sense? I don't have a lot of money, so I'd like to make sure what I do have to spend is spent as wisely and effectively as I can, by avoiding rebuying as much as possible.