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Everything posted by jumpy

  1. 1 (number of times i got my A license ):1 (DAMN the wind!) :1 (number of slabs of beer bought for finally getting my A license Yep thats right i finally got my A license now all i need is a rig and then i really am able to jump all by myself
  2. I hope so! I've never even been in a tunnel and it looks like a bit of fun for an afternoon i guess but i think i'd still rather the real deal. Most people don't do it to 'turn points' its for the rush and i can't see me getting an enormous rush from a tunnel. (hmm does anyone even know of any tunnels in Australia?) hmm i just had another thought as well...this persons had 200 hours in the tunnel but WITHOUT a rig so the body possition etc would be different...not really different i guess but your movement would be more constricted. It would probably only feel different for a while granted and would most likely be easily overcum just another thought i had.
  3. isn't that a freebag?....
  4. lol..yeah that sounds just like one of us aussies
  5. jumpy


    yeah i have dreams alll the time...and then when i wake up in the worning the first thing i do is look out the window and go hmm what a nice day for jumping..lol In my dreams i can do all of the way call freeflying moves like on freefly video's..itss maddd...lol
  6. You run out the door and while doing so muttering "ohh shit ohh shit ohh shit ohh shit..ohhhhhhh shitttttttt"
  7. 1 (number of times i went up in the plane and ended up in a big pile of shit otherwise known as a cloud and since i'm still technicly a student came down with the plane ) : 0 : 0 But all I have to do is my canopy handing jump next weekend and then i have my A license
  8. lol...when they say "sureee you can have a free jump!" its always a good idea to ask wear from
  9. I think there no longer whuffo's when they buy us beer! lol I don't think someone is a 'skydiver' when they do a tandem and the first couple of AFF jumps as well is a little bit off i think cos you got 2 dudes hanging onto you but i guess your a skydiver when you can exit the plane by yourself. Thats what i see it as.
  10. ahahahah! thats classic!
  11. sorry completely off the topic but i'm only 16 at the moment but am thinking of joining the australian air force after some travel when i finish school. I love flying and all that but i'm not really obsessed with ohh thats a hornet..it has blah blah kilo's of thrust etc etc....would this be kinda miss fitting in the air force? just wondering...thanks
  12. jumpy


    ahahahahaha! thats classic! you got anymore dude?
  13. 200-300 packs in a day?? IF thats possible just say you did 250 packs in one day thats $1250 at $5 a pack in hand now thats money!!
  14. yep understand the theory just tryna be a smartass and crack a joke
  15. ahahahahaha...a stopwatch..how reliable! "how high are we??? exactly 28 seconds"..lol
  16. Australia is the coolest place in the world my friend lol (not that i've seen much on the world so far )
  17. hate the farm animals! they always have such lazy tracks expecting you to do all the work lol
  18. *puts up hand* i'm an aussie...based at commandos skydivers in Pakenham, Melbourne
  19. damn that'd be sweet...i've heard about jumpers doing that...they climb out to the tip of the wing and then jump...tips the whole thing upside down and them off..lol
  20. i'm still a student in oz and at my dz the student rigs are ripcord and springloaded pilot chutes with an FXC on the main... the number of times the things fired it would be highly infeasable to put it one the reserve cos of how long it takes to repack and not being able to be packed straight away. i've been told that with an AAD you get 2 chances...2 fires and at the least i suspect they would keep you on student status for a little longer
  21. aren't there any dz's in Korea?
  22. jumpy

    the matrix

    Triple X looks mad! Can't wait to see it....saw the preview a while ago and i said to my friend...wow!! that looks mad and then they started laughing at me..lol ahh well...its still cool
  23. well done dude...night jumps look sweet..can't wait to do some someday
  24. Only got 22 jumps so far and have been tought to check every 3 seconds...from 10 k and pulling at 3 k that'd be quite alot..but ahh well..its always nice to know