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Everything posted by Juz

  1. B and P for me We found the B really solid and a good start to transition to many randoms: example - to go from a B launch to an F, the centres just let go of the leg grips, reach forward and join - done We then used P for the more strung out or longer formations. Juz
  2. If you are looking at the UK drop me a PM and I'll hook you up with a pal that does a lot of CRW here. Juz
  3. My TSE Viper has a tuck-tab, my Jav does not. Both work fine for me. Juz
  4. So............ I was the guy walking. I saw Rich a little way out and stopped walking expecting him to pass in front of me, but the curving path of the swoop meant we would be in the same space. In reality there was never any risk as we had both seen each other and I could easily have dropped to the ground or stepped backwards. What happened was a bit of 'eye to eye' and a bit of a 'game of chicken' before he popped up and I ducked down. For the peeps getting bent out of shape and calling me a dumbass - Get over yourself guys, it really was an amusement rather than a danger. Juz
  5. Seville Definitely!!! About 20 of us going for the 3rd year in a row. Juz
  6. Is the phantom secured with the press stud only, or is there velcro too? Go on Ben, get it sorted, get Chris and Noel to approve then I can copy you hehe Juz
  7. I currently have 180 jumps but will be in Elsinore for the next 2 weeks so expect to return to the UK with well over the 200. Whilst I realise that I still can't jump with camera until I have CCI approval, I am researching ideas in case I decide on something that is significantly cheaper to buy whilst I am in the USA. As for no cutaway, that is going to be a No-No for most UK CCIs (if not all), so I am also trying to find out if a cutaway can be implemented (for Phantom and Oxygn) that acts on the cord that tightens around the back of the neck. Juz
  8. Great post. I'd be really interested in peoples replies too. Juz
  9. I drive an Evo Viii and love it! It's a fab drive and can always put a smile on my face. I particulalry like playing with 'fast cars' like 911s etc as you often see real shock on the drivers faces when they struggle to keep up. Would like to test drive an Evo X but cannot afford one and don't want to put massive temptation in my midst. Juz
  10. Personally 6-7 is comfy for me if I am packing for myself. 8-10 if I have a packer. But money is also very much a deciding factor for me as is ensuring i enjoy each jump. When I was at the DZ this year team training, plenty of teams were doing 15+ in a day, but you could really see the exhaustion setting in after 10 or 11. I'm off to Elsinore in Oct and expect to do 6 per day and probably pack 4 out of those 6. I think this should mean I get the most enjoyment out of the 2 week holiday. Juz
  11. Hi all, My girlfriend and I are hitting Elsinore in October, looking to arrive at the tail end of Chicks Rock and staying for 2 weeks. If anyone is about to show us the ropes, fancies a few fun jumps, beers (obviously) or is available for FF coaching, please let us know!! Staying at the Casino too, bring on the hot tub! Cheers Juz
  12. Hi, I started last October just after my 40th birthday. My girlfriend started at the same time, she was 49. Age is no barrier. As for the fear, yeah, I was a little scared, it's natural and in fact, now that I have 140 jumps, I think if I didn't have the occasional butterfly, I'd think I was too complacent. Give it a go. Juz
  13. Apologies. My post was not directed at anyone specifically, just hit reply at the bottom. Sorry Juz
  14. http://www.medicine.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/booth/risk/sports.html I cannot access the USPA stuff so cannot comment on accuracy/validity. Juz
  15. To be honest, I don't really see why I want to wear a FF helmet matters, I asked about how to keep it 'unfogged', not for a critique on my kit choice. What's next, someone telling me that my Bevsuit is crap (it's not, it's fab and I love it), that I need a digital alti rather than my analogue or that my Spectre190 only has 7 cells (oh no!!! Really!). But, I don't want to appear ungrateful, so, I want to wear a FF helmet because I suffer really badly from wind burn and chapped lips after a days jumping. By the end of the weekend it can get quite painful even with the use of chap stick and moisturiser. Thanks for the tips that talk to my original question though. Blue Skies Juz
