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Everything posted by jumpy

  1. lol!! That's pretty damn good!..
  2. Correct. They have a corporate image for "wholesome" entertainment without a lot of sex, violence or one-sided political overtones. They have a right to maintain that image as they see fit. If they don't want to be associated with Michael Moore's production, that's their right. Except it wasn't Disney who were to directly distribute Michael Moore's film but Miramax, a subdivision of Disney. Now would you describe films such as: Pulp Fiction Scream Scary Movie 2 Kill Bill Vol. 1 Kill Bill Vol. 2 As "wholesome" entertainment? I'm not knocking these films, I'm just mentioning them as examples of high level violence and drug use distributed by Miramax. (source of film titles: http://www.imdb.com/List?distributors=miramax&&substrings=on)
  3. I don't agree.. the author of this thread has voiced no opinions on the matter at all.. Seems the only opinions being voiced are by those who want it moved....
  4. Gotta love that rule Don't let anyone tell ya you owe more then one case.. damn been nazi's!
  5. dunno about those tapes in particular but apparently all tapes are made by the same people.. just different packaging... think they were either made by TDK or Panasonic......
  6. freaky oldschool fun!! I still have my snes but thats about as oldschool as i have.. many many an hour spent clocking yoshies island ohh and super mario all stars! ahh good times.. good times
  7. Alright well i'm in Year 12 this year (last year of high school in Australia) and I'm thinking of taking a year off next year to travel since I really don't have any idea what I wanna do at Uni. I was hoping for the destination idea's since alot of people here seem to be rather well travelled. So be greatest place you've ever been to? Places you didn't enjoy particularly? Thanks
  8. I don't have an answer for you but i think you might end up having to contact seperate licensing organisations in each country... Australian Parachute Federation website is www.apf.asn.au.. if you contact them i'm sure they'll be more then willing to help
  9. hmm that's a bit over the top..... make sure you only buy beer to an extent my friend.... rule is if you do two first (or more) in the one jump then you only owe one case.. Don't be intimidated by the beer nazi's who in my experience rarely buy beer themselves cos they've had there beer buying time lol
  10. First of all I'm sorry about your wifes injury.. Nobody has answered this question as the circumstances of the accident have not been clearly explained... Do not release the model etc of the equipment if you do not wish to do so but a step by step explanation of the accident would be greatly appreciated and aid in answering your question...
  11. Yes.. Yes you do. Expecting that a student can know how to join a landing pattern and judge their flare point on there first jump is a ridiculous expectation. Even if they have completed several tandems those are distinctly different canopies, loaded very differently, of which they do not have direct control over. It could even be dangerous if the student flare's to high, stalling the canopy and droping straight down.......
  12. My thought exactly... I don't think it would be a great idea to rearend any type of car with an ocupant going by the name of Billy Bob and the tattoo 'I love fish and chips' on his forehead.
  13. Tequila is the shit! Always makes for a good night!!!!
  14. I'd do a real intentional... but not as in packing a mal.. as in cutting away a good main.. where you wear the second reserve.... Packing a mal on purpose sounds like bad karma to me...
  15. definetely worth it!!! I own it.. a mad movie!
  16. could we get a scan of this?... i only get skydiving magazine not parachutist...
  17. Best beat up i ever saw... Our dz had two main buildings.. social building.. packing shed.. small hanger... big hanger Now we were all drinking beer infront of the social shed.. plane buzzed a few feet off of the powerlines.. past us at around eye level.. then inbetween the packing shed and the main hanger then behind the hanger so we couldn't see it anymore then climbing again over the runway. Hard to explain but it was fuckin mad.. wish i had video
  18. Unfortunately ditto.... But then again i know we don't have a right to talkback..
  19. hi ahhh i'm getting the same message... and i can't see why i'd be banned since i rarely post in the talkback forum.. more read... A PM would be greatly appreciated....
  20. personaly i'd go with the amonia or sulfur ideas but... then you'd have to try to explain why it smells like amonia or sulfur....
  21. is picture5 for real????
  22. Been drunk many a time Only smoked when drunk.. I suppose i can understand why some people smoke.. Only tried pot a coupla times.. and yeah thats it. Can't see myself doing anything else on the list other then E...
  23. jumpy

    New game

    And now i'm hooked! 433.83
  24. jumpy

    New game

    Sorry but... 416.47
  25. The forehand knot does indeed look like absolute crap! Anyone i know tries to wear there tie like that i make em take it off and re-do it! And amen to all that!