  16. Hi All, Did my first jumps with a full face this weekend (2nd hand Oxygn) and liked it a lot, very comfy. It did fog up badly though (as did the different FF helmets on the other jumpers) which made for some 'amusing' docking. A Forum search brings back 'catcrap' but I can only see it from ebay US currently, anyone know of a UK supply? I was also going to try motobike antifog - is there any reason I shouldn't? Lastly, any other products worth looking at? Cheers Juz
  17. Well, we're a few months on so I thought it might be worth updating this thread for any UK newbies out there or those thinking about AFF. As you have seen earlier, I came back to the UK with 25 logged jumps thinking I want to carry on, but what's next? Firstly, I found my nearest DZ and pitched up, got the DZ brief and started jumping there over the winter, and this is where TIP 1 comes into play - Even if the weather is crap, get yourself to the DZ. You definitely wont jump sat at home, but you might get a weather break and lift, so get across there. Also, if you're on a weather hold, talk to those around you, be enthusiastic (without overcooking it). It was good going regularly as you got to build a relationship with the DZ team and your face known. A short while later, at about 40 jumps (right time for me, but could be earlier for most I suspect) I thought hard about what I wanted from jumping and decided that 4-way was right for me, so started trying to secure coaching and also got some tunnel time in - TIP 2 Tunnel is a great training tool, even if it looks expensive, get the right coach (Sparky Scott for 4-way every time!) and just do it. I thought that it was unfortunate when I really struggled to get coaching at my home DZ, but looking further afield and getting used to a second DZ was in fact no bad thing TIP 3 is that I now have 2 different DZ options, often with differing weather forecasts, improving my chances of jumping. I was put with some very generous and highly skilled coaches and progressed though my FS1 nicely. TIP 4 is an obvious one, the coaches may be getting their jumps paid for, but it's not necessarily 'fun' for them, so make sure you thank them and get the beers in at the end of the day! .............................. and that pretty much takes me up to now! Next steps for me? Well, firstly I want to strengthen my 4-ways skills and definitely need to do some more work on exits, so I guess I need to put my name down for scrambles. After that, well, I need to find a team to take me on. Any tips on how best to find a team would be gratefully received! Juz
  18. I have been diving for years, most of which has been Deep, mixed gas, CCR Wreck diving in the UK. I have now sold most of my deep kit to fund my jump habit. Juz
  19. Right, so that's me back home in the UK, having completed AFF (no retakes) and having a total of 25 jumps logged. Hated the first jump, I mean really hated it, if I hadn't paid for the entire course up front, reckon I would have ended it there. Lvl 2 was ok, as was 3 (although I had a big attack of the jitters during the lift). Was ok with 4 and 5 as had done some tunnel work and found turns easy. Liked 6 and 7 as the solo exit made it easier for me. Spent the first few consol jumps being quite nervous in the plane, but then found I'd really started to enjoy the exits. Think it's fair to say I'm hooked!!! Thanks to Scotty, Joe and Damien (instructors), thanks to Tony for a coached jump, thanks to Martin, Mahnaz and Ali for advice/support and thanks to Elsinore!! Juz
  20. Many thanks Everyone, looks like I need to get my Butt to a DZ and just try on a bunch. Thanks Juz
  21. Hi Folks, Which goggles would you recommend for use over eye glasses, and perhaps why? Cheers Juz
  22. Thanks for that. Well, I've got 13 days at the DZ if I need it, so hopefully we'll be ok to complete all 8 levels and the consols. Juz
  23. Thanks Mama. Do I need to pray to the weather gods then? I assumed it would be better chances than the UK!!! Juz
  24. Hi All, My name is Juz and I live west of London UK. Booked to do my AFF at Elsinore next month and obviously am really looking forward to it. Hope to be pretty active (I know, all the newbies say that and half of them drop out once their mid-life crisis has ended or they have had a scare), so please excuse any dumbass questions you see from me - at least for a while anyways. Juz